
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Anwar, the best leader there is


Malaysiakini reported that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has “zero tolerance” for those who incite racial and religious intolerance against others.

Kudos to Anwar for clearly standing up to the troublemakers and safeguarding the peace of the nation.

Culpable politicians and their cronies hope when there is a civil disorder, the spotlight will not be on them and their hidden but now-revealed crimes.

When politicians resort to blatant lying and spin to topple a government, they are no longer acting as politicians engaged in the legitimate activities of a democracy.

By lying, their actions are criminal and morally odious.

Planned subversion and conspired sabotage of the incumbent government is not even playing politics but plain sedition and a treasonous act - a shameful show of disregard for king and country.

Conspiracy culminated on May 13, 1969. The country's first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman was ousted by plotters.

Before he died, the Tunku named one of the conspirators who is still creating controversy today.

Since Tunku's “political demise”, Malaysia has not seen a leader like him, someone who appealed to the broad cross-section of Malaysians of all races.

Today, Anwar fits Tunku's shoes as the contemporary leader for all.

Tunku Abdul Rahman

As I have written before, and I reiterate, Anwar is not perfect, after all, who is, but Anwar is the most viable politician to lead Malaysia. There is no alternative to Anwar for now.

In the old days, the provocateurs would have been caught in Dr Mahathir Mohamad's infamous Internal Security Act (ISA) dragnet. Would that include the man himself today?

Mahathir likes to stir the raw sewerage of race but only soils himself. His ceaseless incontinence of race-baiting only coats his words with an awful stench.

Anwar's leadership will only be rock solid if all Malaysians demonstrate confidence in him along with the coalition MPs.

They have to openly show they are on his page in combating racial and religious bigotry. Then it is Anwar for all and all for Anwar.

The provocateurs tell lies against those in government who are working hard to rebuild the nation. They criticise the government when they should remove the proverbial plank from their eye.

They talk as if they know better, forgetting their failed track record. Some can't even manage their own political backyard.

M’sia too progressive for narrow-mindedness

The poorest Malaysians come from the states under their control. They are proven flops, dark clouds that bring no rain, empty gongs and vindictive criminals fearing the Damocles sword of accountability.

The race card those troublemakers play has failed. Intelligent and discerning Malaysians know no one race is trying or able to entirely dominate others and still hope to progress as a nation.

Malaysia is too diverse – too broad for narrow ideas, and is successful and very dynamic.

The extremists, which now include rejected politicians, corrupt and charged politicians, heretics, bigots and their crooked cronies can only hawk an “agenda of madness”.

They prey on the more impressionable Malaysians and misguide them on religion, race, corruption and even women's dress code.

They use race as the cause but in truth, they are exploiting race to further their own vested interests that include corruption among their political leaders.

It is the tip of the menacing iceberg. The proof is in their obscene wealth, dirty and stolen money amassed while in public office.

If these rabble-rousers were true to their race, why are the masses under their care still languish after 60 years of their rule while leaders and their families live in luxury?

Why aren't they attacking their own evidently “enriched” leaders in their backyards?

Rich politicians and urban and rural poor are the unmistakable proof of a country's mismanagement under the care of the corrupt.

It’s logical to surmise only someone corrupt would follow a corrupt politician - unless they are duped and turned into the proverbial fool.

Why are they constantly crying wolf when their race has full control of the country's throttle of power over everything?

Has the “Father of lies”, the devil, taken over their minds? Who will deliver them from their psychosis?

Anwar is the man of the hour to stymie the evil agenda of the political miscreants. Remove the mocker and there will be peace.

They stole the people's money, bribe others to mislead their blind followers and then blame the government and those from other races for causing the problems created by their own corrupt leaders.

They twist the truth of lawful prosecution into political persecution. They undermine the rule of law.

An old master race card holder who was clearly rejected in GE15 is still trumpeting race and inciting hatred.

This bitter sour grape, like a marauding and menacing warlord, nearly destroyed the nation but be sure it is God's will to remove him and elevate Anwar.

It is God who mocks the mocker whose scorning and snide statements boomerang back at him. Still the recalcitrant are deluded, do not recant and defy the government and reject God's will.

The religious cards are stacked against all the genuine and much-appreciated decent politicians and public-spirited youth in the country. Young people organising innocuous inter-faith activities are demonised.

Hannah Yeoh, a minister, is one of the country's most admired woman politicians and is unfairly scandalised, along with some others.

They are falsely accused of trying to evangelise others. Today, this once novice politician has become a huge asset to inter-racial Malaysia - doing her job the best she can.

Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh (centre)

Why would she want to evangelise anyone in her public role? Where is the proof? That's unadulterated slander.

Slander is a sin in any religion yet those dishonest people have the chutzpah to unashamedly raise and wave their religious flag in your face, and shout in the name of God, who hates their sinful ways.

Naturally, many right-thinking members of their community deride their divisive acts, what Anwar slams as " madness".

They sin against God by making death threats against film producers who are innocent of the lies levelled at them.

No one is trying to make anyone leave their religion, least of all the film, but the perpetrators of hate and slander don't care. They will lie and lie and mislead the gullible like cunning and manipulative religious cult leaders.

Psychologists warn us that people are inclined to believe the lie than the truth. The incumbent government does well to stamp out all false rumour-mongering and nip pervasive lying in the bud before it takes root in the country like corruption.

Malaysia has never been a great nation. Hence, no one has said let's make Malaysia great again. That would be an act of shameless audacity.

But let Anwar lead Malaysia along the path less travelled in recent past decades as a peaceful and progressive nation.

Malaysia once was the world's touted model of a peaceful and progressive diverse nation. Let Malaysia shine again as the paradigm nation of peace and prosperity - the original multiracial country.

Malaysia has many talents, many untapped. In fact, no leader has yet been able to develop the diverse Malaysian talents into a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.

Stamp out the lies and make truth the cornerstone of the nation. Without truth, there is only misperception, misrepresentation, lawlessness, anarchy and ultimate chaos.

Let Anwar and the government lead in truth - that the truth may exalt the nation. - Mkini

Steve Oh stopped writing for Malaysiakini after the regime change. But the truth under constant attack warrants public comment.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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