
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 24, 2022

So Eat More Kangkung-Belacanlah. Once In Government Rafizi's IQ Starts To Drop



I address this to those of you who have low IQs only. Those who support Pintu Belakang blindly, those of you who support Rafizi blindly and so on.

Firstly there is no explanation why that ECRL project now costs RM75 BILLION when people like Tricia Yeoh of IDEAS had actually taken a slant against the ECRL when the Muhyiddin Yassin government bumped up the price to RM50 Billion (in 2020-2021) from RM44 Billion (the Tun Daim price in 2019). Even the corrupted Najib only had it at RM60b - RM65b.


                                   Why are you keeping silent about the RM75 Billion ECRL? 
                                   Say something lah. When the egg is rotten it is rotten lah.


That RM81 billion was the worst case scenario planning. The best case, worst case, most likely case etc. The project never ever reached RM81 Billion. 

From RM44 Billion (Tun Daim) to RM55 Billion (Muhyiddin Yassin) was because of reverting the project to its original higher cost alignment.  

But here is the strangest part - the ECRL project has already been signed and sealed at RM50 Billion, construction has started long ago and the project is now 30% complete.

Just search Google Images for ECRL Project and you will see all these pictures and videos:

So why (or how?) renegotiate the already ongoing  ECRL project at RM75 Billion? Where did that extra RM25 Billion come from?

There is only one correct answer : by putting in variations. That means someone has added to the project scope. Increased the project size and hence increased the project cost. That is how you increase it from RM50 Billion to get RM75 Billion. 

Otherwise the RM75 Billion does not make sense. Even if the original projections were RM81 Billion, RM100 Billion or RM200 Billion it does not matter. The project was already signed at RM50 Billion and work has started and has already achieved 30% completion.

There is now a dedicated IPP for the ECRL project. It has been alleged that very, very VVVVVVVVIP lemon is also involved. The same lemon that picked the empty dish to be filled with pies. Satu untuk kau . . .

Today is exactly 31 days since the "reformers" took over. They are screwing up already - big time. 

Here is some history. Do you all recall these images from 2014 :     


"Najib's statement that people are not thankful even though the price of kangkung has gone down."

That was the stupid moron Najib (in 2014) who was basically telling people to eat kangkung to defeat the prices of other foods having gone up. People made so much fun of Najib - as you can see from the graphics above.
He was an idiot and as a result Najib was kicked out in 2018. And also sent to jail.

Now Rafizi Ramli is saying practically the same thing  - "If chicken is expensive then eat less chicken.'

Here is Permadu Malaysia blog:

Menteri Ekonomi pesan kurangkan makan ayam. Habis nak makan apa?

Permadu Malaysia


  • Menteri Ekonomi kata menangani inflasi perlu melibatkan semua pihak
  • Beliau kata pengguna turut menjadi sebab harga makanan meningkat 
  • Usaha kawal inflasi perlukan kerjasama ..sehinggalah kepada rakyat
  • ".. kita juga perlu (mengambil langkah) dari segi permintaan" katanya
  • "orang ramai terus membeli dan membayar pada harga lebih tinggi ...
  • "Ini sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada kenaikan harga makanan
  • "By right (sewajarnya) kalau harga ayam dah mahal sangat, kita patut kurangkan makan ayam. By right," katanya lagi
  • walaupun kenaikan harga, pengguna tetap membelinya pada jumlah yang sama


My Comments :

Hello brader, itu bukan by right lah. Itu adalah 'by wrong'. 

Your voters elected you to  make their lives better. To make their lives easier. What does that mean? It means they are hoping for the likes of you to be able to provide them good jobs. Not just food delivery motorcycle rider jobs but high skilled, good paying jobs so that they will have good incomes to buy more than one or two pieces of chicken for their children.

Your voters are hoping that you will make it easier for them to have good homes, to be able to buy good quality cars at affordable world market prices, to be able to buy good clothes for their children and to serve three square meals a day for their children and themselves.

The B40 are already eating nasi kicap. Go to Kampong Pandan (where you were the MP before) or Kampong Kerinchi  (now Bangsar South) and visit the rumah flat kos rendah, perumahan PPRT etc. The B40 Malays do not eat daging lembu or daging kambing (out of the question - it is RM70 per kilo, RM50 per kilo in Seremban).  Their kids share one or two pieces of fried chicken. 



Nasi kicap is plain white rice with some soy sauce added to give it some colour and taste.

Now there is also a huge migration of the population from the M40 group down to the B40 group. More people are joining the B40.  


Instead you are now blaming the people for not eating less chicken.   You are saying the people must eat less chicken.


Yes that statement   'By right (sewajarnya) kalau harga ayam dah mahal sangat, kita patut kurangkan makan ayam. By right," katanya lagi'    is a 'the glass is half empty' type statement.  

Now you are blaming the people for the high chicken prices. In 2014 when that moron "suggested"  people  eat kangkung you all rightly  condemned him as a a moron. You all made fun of him.

Now you are saying the same thing. How does that NOT make you a moron?

If that is the best that you can do, then please bring back Najib the Moron. Plus Najib's ECRL was only RM60 Billion - handbags included.  We could have saved RM15 Billion.

Some Pointers for Rafizi.

1. What is happening to the Mengurangkan Kos Sara Hidup vis a vis the tolls?  I will be visiting the toll roads soon. And I will keep reminding you again and again and again. The toll roads are a product of the Zaman Mahazalim dan Mahafiraun. Do something about the tolls. Otherwise you will be equally Mahazalim and Mahafiraun.

2. What is happening to the sky high car prices? Here is Rafizi from 2013 about the sky high motor vehicle prices :

Harga kereta tinggi : Rafizi Ramli cuba 'sekolahkan' Tan Sri Muhyiddin pada 2013.


I will be revisiting this matter of the sky high car prices again and again as long as you do not deliver what you yourself were bitching about from 2013. 

The question for Rafizi Ramli is 'If you were so against the sky high motor vehicle prices in 2013 then how come now in government you are NOT AGAINST the same sky high motor vehicle prices?' If you are going to cut the import taxes, duties, levies, surcharges, APs etc then say so quickly and do it quickly. 

3.  Back to food prices. The price of terung (brinjal) is RM10 per kg today in Seremban. (We live 750 meters from the Negeri border). That is very expensive. What does Rafizi suggest - eat less brinjals?

No. The easier solution is help the producers grow and market more brinjals. More fruits and more vegetables. Only then the prices of food will be more affordable. 

Find out what are the problems preventing the food growers from producing more food. The only way to break monopolies and oligopolies is to level the playing field (or expand the agricultural fields) and help more farmers produce more food.

4. Increase the availability of substitute products.

Food is also a substitute product. If you ate fish today then you will not be eating chicken. Or beef or kambing or pork.  Usually one type of meat is a substitute for the other.

Here is where there is opportunity with less effort and less expenditure by the government to reduce the price of food in the country. Try to reduce the prices of higher end meats like lamb, mutton and beef. And also pork. 

Mutton is between RM50 per kg (Seremban) and RM70 per kg (KL). Beef is RM40 per kg or higher. 

What is Rafizi doing about the meat cartel that has been operating in the country for about 40 years (I am merely referring the old news reports from the Zaman Mahazalim dan Mahafiraun)?

  • (Err before I forget, since Rafizi says he is against the chicken "monopoly" (its an oligopoly lah) what is Rafizi doing about the rice import monopoly? 
  • The rice monopoly fellow has agreed to pay RM60 million and he gets to keep his rice monopoly. Hello Rafizi, exactly which economics textbook teaches you that it is a good thing for 33 million consumers in Malaysia to tolerate one fellow to "buy" a rice monopoly for RM60 million ?
  • The difference between the chicken oligopoly and the rice monopoly is that the chicken oligopoly DOES NOT PREVENT anyone else from becoming a chicken farmer.  If you have RM2.0 million you can set up a decent sized chicken farm. There is nothing to stop you.
  • But that rice monopoly is specially licensed by the government - which is now under the control of Rafizi Ramli and his boss.  
  • So your government licensed rice monopoly is ok. But a 'no barrier to entry' chicken market is NOT OK?)

Going back to the meat business, get rid of that meat cartel. Let anyone and everyone import whatever meat they want. Give the local kambing producers (tanpa mengira agama, bahasa, bangsa)  assistance and encouragement to raise more kambing, lembu etc and bring it to market.

If you can help to reduce meat prices (kambing, lembu, pork) by even 10% there will be a cascading effect. Meat is a substitute product. The price of meat all across the board will go down. If kambing prices go down, then more people will buy kambing, less of beef. As a result beef prices will also be pushed down.  Then more people will buy beef (since the price went down) and less of say chicken. So ultimately chicken prices will also be pushed down. And so on and on. It will be a cascading effect.  Ultimately the market will settle down to a new balance - at lower prices.

The trick is to help the food producers produce more of everything. That is the role of government. 

To make things easier for the people, make things easier for the food producers.

To make food more affordable for the people, make food production cheaper for the food producers.

 The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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