
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 19, 2014

121 Ketua Bahagian Boikot Najib : Vote Of No Confience

Yesterday I received this sms :

"The meeting on 28th (Aug), UMNO HQ. It seems dari 191 about 90 came..."

This was talk going around that Najib as president of UMNO had called for a meeting with 191 Ketua Bahagian UMNO.  However only 90 Ketua Bahagian turned up for the meeting. This was a big slap in the face for Najib. It means it is time for him to leave.
Then this morning I heard the same thing from yet another person. And my source this morning got it from a Cabinet Minister ! !

And this morning's news was that yes Najib did call for a meeting with 191 Ketua Bahagian. But only about 70 turned up. Not 90.

And out of the 70 or so who turned up, not all were Ketua Bahagian. Some were just AJK Bahagian on a junkie trip to KL. 

This means less than 70 Ketua Bahagian turned up for a meeting with the party president.

I wish I could divulge the name of the Cabinet Minister but I cant.  If this is true,  it means that not only Tun Dr Mahathir has pulled back his support for Najib but 121 or more Ketua Bahagian UMNO have also pulled the plug on the UMNO president.

This is actually a vote of no confidence.  I think the writing is on the wall.

There are other undercurrents developing against Najib. I will not speak about them - cos nanti depa kata seditious pula.  People with any sense at all are getting fed up with Najib who seems clueless about what is happening in the country. 

This is where I dont fully agree. He may or may not be aware of what is happening in the country but even if he does, so what? 

He does not know what to do. He is a man of zero ideas, zero vision, a non starter. Clueless. Slumberjack is beginning to look better than Najib Razak.

Many many people over the big water are getting totally unhappy with Najib. There may be big waves on the big water.

To all right thinking Malaysians let us hang together. If we dont, we shall surely hang separately. On whichever side of the political divide you are, please remember this : it is people first. The people are the nation. No people, no nation. We will save the trees, rivers and whales also.  But always people first.

1 comment:

  1. No truth on what you wrote. Lair. The truth is only 2 Ketua Bahagian didn't turned Up.


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