
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Christian conspiracy: What went wrong, who stands to benefit

Christian conspiracy: What went wrong, who stands to benefit

Politics is dirty, bringing out the lowest attributes of a person. Driven by the most ugly of human emotions - greed, politics does not discriminate. The rule of the game is to dominate your opponent by whatever means possible within your scope of authority. And for the BN, their jurisdiction is vast.

This is the game the government is playing now. A government desperate to reverse a public relations disaster.

The Christian Prime Minister debacle will go down in Malaysian history as the flops of the flops. The tipping point to which the Najib administration will never recover from.

Why? The citizens of Malaysia are refusing to be insulted by the political plays Najib and his administration are playing up.

Afraid to discipline UMNO’s mouth-piece Utusan Malaysia, the administration is instead trying to turn the public's attention to perceiving the un-substantiated news reports as having "some basis".

Lies are being used to cover lies.

Who gains

The Home Ministry’s vague statement that police will investigate the claim itself points to a move to divert public focus away from a lacklustre establishment, bring a measure of credibility to Utusan’s faulty reporting. And perhaps most important of all, to salvage Prime Minister Najib Razak's declining public image.

While the administration is fumbling all over themselves, who benefits from all these things? Who really benefits from all these domestic 'damage-controls' to salvage Najib Razak’s image?

Who benefits if Najib is seen as weak and uncapable leader?

Some say it is the opposition but the opposition is also the target behind the Utusan attack. In particular, the DAP is being targeted although the Christians are also being unfairly used as a 'hate object' for the Muslims so as to help the Umno elite curry Malay favor and pressure PAS into an unholy alliance.

Under attack, Anwar Ibrahim and his coalition cannot sit back and enjoy the drama unfold. Pakatan Rakyat is too busy watching out for the next bomb that Umno guerillas will hurl, even though the BN is now shooting itself in the foot.

Bear in mind, BN went all out to discredit Anwar Ibrahim in the eyes of public opinion, yet this is a double-edged sword. In stirring up all racial and religious issues, BN is in fact losing it’s own credibility in the eyes of public opinion.

And within Umno’s house, the person who seeks to benefit most from a Najib fumble would be his own deputy - Muhyiddin Yassin.

It was Muhyiddin Yassin who endorsed Utusan as the mouthpiece of the Malays. And in all the ruckus, Muhyiddin has been eloquently silent. He has allowed Najib to take the heat and counter all the bad-press.

Whenever a statement is unavoidable and has to be made, Muhyiddinn merely parrots what Najib Razak has already said. It is obvious, Muhyiddin wants it to be known, he is just toeing the boss's line. The boss knows best. And if all goes wrong, the boss is the one to blame.

It takes no genius to figure out how much the DPM stands to gain from Najib’s fall.

Apart from Muhyiddin, there many unseen hands working the behind the scenes, the most powerful of which must surely belong to the Mahathir Mohamad faction and the Abdullah Badawi faction.

The vicious cycle of Sabotage and Greed

Actually, all that was needed to calm the nerves of the nation was for Najib Razak to take firm action against Utusan, issue an apology to the Christian minority and engage the citizens of Malaysia.

His detachment from the realities affecting the nation is evident. And it is very telling. More than any other place, Najib should audit his 'advisers' first and foremost.

By now, it should be clear even through the fog of sycophancy that both he and his wife Rosmah Mansor are alleged to adore, something is very, very wrong in his own house.

As they sabotage and use cruellest betrayal to demoralize their opponents, they themselves may end up being betrayed by those they trust.

The people at the top executive level of Malaysia's administration are too 'strangely' detached from the people they administer. Rather than engaging and listening to the people, the administration has chosen to take a totalitarian stance.

But perhaps rather than obtuseness or betrayal, Najib's stance is deliberate after all. It is a form of politics driven by greed and pride.

Greedy to stay in power and too proud to apologise for dragging the nation through the muck of dirty, gutter politics never before witnessed in our nation’s history.

In politics all is fair game, where the ones who are the weakest are the people on whom the game is played. Yet as our leaders forget that humility is the core of humanity, they also omit that it the Meek who shall inherit the Earth. - Malaysia Chronicle

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