
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, May 15, 2011

racists rule....today !

Now this is certainly the most dubious statement coming from a Oxford grad !! (read here )

Does Khairy expect the morons in MIC or the lapdogs in MCA to fight for Malays ? Certainly not, right ? UMNO, pardon them for still continuing to use an English abbreviation, IS a Malay party and can only champion Malay issues, dumbo ! The day UMNO decides to fight for the rights of all races UMNO dies. Just like our current prime minister Najib's Utopian 1Malaysian "sendiwara", yes ? This country's ruling government is so clannish and communal that a representative of a certain race is expected to favour only his kind......otherwise he's as good as dead in the next general election, no ?

Hmmrrrph....so now you see why UMNO is so frightened and threatened by the new trend of young and thinking Malays who have shifted their preference to the wholesome appeals of parties like PAS and DAP or even PKR ? And we still have highly educated people like this infamous son-in-law of an ex-premier screaming for the "ketuanan Melayu" to score some "brownie" points with his own race. Wake up Khairy....and welcome to the era of change and anyone who claims to champions for their own ilk is most certainly a racist !

Get out of this damn way of thinking and start representing ALL or loose all respect your "other"voters have had for you during all those election"ceramas" where you lied and bullshitted through your teeth promising every race you'd fight to take care of their needs !

Don't you think so or are you too secretly a closet racist ??

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