
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 13, 2013

We are all terrorists

The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe in myths and do illogical things and practice stupid rituals because we are scared to not do so.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Syiah sect is a terrorist group, says IGP (READ HERE)
Putrajaya mulling ‘syariah cops’ for Shiah crackdown, says minister (READ HERE
Mat Sabu to take legal action (READ HERE)
Terror: intense, sharp, overmastering fear: to be frantic with terror. An instance or cause of intense fear or anxiety: quality of causing terror: to be a terror to evildoers.
Terrorist: a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism: a person who terrorises or frightens others.
Terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes: the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorisation.
The IGP said that the Shias are terrorists. Hence anyone who follows Shia teachings or believes in the Shia movement is a terrorist. For those whom English is not their mother tongue maybe I can enlighten you on what all this means.
You can read the definition of terror, terrorist and terrorism above. Basically, terror is a higher degree of fear or anxiety, a terrorist is someone who perpetuates this fear in others, while terrorism is the act of terrorising others.
In that sense, therefore, we are all terrorists.
How many times has your mother caught you masturbating and told you that masturbating causes blindness? That is an act of terrorism. Your mother makes you terrified of masturbating with the lie that masturbating causes blindness.
Hence your mother is a terrorist.
Do parents not tell their kids not to talk to strangers who are most likely paedophiles or go out in the dark where there are ghosts and devils waiting to kidnap children? And do kids not fear strangers and the dark and grow up with a phobia of ghosts and evil spirits?
Hence your parents are terrorists.
Do Christians not tell you that the only way to salvation is to accept Jesus as the Lord and the Son of God? And if you not accept Jesus then you will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You are so terrified of not being allowed into Heaven that you become a Christian or, if you are already a Christian, you become a ‘better’ Christian.
Hence Christians are terrorists.
Do Hindus not tell you that there is such a thing as the law of karma? If you do bad then bad will befall you. You are so terrorised by this that you never dare do bad and only do good whereas you are actually not a good person and actually enjoy doing bad things.
So you reluctantly be good whereas in your heart you would rather be bad as being bad is more fun. (Good girls go to heaven whereas bad girls have all the fun, said Marilyn Monroe).
Hence Hindus are terrorists.
Has the IGP and Mat Sabu’s enemies not terrorised him into denying that he is a follower or believer of Shia Islam? So what if Mat Sabu is a Shia? But he is now so terrified of the allegation that he has denied it and is threatening to sue those who allege that he is a Shia.
Hence the IGP and all those who have terrorised Mat Sabu are terrorists.
Do the Barisan Nasional supporters not terrorise all those who oppose them and do the Pakatan Rakyat supporters also not terrorise all those who oppose them? People are becoming so terrorised that they deny the allegation that they either support Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat.
Hence all Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat supporters are terrorists.
And all those who criticise Najib Tun Razak, Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, etc., are also terrorised by their supporters until no one dares criticise these political leaders any longer.
Hence all the supporters of Najib Tun Razak, Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, etc., are terrorists.
In the end we are all terrorists. We terrorise others into doing what we want them to do or terrorise them into not doing what we do not want them to do. We put all sorts of fears into them. We tell them things that make them scared. In short, we control them by using the fear factor.
The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe in myths and do illogical things and practice stupid rituals because we are scared to not do so.
We are scared that if we do not believe in religion then we will be punished both in this world and the next and we will be denied the rewards. So we believe and follow religion out of fear of punishment and out of fear of losing out on the rewards. If there were no punishment and reward system in religion none of us would believe in what can be regarded as utter nonsense.
Hence we are being terrorised into believing and doing something -- and that would make all religions terrorist movements, not just Shia Islam.

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