
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, August 22, 2022

The Sneaky Things You Can Do If You Do Not Believe In God

 Well for starters, if you are also an immoral and sneaky person, you can be a real wolf in sheep's clothing.  

(Disclaimer : Not to be misconstrued that all people who do not believe in god are immoral and sneaky. Simply because there are many definitions and understandings of what a god is which most certainly are contradictory across all 'beliefs in god'. Some people say that their idea of god has hands and feet and that he (its a male) sits on a chair. Other versions of god say that god had quite human kids who got hungry all the time and had to eat and drink. Some say their god is everywhere. Others say their god is not everywhere - he (again a male) avoids some places. So its a choice - who or what is god.)

Regardless, if you dont believe in any god or all gods, you can go into any temple, church or place of worship of any religion and take part in their rites and rituals. It will not matter to you because you do not believe in any god. It is all the same to you. You can pretend.

You can go to a mosque and pray without performing any ablution. Because you do not believe in any god.  You can just walk in off the street and join the congregation. Again just pretend.

You can place your right hand on any book be it the Bible, the Ghita, the Quran, Aesop's Fables or  Hans Christian Andersen and pretend to swear to tell the truth about something. Because you do not believe in god. To you all these books are just paper with words printed on them. 

So for a disbeliever in god living amongst many who do believe in god, the options are many.  You can pretend. You can be a wolf wearing sheep's clothing.

 The famous 'wolf in sheep's clothing'

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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