
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 10, 2013

NGO goodwill evaporates as HM denies apology

The few minutes of goodwill over the 'canteen in shower room' saga quickly evaporated when it was learnt that the SK Seri Pristana principal had reportedly denied he had apologised for his part in the controversy.

NONEAt a press conference in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon, NGOs involved in the issue had stated their willingness to forgive the principal, Mohd Nasir Mohd Noor(right).

But that quickly changed to disbelief when news of his denial spread during the event.

According to Star Online, Mohd Nasir had said: “I never apologised to parents as I consider that the matter is already resolved."

This came midway through the press conference even as, ironically, World Tamilar Protection Body public relations officer R Sureshkumar was defending Mohd Nasir against calls for stern action.

NONE"We don't want other NGOs who have not been involved in this matter asking to transfer the headmaster," Sureshkumar(right in photo)said.

"We are not cruel. We accept the apology because people make mistakes."

But shortly afterwards, the group of NGO leaders were seen shaking their heads as the news report on the denial was received on their smartphones.

Malaysian Tamilan Today secretary K Gunasekaran, who was later bombarded with calls over the latest twist, said parents are confused.

NONE"We thought until just now (that) it was solved, but looking at the headmaster's response, it looks like this is going to drag on," he said.

"According to the parents, he (headmaster) did apologise yesterday and they were willing to forgive him."

Gunasekaran (left) said the ball is now in Selangor Education Department director Mahmud Karim's court as to how to resolve the issue.

Mahmud was said to have chaired the meeting between seven parents and the school yesterday, during which Mohd Nasir had purportedly issued the apology.

During the meeting, Gunsakeran said, the school had agreed to issue a memo to all parents that the issue had been resolved.

They were also told that an officer from the Selangor Education Department would be placed at the school to ensure no students are picked on, he said.

‘Withdraw police report’
Asked about the 18 police reports on the incident, Gunasekaran said the police had informed him that no action would be taken on those lodged by parents and NGOs.

NONEOn the police report which Mohd Nasir had lodged against parent V Kumancan (left in photo) for allegedly threatening him, Gunasekaran said there are indications that the case would be dropped.

"Kumancan was supposed to be charged yesterday, but he was not summoned to court. The police informed me they are still awaiting instructions from the deputy public prosecutor," he said.

Nonetheless, Gunasekaran said he hopes Mohd Nasir would take the initiative to withdraw his police report.

He said parents had hoped to resolve the tiff so that their children can remain in the school, also claiming that other parents have been looking at them "differently" since the incident.

"There are also financial considerations because transferring the children is costly, as the next nearest school is far away," he added.

NONEThere are only 25 non-Malay students in the school, one being Chinese Malaysian, two others Orang Asli and the rest, Indian Malaysian.

The parents of 10 students had taken up the issue, complaining that the children were made to eat in a washroom during Ramadan.

Three of the students have since opted to transfer to another school, citing bullying by peers and teachers after their parents highlighted the matter in the media.

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