
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 14, 2013

MTUC fear...

The Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) said the riot involving foreign workers in Singapore last week must be seen as a wake call for Malaysia as it could anytime happen in the country.

And based on its fear, the Congress has called on the government to hold a tripartite discussion between the authority, employers and employees to work out a strategy to prevent rioting by foreign workers.

I don't understand the basic for MTUC fear. The incident in Singapore had nothing to do with industrial issues but due to a fatal accident involving one of the workers' colleague. It was totally a different story!
The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) has called on the Human Resource Ministry to hold a tripartite meeting between the government, employers and employees to work out a strategy to prevent rioting by foreign workers.
Its president, Khalid Atan, said a recent foreign workers riot in Singapore should serve as a wake-up call to Malaysia in preparing a strategy to anticipate and contain such an occurrence.
Growing discontent among foreign workers in Malaysia due to poor working conditions, discrimination and low wages are like a "time bomb", he said, adding so far dissatisfaction among foreign workers in the country were confined to factories and work places.
Khalid felt that if a widespread discontent among foreign workers was not addressed, it could spell trouble for the country in years to come.
He said the MTUC felt that the government should take steps to reduce and even curtail recruitment of foreign workers until it could come out with a plan to cater to their basic needs and rights.
The government should also stop outsourcing companies from importing workers who then fail to find jobs here, he added.
Last Sunday, about 400 South Asian migrant workers angered by an accident, battled the police and set vehicles ablaze in Singapore's worst rioting in decades, leaving 39 policemen and emergency workers injured.
I believe MTUC should engage itself in more meetings and dialogues with the government agencies in search of a solution to enhance the well being of foreign workers in Malaysia, especially those who are not represented by any workers' union.

Many foreign workers are also serving illegal factories and other unregistered outlets with low pay and poor living condition.

Why don't the Congress conduct a survey on that, instead of fearing this and that on the ground that if it happens in another country, it could also happen here.

Ooppsss... I seldom see stories about MTUC in the local newspapers of late. Perhaps its time to score some headlines!

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