
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, June 3, 2023

Invisible Ships Or Ghost Ships? The Mary Celeste Sighted Off Lumut ?

 X-man projects fierce anti-corruption theatrics 

especially if ambassadors, international press in attendance


"Billionaires were created overnight from the grand theft of public assets. Real entrepreneurs sweat to steer sustainable commercial enterprises. The undeserving on whom national monopolies were plonked attended meetings, carried files, played golf and added mistresses.  As statutory bodies and “privatized” national assets failed spectacularly, they were bailed out. Banks were told not to press loan repayments. Taxpayers are routinely fleeced by their government for failed social engineering."

"A Malay civil service is committed to the Malay Agenda and processes the paperwork swiftly to facilitate. The mafia of political elites have their agents and enforcers wherever there is money to be hijacked in the system."


The following is a must read article by Cyril Pereira. The link to the full article is provided below.

The story of the Mary Celeste is at the bottom.


Please click here.


  • X-man promised to root out corruption 
  • Where does X-man fit into the new Malaysia? 
  • X-man's rhetoric and harsh reality drift further apart by the day
  • X-man projects fierce anti-corruption theatrics 
  • especially if ambassadors, international press in attendance
  • X-man approved RM11.2b to revive LCS -pay more for less- 5 instead of 6 ships
  • government contracted six (LCS) costing RM9b 
  • paid Boustead RM6b without any being delivered
  • None of the hijacked funds have been recovered. 
  • No minister or senior bureaucrat has yet been carpeted.
  • Activists upset X-man redacted sensitive details of PAC investigation under OSA
Incestuous web of crooks
MACC studiously avoided investigating masterminds behind the scam. 
No ministers or sec-gens of defense or being investigated. 
central player Loading Docks Gungadin
Same cabal strikes twice
same corrupt cabal from Scorpene fiasco is in LCS scandal
Ultra rich grow fat fast
global ultra-rich population shrank from 602,553 in 2021 to 579,625 in 2022
Malaysia’s ultra-rich grew from 659 in 2021 to 721 in 2022
Political patronage, ethnic privilege, feudalism accepted by the majority 

Cyril Pereira former publisher of Asia Magazine, resides in Hong Kong since 1985


My Comments :

I have mentioned the Mary Celeste in a post dated May 12, 2016 (seven years ago). The Mary Celeste was a famous "ghost ship".



A 'ghost ship' was and still is a true phenomenon. It is a ship that is found adrift in the oceans with no human beings on board. It does not mean they are being crewed by ghosts. For certain logical reasons (mutiny, piracy, natural disaster) their crews disappeared and the ships sailed on.

The Mary Celeste

One of the most famous 'ghost ships' was the brig the Mary Celeste aka Marie Celeste (formerly the Amazon) a 270 ton brigantine that was found sailing by herself in the mid-Atlantic (800 miles from Gibraltar) without any crew or passengers onboard in 1872.

Although she was salvaged and sailed again there were 'reports' of seeing the original 'ghost ship' Mary Celeste sailing the oceans by herself as late as the early 20th century.  

Oh well. The LCS have become ghost ships of sorts. We contracted RM9.0 billion for six of them but the ships never materialised. They are still ghosts.  Now we are going to pay another RM11.2 billion but for only FIVE LCS ships. Well the Ringgit has crashed more. Steel prices have also gone up. 

Who is the middle man? Who is the commission agent? There must be middlemen and commission agents.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT

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