
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 16, 2014

So a minority can wrest gov’t from the majority?

YOURSAY ‘At least PAS reps Saari and Hasnul dare to call a spade a spade.’
'Umno reps may be in council if PAS excos quit'

EmLaw: What rubbish is this - a minority can wrest a government from the majority? This is the first in world history, unless you are talking about a land without laws.
The more I read about this, the more disgusted I am. There's much more I can say but I am too disgusted with this situation and Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim to want to say any more.
NewMalaysia: If PAS claims that they are still with Pakatan Rakyat, then they don't have any grounds to continue to support Khalid as MB nor accept him as a PAS member.
Khalid has been sacked by his party PKR, and thus DAP as well as PAS have to respect that decision. Until PAS has stated that they have withdrawn from Pakatan, they must hold to the consensus that only someone from PKR should be named as MB.
If PAS cares to state clearly that despite not agreeing to Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the new MB, they will no longer support Khalid, and PAS must come together with PKR and DAP to resolve the candidate for the new MB issue internally, the whole issue would be less complicated.
Gerard Lourdesamy: If these allegations are true (that Umno assemblypersons may be appointed to the state cabinet should PAS withdraw its exco), it would represent the worst case of unconstitutional conduct bordering on unlawfulness by an unelected constitutional monarch.
What possible minority government could have been formed with just 13 assemblypersons from Umno plus Khalid, unless the intention was to get other assemblypersons from Pakatan to jump ship or to loot the state reserves before dissolving the state assembly in November for a snap election where BN will spend billions to recapture the state.
Even now there are rumours that Umno is willing to spend up to RM500 million to recapture the state.
A constitutional ruler should stay out of the chicanery of politicians and keep a dignified distance from them to preserve the integrity and impartiality of their great office. Alas, in this country it is personal greed and avarice that dominates public life and not genuine service to the people.
Korkor: The people of Selangor are no fools and we shall show PAS what we meant when the 14th general election (GE14) comes. PAS has crossed the line and stepped on our toes and stabbed our back. Try what you may but all will be in vain.
At least we have sensible and brave PAS reps in Saari Sungib (Hulu Kelang) and Hasnul Baharuddin (Morib) who dare to come out to call a spade is a spade. Bravo.
Urkidding: Going by PAS’ standard, the opposition can also form the federal government. Be logical, please.
Cynical: The excuse given by PAS does not make sense. The MB or exco cannot just use the state reserves as they like without approval of the state assembly via a finance budget bill being tabled and approved.
If the existing budget approved is insufficient, a supplementary budget bill must be tabled and approved before they can utilise the reserve funds.
Sarajun Hoda: This is nonsense. The four PAS exco members are trying to salvage their integrity. The photos from yesterday’s exco meeting clearly showed them elated and rejoicing.
Why have these four not announced that they will support Pakatan’s choice of MB when it comes? Why are they not convincing the present MB to call a special sitting of the assembly?
Why did Khalid allegedly lie to the sultan that he commands the majority? Now that it is clear that Wan Azizah has the majority, why can't they publicly announced that they will convince Khalid to call a sitting? We are not as stupid as he wants people to believe.
Anonymous_3f4b: There is no legal and moral basis for a minority government. The proper and correct thing to do in this deadlock situation is for Khalid to advise the sultan to dissolve the state assembly and call for fresh state elections.
The victors will then have the legitimacy to govern without question.
Fernz: Khalid has no business telling Wan Azizah to demonstrate her majority in the state assembly. The fact is that Khalid has no majority support and he should go. What happens after he goes is not his business. He can't dictate. He's not the Sultan.
Khalid has no basis to advise the sultan that the state assembly should be dissolved. Pakatan has two-thirds majority in the state assembly. Going back to the people for what purpose? The result will be the same.
Ferdtan: Universiti Selangor (Unisel) senior lecturer, constitutional expert Abdul Aziz Bari said it all:
"What we have under Khalid now is an illegal government which under the constitution merits a sack by the sultan."
Why are the relevant authorities enshrined by the constitution not following procedures and rules? Oh we forgot, this is Malaysia Boleh.
Anonymous_40f4: We have a sultan who cares for the welfare of the rakyat, not Umno Baru or partyless Khalid. So let’s wait and see. -Mkini

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