
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 14, 2022

YOURSAY | Hands off citizens' personal lives, please


YOURSAY | ‘We should be more concerned about endemic corruption instead.’

Stop supporting LGBT 'conversion' programmes, rights groups tell govt

Vijay47: “The report, which was prepared by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Justice for Sisters, asserts that government officials have fostered a hostile climate for LGBT people, who face discrimination and punishment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.”

How true is the effect of brainwashing and indoctrination on the weak-minded and gullible. Just to mention two classic instances:

Countless years ago, Malaysia was the host of the SEA Games and during the Opening Day marchpast at the stadium, all the participating teams received our traditional welcoming applause.

But when it came to Singapore, a sizeable portion of the crowd booed, the only nation to receive such hostile treatment.

What caused this? For weeks before the Games, for reasons perhaps unrelated to sports, our national statesman, then Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, had embarked on almost incessant attacks on our neighbours, faulting them for everything occurring anywhere.

And his lemming-like followers gave voice to his sentiments by being rude to the visitors.

And the second instance? What we see today every day. Against all dictates of common sense and basic intelligence, we have crowds who simply cannot see anything illegal or dishonourable in the deeds of their Bossku (former premier Najib Abdul Razak).

Of course, generous handouts also help the cause.

The attacks against the LGBT community are similarly organised and whipped up by extremist leaders. For them, LGBT, Bon Odori, and Oktoberfest are all threats to the country.

MarioT: I would like to tell these righteous people of religion and their followers that you can perhaps rehabilitate, convert, counsel and drill into the minds of drug addicts to give up their destructive habits.

However, the same cannot be done to the LBGT community because their sexual identity is already fully defined at birth and not acquired after birth like drug addiction or other habits.

It is entirely not their fault for their mixed and confused orientation and if any blame is to be made, then it has to be directed at the creator.

Let us show sympathy and understanding, not isolation and discrimination.

Libra: Society had always stupidly attacked what it doesn't understand and what it fears.

LGBT exist from the beginning – it’s nature’s secret and yet, some humans are so ignorant. And what right do they have to correct what has been done just because it does not fit their belief system?

Govt confirms ban hammer falls on Thor over 'LGBT elements'

Quigonbond: It is not unexpected for politicians to take the easy way out to ban ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ as both explicit and implicit LGBT content generally cause uneasiness because Malaysia is still largely a culturally conservative nation across all races and religions.

The concern really lies in when we do have LGBT citizens within our population - how do we treat them?

Are they not deserving of basic human rights and be treated with respect and dignity? Are they not sons or daughters of otherwise perfectly "normal" families? Do they deserve persecution?

I don't think I have read, heard or seen any governmental officials of any import in recent times setting out the scientific premise of how Malaysia sees LGBT.

Is it a biological condition? Is it just a behavioural issue? The scientific outcome would result in a very different "social engineering" approach.

The Truth is Out There: In this time and age, there will always be "LGBT elements" in movies and shows.

The proper term to use today should be "LGBTQIA" (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, [questioning], intersex, asexual, and [agender]). Even this definition is moving forward with passing time and only Malaysia is moving backwards (in all aspects of life).

Malaysian cinema operators, it is time for you to consider closing down permanently. With the rate we are going, the next to be banned will be online streaming content like Netflix, among others.

George Lourdesamy: What about the 40 percent of Malaysians who are non-Muslims and have no issues with LGBT persons? Stop this moral policing.

If it was effective, Malays/Muslims would not be so heavily represented in the sexual crime statistics.

No religion teaches hate and discrimination of minorities based on sexual preferences. The state should stop interfering in the private lives of our citizens.

Be more concerned about endemic corruption in our country that seems to have become "halal" under the guise of "rezeki".

Federal Bakery: This action to ban a movie, a movie for heaven’s sake, is a double strike on human rights.

First, it interferes with the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Federal Constitution. But worse than that, it interferes with the humanity of a section of our population.

These keepers of public morals need rehabilitation and psychiatric counselling to correct their thinking processes and their sexual insecurity.

They better meditate on these matters and their relationship with the god they worship so that they can be more god-fearing and humane. - Mkini

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