
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Post Bersih Blues

For our government – BN ministers, that is.

Since thousands flooded the streets of KL on Jul 9, our ministers have all gone berserk, on a frenzied panic trip, pressing the emergency button with all fingers, foaming at the mouth! During the rally, the police force was on the loose, now post-Bersih, our ministers are on the loose, at least their tongues are:

1. Najib Razak tells the silent majority to stand and be counted. Haha. Hey that silent majority has taken a stand lah, when you were busy with your ETP, GTP, KTK @#$%^&*. But sadly, they have taken a stand on the side of Bersih!

Najib says Bersih wants to make it easier for Anwar Ibrahim to be PM. Another HAHAHA! It is you Najib and your silat wayang guys who would make it easier for the Opposition to reach Putrajaya with all your crazy antics, while cost of living and basic needs are choking the throats of even the middle classes!

Who’s your strategists, huh? Looks like they are not working for you lah but conniving with “the other side”.

2. Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein is so panicky he is probably wetting his pants (sorry to be so graphic but I can’t find other words to describe your level of fear and insecurity). It looks like it is more advisable that you actually stay at home.

You keep warning and issuing threats to everyone, especially the media for reporting on the police force’s brutality on that Saturday. Hey, in the days of Hang Tuah (which doesn’t exist now), threats and warning and even whipping can work lah. But now, in the internet world, it’s global, borderless…and only the truth matters. Not some cowards pretending or hoping to be DICKtators.

So listen up, do get yourself a good doctor and see to that health problems of yours.

3. Now Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai is squirming on his butt (not a very healthy thing to do!) until his true colors are showing when he told the public not to believe the videos and photographs of police brutality at Tung Shin hospital – just because he and the hospital board said there was no such thing.

Honestly, given all the circumstances – would we rather believe your words when you were not even at the scene of the crime (in any case, this would be considered heresay in court) or would we rather believe those ‘evidence’ which we can see with out own two eyes – corroborated some more with eye witnesses accounts?

4. MCA prez Dr. Chua Soi Lek – says he wants to bring 50,000 people to the demo in KL. Not so many Chinese went for the rally lah. Goodness, his press officer is on facebook lah, did he not tell SoiLek the truth??

But Najib too said he could bring 3 million people onto the street. Are you both having orgasms or what? Where are the numbers? Umno Youth who boasted all along brought only 300, and Perkasa/Ibrahim Ali – aiyoh! They ended up having a picnic in the park! Which actually isn’t so bad after all lah.

5. Finally, Toursim Minister Ng Yen Yen says Malaysia have lost like RM100,000 in tourism because of the rally – ceh, that’s isn’t so much lah compared to the RM1.8 bil she spent on FACEBOOK! She had to pay TV stations to get us ‘Malaysia Truly Asia’ on air. But the Bersih rally, with the help of the police and all government ministers – managed to get us on so many international networks and media without event having to pay a sen!!

Now YY, can you see the difference or not? Or do you still have an“optical illusion?

Malaysian politicans are DARN funny! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

- Susan Loone

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