
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sultan cannot go against wishes of majority

YOURSAY ‘Persist on to get Wan Azizah as MB. Do not compromise.’

In MB crisis, all eyes now on palace and PAS

Al Red: I am not a supporter of any politician or political party. From the start, the so-called Kajang Move by PKR appeared strange to me. It was as if there was a shortage of PKR Selangor assembly members who qualified to be Selangor MB.

However, the behaviour of MB Khalid Ibrahim who refuses to budge, such as his claim of having the confidence of the majority of the assembly members, is even more bizarre.

As it is, the arithmetic in the Selangor assembly does not add up in his favour. Perhaps he is just wishfully hoping for, or is working very hard in the background, on the defection of a few PKR or DAP assembly members to his side.

Oh Ya?: Based on the Perak ruling, the sultan has no choice but to sack Khalid and appoint Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as MB. Of course, this won't work in Bolehland where even the IGP (inspector-general of police) can refuse to enforce a court order.

This impasses will linger, according to the Umno script, until November when the Assembly will be dissolved at the request of Khalid after losing a no-confidence vote. The Perak ruling will not ignored.

If challenged, the apex court will delivered another tailored-made judgment to legalise any wrongs.

Meantime, any of the Pakatan assemblypersons who would jump ship will become multi-millionaires overnight and if they have debts, they will be paid off by somebody or forgiven all together.

Gerard Lourdesamy: For the sake of keeping Pakatan Rakyat intact until GE14 and giving PAS face and to save the sultan further embarrassment for supporting Khalid hook, line and sinker because of his eagerness to have Umno back in power in Selangor, PKR should nominate an alternative candidate to Wan Azizah since the ruler is not inclined to appoint her despite her apparent majority in the State Assembly and PAS is not keen on her because of gender and her proximity to Anwar Ibrahim.

Perhaps Azmin Ali or Idris Ahmad should be the alternative candidate. The new MB must revamp the exco and also assert his majority in the assembly to ensure that strict constitutional practices and conventions are respected and observed by all parties in the state including the palace, the religious bodies and the state civil servants.

All of Khalid's corporate and commercial dealings with public and private entities over the last 12 months have to be re-examined, renegotiated and cancelled if necessary to protect the rakyat.

Isana: Persist on to get Wan Azizah as the MB. Do not compromise. First, the state constitution does not mention any specific gender to qualify as the MB, so his royal highness will have to accept Wan Azizah albeit reluctantly. He also must adhere to the state constitution.

Second, tell the PAS mullahs to mind their own business next time. The MB of Selangor is PKR pregorative so let PKR handle their internal situation. Had PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang think before he speaks the other day on supporting Khalid, Selangor would not have come to this impasse.

Makcik Har: Wan Azizah is no Margaret Thatcher. She only became Selangor assemblywoman early this year. Even so as a last-minute stand-in for Anwar who was disqualified.

She became an MP also by standing in for Anwar. Looking at her credentials, would anyone appoint her as an MB for the richest state in Malaysia?

This has nothing to do with being a woman. Anybody can see that, except hardcore supporters of DAP and PKR.

Gunnerrun: Makcik Har, there are currently lots of useless MBs or CMs around, a million times worse than Wan Azizah.

Raja Chulan: Post-Merdeka, our country practices Westminister-style democracy. The federal constitution is very clear on this. The role of the monarch is ceremonial and holds no executive powers (exceptions appears only on matters concerning Islamic matters).

At best, the monarch's role is to act as 'referee' in the event of a 'hung' political situation between political parties. Where the situation is clear cut, such as the present one where one side has a clear majority, the monarch has no discretionary role/power whatsoever.

The sultan must mandatorily comply with the rakyat's majority wishes. That is what democracy is all about. The wishes of the rakyat rules supreme. Period.

Any manoeuvring by the monarch will be considered going backwards to feudalism. Merdeka would then be meaningless to us, the rakyat.

Proarte: Both sides are making claims but it has to be proven in a vote of confidence in the State Assembly (DUN). What if the those expressing support now change their minds during a vote of confidence?
Both the pro-Khalid and pro-Pakatan forces are eager for power, but they just have to wait until the convening of the DUN in November when their respective support can be proven.

Until then, governance in Selangor will be in limbo. It is in situations such as this that a sultan can play a constitutional role for the benefit of the rakyat and command the MB to test his support in a specially convened DUN meeting.

If however, the sultan is not independent minded and is willing to be directed by Umno, then this limbo situation will continue at the expense of Selangorians. In such a situation, the role and relevance of the monarchy will be questioned and republican sentiments may result.

Asitis: The sultan is "heard" to have reject Wan Azizah's candidacy as MB. But this was before when it was not clear whether she enjoys support from majority of the state assemblypersons.

But now that she has proved beyond a shadow of doubt that she has majority support, can the sultan still constitutionally rejects her candidacy?

Multi Racial: If the sultan rejects Wan Azizah as MB, he has to explain to the people the reason for his rejection. As a ruler, he is accountable to the people for his decision and action.

If there isn't any good reason, it’s best for the palace to take a neutral stand and accept the majority decision. -Mkini

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