
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

YOURSAY | Should Anwar take up Dr M’s dare?

YOURSAY | ’Surely government has enough evidence to expose Mahathir’s transgressions.’

Mahathir demands PM prove 'amass wealth' claims

apanama is back: Anwar, this is the right opportunity given by Mahathir to you to nail him, his family and his three sons. While all of us knew about the accumulation of the assets by Mahathir, Anwar should know where to find the evidence.

Report to MACC and Inland Revenue Board. These two agencies need to investigate Mahathir thoroughly. Mahathir is thinking that Anwar may not take him up on his challenge.

It will be game over to Mahathir since Anwar knows all about Mahathir and this is what Mahathir fears most.

Mazilamani: This challenge may be what Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has been waiting for some time, and I am sure the litany of corruption and illegal wealth accumulation charges will be delivered to Mahathir promptly.

What Mahathir fails to see is that his family members and cronies will also be coming under similar charges. It is going to be nasty for some people. Surely the government have enough evidence to expose the looting by Mahathir.

Once exposed, it would be interesting to see how Mahathir explains the charges. We are all waiting to see the looted money returned to Malaysia and its people. If righteousness is in Mahathir's corner, why hesitate to sue the prime minister?

Siva1967: I think (and I do believe what I think matters or not) Mahathir should prove Anwar wrong and declare his assets and the assets of his children and maybe even grandchildren the source of their wealth.

If I am accused, and I have nothing to hide, I will volunteer to open my books and let all see what I have earned all these years.

Especially the period I was in public office. If what I have built is legitimate and earned without any hand-polishing or side deals, I have nothing to worry about since I have nothing to hide.

I would do all this instead of asking someone who has no access to my books to come up with the proof. Yes, granted Anwar was the one who accused him. So, did every other Malaysian, who at some point in time doubted the source of Mahathir and his children’s wealth.

Proarte: If Anwar's claims are not true, and amount to slander as Mahathir claims, why doesn't Mahathir institute a civil suit against Anwar? If he does not, then it indicates Mahathir is afraid and lends weight to what Anwar has said.

His sons at some point have documented Forbes as having hundreds of millions and even billions of ringgit. How does one explain such incredible wealth? Hard work and dedication? Or “daddy kasi” (given by daddy)?

BlueFish0451: If someone accused me of stealing his stuff, I would open my house for him to see for himself that I do not have his stuff hidden at home. This is because clearing my name is so important especially when I have nothing to hide.

Unlike some people who spend every day telling others to prove this and that when his family of billionaires is already an open secret. Mahathir just needs to show where the money came from.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Mahathir is smart. All his tracks are well-covered. The only one who knows where the hooks and plugs are placed is Anwar. Mahathir fears him the most.

Mahathir, in his final years, wants to be a martyr. If any investigation is opened, he will become a martyr for “fighting and defending” Malay rights.

Anyone who opens an investigation into Mahathir will look bad and that will be the end of their political careers. Quite a conundrum.

Nuyiko: Don't fall into the trap, former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad is applying the same tactic he used against successors Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Najib Abdul Razak and Muhyiddin Yassin by saying things that will provoke a reaction.

When all three would fall as a result of his constant relentless attacks.

Mahathir is doing it for the same reason former health minister Khairy Jamaluddin is now working as a DJ. It is to remain in the spotlight and news.

They will only remain relevant as long as the media report about them and people react to their words.

Mahathir’s tactics work because they attracted media attention and comments from the public. The amount of attention he gets to everything he says is too big to be ignored.

To counter this tactic, stop talking about him, and stop reacting to his words as if it is relevant. When you stop reacting, news on him gets fewer clicks and fewer comments, which makes him less newsworthy.

The media will move on to other subjects and people are more newsworthy.

Just look at former Tanjong Karang MP Noh Omar, former Ketereh MP Annuar Musa and former Pasir Salak MP Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, these ex-Umno warlords became irrelevant now because nobody cared what they said and the media no longer covers them.

As a reader, you have the power to do the same thing to Mahathir by ignoring what he says. After all, he was already rejected by voters, why revive his political career by paying attention to what he says as if it still mattered?

Leave him to history. - Mkini

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