
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 19, 2023

RUU355 won’t gain swing Malay votes, unity coalition told


RUU355 refers to an amendment bill that seeks to increase the powers of the shariah courts to impose criminal penalties.

PETALING JAYA: A proposal to increase criminal penalties at shariah courts through a bill known as RUU355 will not help the ruling coalition win more Malay votes in the upcoming state elections, according to political analysts..

RUU355 refers to proposed amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act which were tabled in the Dewan Rakyat in 2017 but lapsed after the house was adjourned.

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) lecturer Azmil Tayeb said that while the loose coalition that makes up the unity government may think it can bolster its Islamic image by “playing the same game” as PAS, it will not go very far.

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“The government coalition is gravely mistaken if it thinks that Malay voters will choose them in the upcoming state polls because of the proposed tabling of RUU355,” he said.

“Malay voters who choose parties based on their Islamic identity will always choose PAS because it is seen as more authentic and honest in fighting for Islamic interests.”

Oh Ei Sun of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs said the Anwar Ibrahim administration may be looking to “polish” its religious credentials by putting RUU355 on the agenda.

However, he said the government is likely to be given a “wake-up call” on the night the state election results are announced as it is simply “no match for PAS’ stellar religious status”.

He said the calls by PAS for a theocratic state ultimately had found “increasing receptiveness among a large segment of the voters”.

Earlier this week, religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar said the RUU355 amendment bill will be brought to the Cabinet for a final decision.

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Na’im said his ministry is preparing a Cabinet paper. The bill aims to increase the jurisdiction of the shariah courts and punishments meted out for shariah criminal offences.

The bill was to be tabled in October but lapsed when Parliament was dissolved.

Another political analyst, Azmi Hassan of Akademi Nusantara, said parties in the government coalition may fare better in the state elections if the non-Malay backbenchers gave 100% support for the bill.

“It would be a positive development (to the Malay voters) in terms of protecting Islam as the religion and their interests,” he said.

He added that the perception that PAS is better at protecting Islam could then be dispelled since the unity government would be showing that they are championing the same causes.

With the opposition accusing the government of not caring about Islam, Azmi said non-Malay backbenchers are unlikely to object to the bill.

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“I think it will also be good for DAP as it would demonstrate that the party can be very flexible and understanding,” he said. - FMT

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