
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

A mischievous attempt to mislead the people


From P Ramasamy

It is ridiculous to compare the “loss” of Malay land in Penang to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

PAS’ manipulation of race and religion in anticipation of the coming state election is mind-boggling to say the least.

Apart from the various accusations and allegations against DAP or the unity government, this time around, the Islamic party has brought to fore the loss of Malay land to non-Malays in Penang over the years.

It compared the situation of the Malays in Penang to the sad plight of the Palestinians who had lost their land to the Israeli occupation forces.

However, while PAS is quick on the draw when it comes to race and religion, its performance is pathetic when it comes to the presentation of systematic evidence.

It is argued by the party that in 2010, the Malays only had 28% of land share in Penang.

Whether such a share was confined to the island or mainland or both is not clear. I would think that the reference was made to the island part of Penang.

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However, a Universiti Sains Malaysia study in 2008 said the Malay share of the land was slightly above 20%.

If this is so, then PAS must be happy that the land ownership of the Malays is on the rise, that the ownership share had gone up by 8% within two years.

I am wondering why PAS is relying on land figures 13 years ago without updating the current nature of land ownership.

It is not clear what is meant by land ownership of the Malays. Does it refer to individual private ownership or land held in trust by government agencies?

PAS should not engage in empty talk, it must come up with the latest figures about the Malay share of land ownership in Penang, both on the island and mainland.

On too many occasions, in making scurrilous allegations without presenting evidence, PAS has been let off easily.

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It can repeat half-truths and lies simply because it gets away with them without being subjected to rigorous inquiry.

If people are not well informed, PAS, by repeating lies, often might turn them into “truth”.

Land ownership in Penang is a complex matter. Ownership by Malays might straddle from individual private ownership, trusts and wakaf (endowments).

As the state election is fast approaching, people should be braced in seeing other preposterous allegations from PAS.

As somebody said, equating the loss of Palestinian land to the Israelis with the loss of Malay land in Penang is great disservice to the former.

The territory of Palestine is occupied by the Israeli forces, it is not so much loss of land, but occupation of the worst kind.

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In fact, under conditions of military occupation, there is no such thing as the sanctity of land ownership by the Palestinians.

Maybe there is shrinkage of Malay and non-Malay private lands due to urbanisation and commercialisation.

However, to give the impression that Malay land is being systematically swallowed up by non-Malays or the state is a mischievous racist attempt. - FMT

P Ramasamy is Penang deputy chief minister II.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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