The Malaysian Islamic Youth Movement (Abim) has urged Malaysia to severe diplomatic ties with the Vatican to pre-empt the “rumoured” appointment of a more hardline bishop to defend the ‘Allah’ issue.

A source close to the Catholic Church had told Malaysiakini that Bishop Murphy Pakiam’s resignation on Dec 6  was promptlyaccepted by the Vatican, perhaps reflecting disappointment with Pakiam’s softer stance on the Allah issue. The editor of Catholic publication The Herald, Rev Lawrence Andrew, has howeverdismissed such talk.

“If a vocal and aggressive bishop is chosen (according to Vatican demands) it will spark a conflict between the parties involved (Muslims and Catholics).

“Therefore, Abim weighs seriously the direct involvement of the Vatican in the choosing Malaysia’s bishop. The attitude of the Vatican in this case is regretted, because it completely ignores the sensitivities of the Muslim community in this country,” Abim’s president Amidi Abd Manan said in a statement.

[More to follow]