
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, June 9, 2023

US Washes Hands Off Ukraine

 Another example of the USA abandoning its allies is unfolding in Ukraine. Zelenskiye is being sacrificed, along with thousands of Ukrainians who have died unnecessary deaths so far.

In 1961 the US trained and sponsored Cuban mercenaries to attack and overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba. Only to abandon the mercenaries on the beach and in the jungles around the famous Bay of Pigs or Bahia el Cochino. Some say that president Kennedy was assassinated a year later as payback for abandoning about 1,100 Cuban mercenaries to a horrible fate in the jails and dungeons in Cuba. (They were repatriated to the US by 1965, I was five years old then).

More recently the US packed up in the middle of the night and abandoned Afghanistan after a 20 year occupation - leaving behind thousands of Afghans and others who they had nurtured as US allies.

They did the same in Vietnam in 1975. 

After the first Gulf War in 1991,  the US also abandoned the Kurds in Iraq to the vengeance of the Iraqi Army. The Americans would not return until 12 years later in 2003.

Now Ukraine is also being abandoned. The war in Ukraine is going very badly for the Ukraine and for the UK (the architects behind this war) and for the US and NATO. Not only is the much publicised Ukrainian counteroffensive not materialising but the Russians are crushing the frontlines under intense fire damage.

In the video below British PM Rishi Sunak is making a quick pitstop in Washington again, to make sure the US does not lose interest entirely and too quickly in the Ukraine.

Listen to Biden dragging his speech about Ukraine. Biden lets the cat out of the bag when he says, 'we want a permanent peace for Ukraine AFTER this war is over'. Meaning lets stop the war and then we negotiate something with Russia.

Rishi Sunak in turn not too subtly tells Biden 'you help us against Putin in Ukraine and we will help you against China in the Pacific'. (That AUKUS crap).

A country is being destroyed, peoples' lives are being destroyed and these folks are trading geo-political positions. You give me this, I will give you that.

I think that talk about Britain negotiating to return Diego Garcia to the Maldives is part of the bargaining chips (or threats) that Britain has over the US. The US has a huge navy and airbase on Diego Garcia Island (leased from Britain) while the Maldives are firmly inside China's One Belt One Road orbit.  Imagine the Chinese taking over the naval and airbase at Diego Garcia. 

No matter which side you are on over the Ukraine, the good news is that the hostilities maybe coming to an end soon. Lets hope so. 

 The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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