
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Talk about what Anwar?

Anwar's call for talks with BN is to buy time so that he can cook up something else to make him remain relevant to Malaysians and to Pakatan.
The time elapsed from that first statement by Anwar Ibrahim about him quitting politics for the academia should he lose the 13th general election to the one where he said ‘Lets talk” to Najib Tun Razak, is just a matter of months.
You will have to decide on the veracity of Anwar’s words uttered in the past. You will have to ask yourself what you can and cannot believe when Anwar speaks today, and you will be the final arbitrator if there is any ‘udang sebalik batu’ (secret agenda) in Anwar’s recent ‘Lets talk’ olive branch extended to Najib.
The measure of any leader can be seen in the manner they hold fast to their convictions, adapt to the realities of prevailing circumstances and yet hold true to the principles they have enunciated from time to time.
For Anwar, what he has been saying before the elections, during the elections and after the elections have precluded any possibilities of working with Najib and Barisan Nasional.
Now, just three months after the elections, he decides that the time has come to sit and talk with Najib.
Talk about what Anwar?
Tell me Anwar, what are the issues you want to deliberate with Najib, and what comprehensive solution will you be proposing?
Take us with you as you go into discussions with Najib – that is if Najib does want to discuss anything with you!
Tell us what policies, what promises and which vision that Najib and Barisan Nasional have had for the future of Malaysia that you agree with, and what you do not agree with.
Tell us which of Barisan Nasional government policies will be supported by you because it is in the interest and common good of the people of Malaysia.
And having identified them, will you give your undertaking that you and your Pakatan Rakyat colleagues will work with Najib and the BN coalition he leads, to make these policies happen.
Would you and Najib agree to work together in creating jobs, increase incomes and combating corruption? Do you and Najib agree that the price of petrol should drop?
Show us Anwar by your actions and your deeds that nation building is your priority and that you, as leader of the opposition, will work with Najib – even if you are not offered a DPM’s post!
Anwar, let me call your bluff.
I say that all you are doing is posturing! All you want to get out of this “Let us talk” overture to BN is to buy time so that you can cook up something else to make you still relevant to the people of Malaysia and to Pakatan.
All roads lead to Umno
I put it to you that you are not sincere in wanting to have talks with Najib.
I put it to you that all you are doing is to see what you can get out of this for your own personal advantage – not for Pakatan’s advantage. Not for the advantage of those who voted for you. Not even for those within PKR.
If it is at all possible, I would think much less of Najib if he took Anwar’s bait. And of course there is Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin – Umno’s and Najib’s gatekeepers to consider.
What else will Anwar clutch to even as he sink into an abyss of his own making?
He said he would quit politics if he loses the election, not me.
He says he will not work with Barisan Nasional, not me.
And now he says he will talk with Najib. Did he ever stop to think how any reasonable person would react to this latest folly of his?
Umno has already made many overtures to PAS for both of them to work for the interests of Islam (so says Umno).
What will PAS now do? Recommence talk with Umno again and make a clean break with Pakatan Rakyat? For sure at the very least, PAS will be offered a DPM slot!?
What will DAP do? Take back Penang into Barisan Nasional’s fold with or without Anwar, and in the process ensure that Penang will forever be in DAP hands as Gerakan did for more than 40 years?
The mind boggles at the possibilities, but you and I know that in the end whatever has been ‘agreed’ between Anwar and Najib will just leave Umno stronger and number of politicians that much richer!
The reality is that the general election is over and Umno is still the last one standing. All roads lead to Umno. And so now, Anwar Ibrahim, cap in hand, tells the Umno president, “Lets talk”.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.

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