
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, May 9, 2011

Where everybody miss the plot

Makin' your way in the world today Takes everything you've gotTaking a break from all your worries Sure would help a lotWouldn't you like to get away? All those nights when you've got no lights The check is in the mail And your little angel Hung the cat up by it's tail And your third fiance didn't show Sometimes you wanna go Where everybody miss the plot ...

That out of rhyme modification spoilt Cheers theme song and put a dead stop to a fine song.

By exactly the manner, the reactions to postings by Bigdog hereand Shamsul Yunos's My Anger here ended the message that there is an ongoing plot by DAP to misuse certain churches and Christian groups to do their campaigning and disseminate their racial divisive politics into the religous arena.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how one sees it, Bigdog and Shamsul shared a sensational information complete with photo of a dinner where Christian pastors were hurdled together holdings hands allegedly pledging to turn this country into a Christian nation and a Christian to be a Prime Minister one day.

Rocky Bru here gave their sensational title-poser "Making Christianity the official religion?" and "Agong under threat?" a link. It took on it's own direction from there.

In his impassioned style, Shamsul attempted to clarify himselfhere with the question (note it is all questions): "Who is making Christianity a scapegoat?" but to no avail.

Every other person was trying to be wise-guy Cliff Clavin, or being simplistic Norm Peterson but most were just space-out Coach or dumb Woody. [Read up on Cheers here.] Rais Yatim sounded more as though he was trying to get even with his response in Bernama here.

If anyone were to claim that the Christians did not attempt to be involved in politicking, Carla Totelli should bash their head with a beer mug.

Ask pourselves, where did all these interfaith issues like Lina Joy and the uprising of vocal groupings like MCCBHS demanding the formation of Interfaith Commission? Just like the case of Catholics magazine, The Herald requesting to publish in Malay and Bible in Malay, these are all indicative of Christian asserting themselves on the authority.

It is not just about some groups seeking on the authorities for some leeway to ease their way of life or practices, but it is more millitant and demanding to insist on their way as a right without consideration for the balancing act the authorities have to address with other conflicting groups.

Since Tun Dol's administration, such voices have been louder and more aggresive. They are coming out of the woodwork. Who is to deny they are not infiltrating and using other organisation and NGOs to do their pitching?

True as Raja Petra tries to tone down the heat here to say that it is not legally possible to change the status of Islam as the religion of the Federation and there is no stopping a Christian to be a Prime Minister.

But we are not totally blind by the attempt by some groups of lawyers and their movement called MyConsti to change the major make-up of the Constitution.

As one commentator in Bigdogdotcom by the name of Andak hereshared a chronology of event, there was a trend developing before what happened today:

30 Mei 2007 – Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim menyampaikan penghakiman menyebelahi MAIWP dalam kes Lina Joy. Beliau salah seorang antara 2 hakim Islam dalam panel 3 hakim. MAIWP memperolehi penghakiman 2-1 menyebelahinya.

19 September 2007 – Malaysiakini menyiarkan dakwaan bahawa peguam V.K. Lingam kononnya bersekongkol untuk menjadikan Tun Ahmad Fairuz sebagai Ketua Hakim Negara pada 2002.

26 September 2007 – The Malaysian Bar Council menyeru 2,000 peguam berarak di Putrajaya untuk meminta PM menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja bagi menyiasat dakwaan Malaysiakini.

21 Oktober 2007 – Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Murphy Pakiam, menghadiri Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri di kediaman Anwar Ibrahim sebagai tetamu khas.

1 November 2007 – Tun Ahmad Fairuz bersara.

25 Disember 2007 – Anwar Ibrahim dan isteri, Wan Azizah, menghadiri Rumah Terbuka Krismas anjuran CFM (Christian Federation of Malaysia) sebagai tetamu khas.

30 Januari 2008 – Anwar Ibrahim ditemuduga oleh 200 paderi dan aktivis Kristian dalam satu dialog tertutup bersempena PRU ke-12 anjuran CFM (Christian Federation of Malaysia) di Petaling Jaya. Anwar membenarkan penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ kepada Gereja.

13 Mac 2008 – Rev. Wong Kim Kong, Setiausaha Agung NECF (National Evangelical Christian Fellowship) Malaysia mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar yang mengarahkan para penganut Kristian agar berdoa untuk parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat iaitu PKR, DAP dan PAS “For harmonious working relations among the Barisan Rakyat parties – PKR, DAP and PAS”.

16 Mac 2008 – Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad, Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan & Pembangunan PAS serta Ahli Parlimen PAS Kuala Selangor, menziarahi Gereja St. Paul The Hermit di Ijok.

27 Mac 2008 – Ahli Parlimen PAS Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad, menziarahi Roman Catholic Church of the Divine Mercy di Shah Alam pada dan memberikan kebenaran kepada Gereja untuk menggunakan kalimah ‘Allah’.

21 April 2008 – Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Murphy Pakiam, memohon semakan kehakiman kepada Mahkamah Tinggi untuk mencabar keputusan Kerajaan Malaysia yang melarang penggunaan kalimah ‘Allah’ oleh Herald – The Catholic Weekly. Herald – The Catholic Weekly juga diterbitkan dalam bentuk laman web.
This shows there are Christian groups getting involved in politics. These groups begin to click when Christian activists in DAP in the likes of Theresa Kok, Hannah Yeoh, Janice Lee, Dato Ngeh Koo Ham and Nga Kor Meng reached out to them to help DAP during the Sibu by-election in May 2010.

Below are pictures of PAS dan DAP MPs together with DAP party workers distributing promoting a church event. Why would they if they are not involved?

Noticable in the pictures are MP for Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad, MP for Kota Raja Dr. Siti Mariah Mahmud, Saravanan Taileran, Aiman Athiran Al Jundi, MP for Seputeh, Teresa Kok, MP for Seputeh and Irene Cheng, DAP then candidate Wong Ho Leng’s wife.

Sibu's Foochow clan are mostly Christians and through the church network of Pastor Dato Ngeh Koo Ham, he arranged for DAP Sarawak to infiltrate certain church group, spicifically the Methodist Church.

Under the cloak of religous freedom, the divisive racial and religous prejudicial politics and slanders against their Barisan Nasional political opponents were dissiminate for DAP's political gains. This is disguised under their usual democratic, human rights and good governance rhetorics as front. [Read this anonymous but revealing The Unspinners posting dated May 4th 2010 here.]

Pastor Ngeh was in his elements as The Unspinners posted on May 11 2010 here. His "sermon" was not about seeking leeway from the authorities but clear criticism and seeking conflict on policies with inter-faith interest with the official religion of the country, Islam.

In the meanwhile, Theresa did her gig at The Sacred Hearts Cathederal.

During the last Sarawak election, the Malay Bible issue was made into an issue. Strangely, it is DAP and the Chinese that is screaming the loudest. In actual fact:

But, DAP Sarawak continue to persis and made it into an issue. The following banner is self explanatory:

These are the main points raised by Bigdog and Shamsul in their posting that as lost to sensationalism from various groups including the Malay Muslim groups.

Think of this.

Islamic administration in the country manages and administer the sermons in this country to ensure issues spoken by the Imam are not agitating the Muslim into an arms struggle or jihad revolution.

As the majority in this country, the Muslim are guided to be responsible and become peace loving people. Muslim is supposed to be part of the nation building process.

Other than Islam, the only other main religion in this country that have sermon as part of their ritual is Christianity. Is there an authority that administer and monitor to ensure sermon is line with the nation building process and no priests or pastor would agitate the congregation into another crusade?

Dato Hishamuddin is right to view the information raised by Bigdog and Shamsul from the security standpoint of view. Whether he actually act on it is another issue?

But nevertheless, multiethnic and multifaith Malaysia cannot take likely any attempt by any groupings to ignite an inter-ethnic or inter-faith clash. More so, when foreign pastors are getting involve in our domestic election.

The act of such irresponsible Christians gives a bad name to good christian like my Melanau Christian friend from Miri, Hilbert Montell. He said in his posting here that that is not the stance of common Christians who are aware and happy with the current arrangement.

Such pledge could have or could not have occurred but the adverserial and aggresive trend of Christian churches makes such alleged pledges belieavable.

-Another Brick in the Wall

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