
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 1, 2014

Sacking Khalid an act of moral courage Anwar can't duck: Hard decision for PKR, DAP if PAS refuses to budge

Sacking Khalid an act of moral courage Anwar can't duck: Hard decision for PKR, DAP if PAS refuses to budge
‘Forget about becoming PM or aiming to take over Putrajaya.’
Aries46: Following the recent string of tumultuous array of undermining and back-stabbing from PAS in the Pakatan Rakyat stables, firefighting seems to have taken over and de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is going through the face-saving motions though well aware that Pakatan is done for and Selangor is poised to go the way of Perak.
Anwar's denials and efforts to salvage whatever is left are merely to cover up the PAS leaders Abdul Hadi Awang/Nik Aziz Nik Mat treachery in the Selangor MB poser and their open snub to PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.
Added to this is PAS central committee member Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki's outrageous insults directed personally at Anwar and the lunatic's threat to team up with Umno to topple the Pakatan state government, redraw electoral boundaries and silence the non-Malays in Selangor.
PAS was fully exposed with its pants down in the hudud caper and their latest betrayal in the MB saga appears to be the straw that broke the camel's back or to be more precise, the last nail to Pakatan’s coffin.
PAS looks to be done for among the non-Malay voters and no amount of denial and deception is likely to ever deceive them in the future.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Anwar should send Abdul Hadi a simple message - either you agree to the change of MB in Selangor or go it alone without Pakatan.
Anwar is not going to be around for long given the imminent Federal Court hearing of his final appeal against the sodomy conviction by the Court of Appeal. It’s best to consolidate Pakatan under a new and able leadership and by inviting parties like PSM and others in East Malaysia to join the opposition coalition.
He has to diversify the membership base of PKR and increase the number of Malay members from the rural areas and be more service orientated at the grassroots levels. Work closely with moderate Malay/Muslim NGOs to attract rural Malay voters.
Leave PAS to its own devices. Its message only resonates in Kelantan and perhaps Terengganu. Forget about becoming PM or aiming to take over Putrajaya in GE14.
Try to hold on to your existing states and seats and work towards capturing Terengganu, Perak and Negeri Sembilan. It can be a case of Pakatan plus PAS when it comes to seat allocations in certain states.
Jiminy Qrikert: Is DSAI (Anwar) serious when he says the 'lower rung' PAS members were making inappropriate comments? When did Hadi Awang and Tok Guru get demoted to the lower rungs?
And if as he said, Lim Kit Siang (LKS), Abdul Hadi and he had confronted Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim over the issues following which PKR and DAP wanted Khalid removed but Hadi had instead objected, that simply means PAS was breaking ranks because Hadi did not share the same concerns about Khalid's performance.
So either Hadi's expectation of Khalid is way down lower than DSAI and LKS or he is simply out to subvert the other two leaders.
So first, the wishy-washy doublespeak over the Allah issue, then hudud, then this thumbing their noses at PKR and DAP over Khalid, followed closely by the expose of PAS CC member Zuhdi's text comments on teaming up with Umno, his racist anti-Christian and anti-DAP sentiments, it sure looks like PAS is gunning for a break-up of Pakatan.
Even if that does not happen, PAS has already lost the support of the non-Malays as well as the Malays who reject extremism.
Ferdtan: Anwar, painting a nice picture will not cure serious illness in Pakatan. Hard decisions are needed to be made. Diplomacy does not work here. It has gone too far when one party (PAS) in a coalition does not respect its agreement in the bloc.
Like an old car, don’t savage it when it is beyond repair. Buy a new car instead though it may hurt financially initially. You will be surprised how well it will turn out. Indeed, it may be a blessing in disguise. Nothing is impossible in politics.
Labis Guy: I used to respect Anwar but bringing family members into Pakatan is not right. What would happen if Pakatan takes over Putrajaya?
Anwar will be prime minister, Wan Azizah will be make the deputy and Nurul Izzah will be appointed the finance minister and may be another of his children will be made ministers.
Fair Play: I neither support nor attack Anwar because he is caught is a very delicate situation as a result of that recalcitrant Khalid. He thinks it is his God-given right to remain as MB. No doubt, DAP understood that very well too.
Now, let say Anwar acts 'bravely' and 'strongly' and demand in no uncertain term that PAS sack Zuhdi? What would happen? Anwar might get a middle finger for his effort.
Now Anwar sacks Khalid. What would Khalid do? Of course, he would seek an audience with HRH Sultan of Selangor for his consent to dissolve the state assembly. Guess who are the real losers and winners?
The real losers - Selangor rakyat. Real winner - BN (Umno). I am watching the various chess moves to check and counter-check one another and see who will finally get check-mated.
Sonofmsia: Whatever PAS do, to apologise, to retract, whatever, it will be of no use. PAS has shown its character of deceit and untrustworthiness, as has been long suspected. It has no integrity and principle.
Its motto ‘PAS for all’ was a big lie. As far as non-Muslims are concerned, PAS is an untrustworthy party. Unless Hadi and his men are removed by the professionals in the party, PAS will be a liability to Pakatan.
Unmasked: Dear DSAI, PAS has laid their cards, face up, on the table for all to see. As the prime minister in waiting, we expect you to be assertive and demand that PAS take drastic action against Zuhdi, including those who are on the same page with him.
It is better to know who our enemies are now than later. As it is, PAS will lose enough votes to prevent Pakatan to march to Putrajaya in GE14. -M'kini

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