
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 23, 2014

The Boss Defends The PM

This is addressed to the morons around the PM and the FLOM. You are the worst bunch of clowns ever to advise, write speeches or provide talking points for the PM and the FLOM.

Rosmah Mansor is in the Press for the wrong reasons again. 

This time she spoke about the water in her swimming pool. She says that she does not know how to swim. So she does not have to change the water in the swimming pool at Sri Perdana all that often. Meaning the pool is not the reason the monthly water bill at Sri Perdana exceeds RM300,000.

Err guys ... so how will that provide an explanation for the water bill? If the pool water is allowed to turn brown where then is all that water usage coming from? This only provides even more bullets for the Opposition.

Now they will say it takes 900 liters of water for Rosmah to wash her hair. 

If the water usage is realistic just stick to it. There are plenty of functions at the PM's quarters. Why not state how many functions were organised there in say 2013 and how many guests in total visited the PM's house.  The number must run into the tens if not hundred thousands.

But that is not the booboo. The real booboo is why did Rosmah have to answer these accusations at all? All over the world the Opposition throws bricks at the PMs and the Presidents. That is the job of the Opposition.

But you dont see the First Ladies making public statements to defend their husbands. Obama gets a whacking all the time. You dont see Michelle Obama defending the President.
It would come across that the President depends on his wife to speak up for him.

This is what Rosmah seems to be doing - speaking up on behalf of the PM. The PM cannot defend himself. He needs the wife to defend him.

So another question will arise now. Who wears the pants in the PM's house and who washes them? And how many litres of water do they use to wash their pants?

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