
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 10, 2023

Pemikiran Serupa "Thousand Year Reich" Adolph Hitler Plus Madani "government’s policies are intellectually bankrupt"


  • 'Rafizi’s comments indicate Madani govt’s policies intellectually bankrupt'
  • 'If this is really the case, then Malaysia didn’t really need a new government after all'.


Here is something from Uncle Adolph :

We will talk more about Adolph Hitler later.

Here is Prof Murray Hunter's latest on  (click here) Rafizi’s comments indicates that unity government’s policies are intellectually bankrupt"

and then some thoughts on Adolph Hitlers Thousand Year Reich type thinking. 

First Murray Hunter (edited, truncated):


Searching for good economic policies

Rafizi’s comments indicate unity govt’s policies intellectually bankrupt
Murray Hunter - Mar 10

Rafizi said continue same policy lines as Mustapa Mohamed 
Let’s us hope this is without the NEP.
If this is really the case, then M'sia didn’t really need a new govt after all.

(OSTB : Ha ha ha. Good one Prof.)

in 2005, Thaksin called best economists to advise Thai govt
They called in Harvard professor Michael Porter
Thais successfully developed automobile cluster, One Tambun One Product
Rafizi should be thinking ‘out of the box’, and out of the vending machines as well. 

(OSTB : Rafizi should be thinking OutSyed The Box as well. 

ALL THESE POLITICAL PARTIES AND THE GOVERNMENTS THEY LED - BN, UMNO, BERSATU, PKR, PN, PAS - will not listen to economists or any scientific and logical thinking.  They listen only to ketuanan. 

For example I have seen a detailed, economic research paper (I am sure there is more than one) which detailed the detrimental effects of the government created and government granted rice import monopoly on the entire paddy and rice industry in Malaysia. The planting of rice, harvest and milling of rice, distribution of rice and import of rice have all gone haywire simply because of this rice import monopoly. This rice monopoly was created about 52 years ago  in 1971 under the UMNO/BN ketuanan policies. Yet it has evolved, changed name, corporatised, privatised and prevailed until today - for 52 YEARS - even under the Madani gomen.  The intellectually bankrupt Rafizi and the intellectually bankrupt Madani gomen are not going to change this policy. Period.)

PH politicians should develop ideas, quickly convert into good policy
Unfortunately PH is without passionate visions Rakyat is waiting for

Think tanks, consultants have jumped into the vacuum
vested interests, crony consultants, husband wife teams take on policy role
Policy has become ad hoc and all over the place in Putra Jaya.

Malaysia Madani - no hard and implementable policies

ministry of economy will not eradicate poverty nor strengthen economy
They will only enrich consultants and contractors

Malaysia needs paradigm shift 
like Thaksin did with Thaksinomics in 2001. 
Malaysia is waiting.

My Comments :

Well Malaysia can wait until the cows come home.  It is not going to happen.

I think it was 2013, I was 53 years old. The 1MDB issue was really heating up. I was working closely with Dr Mahathir at that time to oust that Najib fellow. Before that we had spent about three difficult years (2006-2009) getting rid of Abdullah Badawi. 

In 2013 I recall telling Dr Mahathir something like this, 'Sir this time after we get rid of this fellow (Najib) we really must change all the policies that have gone wrong over these past years. We cannot be meeting like this (and throwing out these fellows) every five years. In five more years I will be 58 and I dont see myself doing this again and again.'

Well here we are again. I am now 63 years old. But, truth be told and no less to the  credit and hard work of some good people (yours truly included) the political landscape of the country has changed completely. The country is now in a better position to begin the process of self-healing. There is an "auto-correct" system in place now. Meaning this Madani gomen too will be kicked out. 

As Murray Hunter says the Madani "government’s policies are intellectually bankrupt".

Lets get back to Adolph Hitler. Adolph Hitler did dream up the idea of the "Thousand Year Third Reich". Reich means empire. Adolph Hitler dreamed of creating a 1000 year old German empire. Hitler's idea of the "third reich" was in relation to the "first" reich of the Emperor Charlemagne (9th century AD) and the 'second reich'  under the Kaiser Wilhelm in the 19th century. 

So Hitler set about creating 1,000 year policies. Big mistake. Eugenics, racial screening, racial segregation, conquering other peoples' countries, Deutschland Uber Alles (Germany Over All Others) were some of Hitler's biggest blunders. Plus Operation Barbarossa - the attack against the Russian bear and the nail in the Nazi coffin.

Hitler really believed that his Reich would last a 1000 years. Meaning he would have all the time in the world to fashion a new Germany. But the Nazis only lasted 11 years - from 1934 to 1945.

A similar line of thinking also happened in Malaysia since 1955. In 1955 the Alliance (the old name for the Barisan Nasional)  won the first Federal elections. Then from 1957 until 2018 the Alliance aka Barisan Nasional won every general election and was able to form the government. That was 63 years. That was 52 years longer than Adolph Hitler's Third Reich. And now including Dr M 2.0, Muhyiddin, Sabri and Madani it is actually 68 years of the same people in power and the same policies being in place.There is no change.

And they made policies as though they would remain in power for 1,000 years. 

When Tun Razak commissioned and implemented the education reports drafted by himself (1956) and the Rahman Talib Report (1960) he was putting solid nails into the coffin of our education system. 

Despite the country having the choice of going to the polls every FIVE years Tun Razak and co were confident that they would be returned to power. So they made very long term plans which have obviously screwed up the country's long term future.

Indeed 10 years later in 1970 Tun Razak was still in power. So in 1970 he crafted the New Economic Policy which was given a further 20 year lifespan - until 1990. What did this mean? It meant that Tun Razak and UMNO were absolutely confident that they would be in power for another 20 years.  

And this too became true. By 1990 Dr Mahathir realised that the New Economic Policy had failed. So he extended it by another 10 years - as the "second" OPP or Outline Perspective Plan from 1990 till 2000.

What did this mean? It meant that Dr M and UMNO were confident that they would still remain in power at least until 2000.

Come 2000 and the New Economic Policy aka OPP continuously failed to achieve its targets. This time Dr Mahathir had a brilliant idea - give it a new name Vision 2020 and extend it by another 20 years until 2020. 

Again what did this mean? It meant that Dr M and UMNO were confident that they would still be in power for another 20 years.  So they had these grandiose and kuda liar type of plans going 10 years, 20 years and 50 years into the future. 

They thought they would always remain in power and they had all the time in the world to craft their failed policies. 

Come 2018 UMNO/BN was finally kicked out, only to be replaced by Dr Mahathir again. And Dr M 2.0 immediately set about planning the third national car and the Axis of Failing Countries (Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia). Same failed and unworkable ideas being given new life - one more time.

Now we have the Madani fellow in charge. Madani is NOT a 21st century idea at all. Those of you below 40 years of age may not recall 'masyarakat madani'.  He started selling his "masyarakat Madani" idea since the mid 1990s or earlier.   This is an old idea.

For example here is a paper published in 1997, written by my old friend Prof Dato Dr Osman Bakar which articulates the concept:


So these folks still think in generational terms - meaning they think they will be holding power for generations to implement their ideas. Which was true until 2018. But not anymore.

We have had FIVE prime ministers in the past five years. And there is no guarantee that the Madani gomen will last even one more year.

What we need are proven, reliable, practical, real and workable policies. Policies which other countries and other societies have already implemented and achieved great success. If you want to follow Finland's education system then how can you have 11 periods of religious classes per week? Which Finland are you referring to? Or are you just lying to the people? 

Can Donald Trump, Joseph Biden or Rishi Sunak stand up and declare 'I want to craft an implement a 20 year Outline Perspective Plan beginning this year until 2043'?

They will laugh at them before kicking them out. In the USA the president has ONLY FOUR YEARS to prove that he can do the job of president.  Every four years the Americans go for elections again and the president can get kicked out. 

This means their presidents only have FOUR years to make and implement good policies.

This is what our boys here do not seem to understand too well. 
Time is NOT on your side anymore. 
Time is never on anyone's side. 
You dont have 10 years, 20 years or 50 years to screw up the country again. 
You only have FIVE years or less to screw things up.  
After five years (or maybe BEFORE that)  you can get kicked out of power.  
The people got fed up after 50 years that the New Economic Policy had failed.
Then after that it took only 22 months for the people to get fed up with Dr M 2.0.
After that it took about 17 months for the people to get fed up with Muhyiddin. 
After that just about 12 months for the people to get fed up with Ismail Sabri.

So do you honestly think that the people are going to wait another five years, 10 years or 20 years to find out that Madani too is not going anywhere?

Dont believe me? 

Then please read again what Murray Hunter says above : "the unity government’s policies are intellectually bankrupt".

Never bet on the horse races. But if you insist on betting, make sure you bet on the winning horse. The problem is all the horses are lame.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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