
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, June 22, 2023


 So what does the new map of Malaysia look like? Hello DG Jabatan Ukur Dan Pemetaan Malaysia sila jawab? Sekarang kawasan Ambalat sudah diserah kepada Indonesia. So can the DG of Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (this guy below here) please tell the Malaysian public, especially the people of Sabah, what is the new map of Malaysia?


Kau dah serah kawasan negara berdaulat kepada negara lain. So what is the new map of Malaysia? 

Saya dan family saya pernah snorkeling dan diving di Sipadan, Pulau Selingan, pulau ini dan pulau itu di Sabah. Saya takut nanti kalau tersilap diving, ditelan oleh submarine TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia). So what does the new map of Malaysia look like?


My Comments :  The Federal Constitution is crystal clear about this matter. Before they can

(b) alter the boundaries of any State
(b) mengubah sempadan mana-mana Negeri

they will require THREE LAYERS OF APPROVAL "

1. the approval of Parliament
2. approval of the State Legislature
3. approval of the Conference of Rulers

Soalan 1 : Did Parliament approve the surrender of Ambalat to Indonesia?

Soalan 2 : Did the Sabah State Legislature approve the surrender of Ambalat to Indonesia?     (Woi orang Sabah, lu orang tidur kah? Ini kawasan negeri awak lah.) 

Soalan 3 : Did the Conference of Rulers approve the surrender of Ambalat to Indonesia?


My Comments : 14 years ago, just FOUR WEEKS before he was kicked out from the prime minister's office (on April 2, 2009) Abdullah Badawi surrendered two huge oil exploration blocks to Brunei. Here is some old news:

'Surrender' of oil blocks to Brunei unconstitutional
By The Editor / TheEdge
03 May 2010

  • Badawi "surrender" two oil producing zones to Brunei unconstitutional
  • violated Article 2 of Federal Constitution
  • did federal govt get Sarawak approval 
  • Dr M accused Badawi of "surrendering" two oil blocks to Brunei


There were plenty of rumours at that time about why a prime minister would suddenly surrender Malaysia's sovereign territory (with about US$100 billion worth of potential oil and gas deposits) to Brunei? 

What did Malaysia get in return? What was the gain to the prime minister, who had about FOUR WEEKS left before he was getting kicked out of his job, to suddenly surrender Malaysia's oil and gas deposits to Brunei?

Until today these questions have not been answered - 

1. What did Malaysia benefit from surrendering those US$100 Billion oil blocks to Brunei?

2. What did Abdullah Badawi benefit from surrendering those US$100 Billion oil blocks to Brunei?

Now this fellow has surrendered the Ambalat oil block to Indonesia.

The same questions arise:

1. What did Malaysia benefit from surrendering the Ambalat oil blocks to Indonesia?

2. What did .  ... .. .

Other than Indonesia, the biggest beneficiaries of Malaysia surrendering the Ambalat oil fields to Indonesia will be the western oil companies.

For example Italy's ENI has long been involved in oil exploration in Ambalat: Please read this old news:



I dont know if Italy's ENI still has claims to concessions in Ambalat - considering the passage of time. 

Maybe Klaus Schwab and his oil tycoon friends at the World Economic Forum may know who is interested in the Ambalat oil fields.

Why do I say this? Because of this :


Among the members of the WEF's Oil and Gas Community include the following oil companies :  Abu Dhabi Oil, Chevron, Mitsui, Repsol, Aramco, Shell, Total and ENI.


                         Bapa Jokowi jumpa Klaus Schwab di World Economic Forum

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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