
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 16, 2013


Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor
It is a common description used in many urbanite circles, especially in Klang Valley when a single world is asked from them whenever the name ‘Rosmah Mansor’ pops in a conversation.
They cannot be faulted.
Rosmah makes little effort to be out of the radar screen. In fact, it is very obviously she loves the attention to the news item or at least he picture is part of a news item, be it on national TV or the widest read dailies.
It can be argued that she has done a lot on her own initiatives with early child development programs which is now evolved as PERMATA. Well and fine.
However, she appears in the limelight of media attention whenever it is not about her driven projects. In events where her husband is the VIP, the exclusive clip and image of her planting trees, releasing fishes into the pond and replicating exactly what the Prime Minister does is almost a must in the same news item.
A few times a week, she have had her own slot in national tv prime time news.
It could be argued as petty. However to portray Rosmah’s news be slotted in prime time tv news is at the serious expense of some other news which is more relevant to nation building. The simplest example is Cabinet Ministers’ doing their work, officiating and meeting their target group and domain.
That is more important. These Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers are elected representatives and their work as the Government must reach the people. It is about policy announcements, engagements, tactical observations and participations and most of all providing confidence.
More over in the recent times where the Federal Government is systematically restructuring all the subsidies.
The people must feel that top most members of Federal Government like Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers and even Chief Secretaries have their ears on the ground and feeling the pulse of the nation. This is necessary since the deficiency of this public relation would provide ample opportunity for the Opposition to manipulate the situation.
Many critics of whenever a complain about Rosmah is raised see it as ‘petty’. However, in the essence in the real pulse of the nation the people are really tired of seeing her face in irrelevant news and media platforms. She should actually ‘disappear’ from the media scope.
It is the talk of town how she is disrespectful of her husband because she turn up late every now and then in events where her husband is the guest of honour. Even amongst the media circle, she once turn up during Prime Minister Najib half way through delivering his keynote address. Another quite common scene is Prime Minister Najib had to wait for her at the main door, before leaving the event.
Now, probably its just about taking jibes and making fun of the name or vision of ‘Rosmah’. Soon, people would start to loathe the sight of her. It is ashamed that she is one of the factor people push Prime Minister Najib’s leadership  aside. And it is not entirely impossible.
The fact is that the middle class and the younger educated Malaysians especially the urbanites are becoming more critical aloud and their grouses about the increasing cost of living are getting bolder. The have a serious perception that the leaders especially Prime Minister Najib and Rosmah are living a life of luxury, filled with trips abroad and the endless talks about her notorious shopping habits.
This doesn’t augur well when the majority of the fixed and low income people got change their lifestyle, just to make ends meet. -bigdogdotcom

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