
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 23, 2014

A Realist Implications of The Allah Appeal

The Federal Court today affirmed at a narrow 4-3 verdict of  the Court of Appeal's judgement that the "Allah" word is exclusive to Muslims of Malaya, (note that I use Malaya deliberately) because the issue has stem up from the Muslims in Malaya whereas this ruckus has never and did not occur in Sabah or Sarawak. People who either originated from either of the two first-class states or whom have worked in these two states for a certain period of time would observe that there has never been the case like in the peninsular.

It's preferred to put a realist point of view on this matter, considering that I am despised the subject of theology and religion (it was never my forte) and avoiding the common clash of comparisons between Islam and other races that others would have highlighted; and finally to look at the bigger picture of how the issue could impact on the national and worldview manner.

The affirmation of the Appeal Court's ruling and the sign of reluctance by the four judges in today's session can give several implications with some as the following (see also LoyarBurok's opinion, dated 28 January 2014):

a) On the technical aspect of the ruling, it can be a very dangerous precedent because on the execution stage of a SOP (similar to how execution of the hudud law) a Muslim religious body can simply enter and raid a place of worship of other faiths based on an alleged complaint irregardless of time or sometimes without a raid warrant. Hence, the 10-point solution that was agreed upon prior to the Sarawak 2011 state-elections is possible to be swat aside by people and authorities who feel emboldened by today's outcome. 

b) The support of argument by the COA that it confuses Muslims and can pose a security threat to them may give inference and portrayal to non-Muslims, observers and analysts that the Malays are, as depicted in the 1970's book Revolusi Mental, that they are "more often led by sentiment", that is easily prone to emotional vulnerability and mental astray. As one cynical observer said in exact words about his own race, "The court just ruled that Melayu-Islam is the stupidest bangsa yang senang ditipu."  It's not something supposed to be celebrated contrary to the reactions of the Muslim NGO-s parading outside the courthouse in Putrajaya.

c) Socially speaking, this means continuation of accepting oppression that fate is more powerful than changing oneselves, although this issue was among the issues highlighted by the prominent thinker, the late Za'aba (Pendita Za'aba) - including the poverty of soul. Another person also highlighted that the ruling also means of not giving about making Bahasa Malaysia as a language of knowledge.
"Jika kamu tidak tutup mulut kamu daripada terus memperkotak-katikkan Islam, kita akan tutup mulut kamu dan jika kamu mengkhianati Sultan, kita akan pancung kepala kamu.
"Biarkan kamu mati daripada terus menjadi parasit," katanya semasa berucap dalam perhimpunan di depan perkarangan Istana Kayangan di Shah Alam, hari ini.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/bahasa/article/perkasa-mahu-pancung-kepala-pengkhianat-sultan-selangor#sthash.of0yz863.dpuf
"Jika kamu tidak tutup mulut kamu daripada terus memperkotak-katikkan Islam, kita akan tutup mulut kamu dan jika kamu mengkhianati Sultan, kita akan pancung kepala kamu.
"Biarkan kamu mati daripada terus menjadi parasit," katanya semasa berucap dalam perhimpunan di depan perkarangan Istana Kayangan di Shah Alam, hari ini.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/bahasa/article/perkasa-mahu-pancung-kepala-pengkhianat-sultan-selangor#sthash.of0yz863.dpuf
"Jika kamu tidak tutup mulut kamu daripada terus memperkotak-katikkan Islam, kita akan tutup mulut kamu dan jika kamu mengkhianati Sultan, kita akan pancung kepala kamu.
"Biarkan kamu mati daripada terus menjadi parasit," katanya semasa berucap dalam perhimpunan di depan perkarangan Istana Kayangan di Shah Alam, hari ini.
- See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/bahasa/article/perkasa-mahu-pancung-kepala-pengkhianat-sultan-selangor#sthash.of0yz863.dpuf

d) The original ban order was from the previous minister Syed Hamid Albar. With today's incident considered, a hint has already been provided that whoever says that the ban applies only to the Herald or Sabah / Sarawak, he / she is accidentally or deliberately insincere and lying.

e) The long standing issue of dominating and selfish Muslim attitude of imposing their values on others will remain there until events that break the mold and convention (ref: highlighted by Raja Petra during Anwar Ibrahim's visit to UK in 2010) . No sooner after the decision today, Perkasa and Isma have been making selfish, imposing tone statements. For instance, Perkasa's Ruslan Kassim said as if it was in the 16th century, "Jika kamu tidak tutup mulut daripada terus merperkotak-katikan Islam, kami akan tutup mulut kamu dan jika kamu mengkhianati Sultan kami akan pancung kepala kamu! Biarkan kamu mati dari terus jadi parasit." (If you don't shut your mouth from ridiculing Islam we will shut your mouth and if you betray the sultan we will behead you! Better to die than becoming a parasite!")

There still remains a standoff as JAIS (Selangor's Islamic Department) has still yet to return the seized bibles and this outcome can make them said, "no way Jose". It's like a kid stealing another kid's toy, and never returning it back although the kid who steals it is clearly in the wrong.


I grew up watching apocalyptic and war movies. If there's one common theme from watching those movies, the four horsemen of Apocalypse (Death, Famine, Pestilence and War) knows no bounds, whether if you have sangreal blood or not. Thus, those who claim "Ketuanan Melayu" or those who scream of blood transfusion being contaminated by the tainted Cadbury chocolates  and etc.. will need to have their heads checked and rethink again because the apocalypse knows no one special.

Ring-fencing oneself to avoid this issue will not last indefinitely until to a point where one will be thrust into making a choice to determine the life and death of a person and the country. Currently the situation right is deliberately done to make middle Malaysia to "abandon all hope" of fighting to right the wrongs and instead from comments by some people, to get people to roll over and die, submit and let them do as they please.

We seem to forget the proverb "menang tersorak kampung tergadai" - it seems to well etched in some of us that while they scream the country is having other, but bigger problems than this. By the time Malaysia gets disfigured and unrecognizable, it is too late to save, that I often mused, "sampai kiamat tak mahu sedar." If I have the last laugh when that happens, the one who starts to ramble and say all sorts of nonsense about this is deserved to get mobbed or slapped first. After all, I would say, didn't I warn you and yet you didn't listen?

-A Little Taffer's Room

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