
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 20, 2014

A new MB, but Selangorians still clueless who he/she is

YOURSAY ‘Azmin Ali should not accept the MB's position if offered.’

All signs point to Azmin as next MB

Fairnsquare: PAS secretly submitted two names from its party and this went against the unanimous selection of PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as MB by Pakatan Rakyat.

This resulted in the palace requesting PKR and DAP to submit more than one name. HRH (his royal highness) did not reject Wan Azizah, as everyone assumed, but requested for alternates as PAS had done.

HRH in his wisdom will have to decide on a candidate with the majority support in the State Assembly or risk the possibility of a no confidence motion against a royally-appointed candidate. This will definitely not augur well for the palace.

PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, though cannot refuse a royal command as a subject of HRH, has expressed his desire to decline the position in favour of Wan Azizah.

However, Selangorians must accept the decision by his HRH. We must not show disrespect to HRH. It must be remembered that the PAS action caused the turmoil and not the palace. It is not fair to say the palace was politically involved.

Pemerhati: If Azmin is named as MB, he will have to act correctly according to the constitution and point out to the sultan that according to the constitution he cannot become the MB as he does not have majority support.

He should then tell the sultan that the only person who can be made the MB according to the constitution is Azizah as she has the support of the majority of assemblypersons.

As the constitution is supreme, everyone must abide to it. The veteran political observer with close ties to the palace, who said that “PKR and Anwar Ibrahim’s insistence on submitting only Wan Azizah’s name to the palace citing convention has twice drawn the ire of the ruler”, should realise that PKR acted in accordance to the constitution and if the sultan wants to get angry, that means it is the sultan who has a problem.

Guns 'n' Roses: Pemerhati, I fully agree with you. Azmin will be a disaster for Pakatan and Selangor. Just looks at the huge number of his supporters who have been lobbying non-stop for years for him to be MB. What does this mean?

It means that Azmin is "laden" with cronies whom he will have to oblige and pay back with lucrative projects and contracts once he, Azmin, is in position of power, in this case, as the MB.

This is my one big fear. Wan Azizah, on the other hand, does not have any obvious cronies, at least not yet.

Ksn: Azmin should not accept the MB's position if offered. He is still part of PKR which has unanimously nominated someone else.

If he accepts, he betrays PKR and the Selangor voters. The best solution under the messy circumstances, to say the least, is to dissolve the assembly and call for election.

Oracle: Azmin has been loyal to Anwar from the beginning and vice versa. And Azmin is capable in administrating the state, so why not him, especially as he is PKR deputy president to boot?

Perhaps all this kerfuffle is down to a culture of wanting to micro manage everything. After the last GE, Pakatan is no longer a family affair but belongs to the 53 percent who voted for the opposition.

Ferdtan: It has to be a PKR candidate. If it is not Azmin Ali, it may be the compromised candidate Idris Ahmad.

PAS candidates will not be chosen - they just don’t have the support. Azmin has a better chance as he has good support in PKR and also DAP had relented as the party once issued a statement that they had no objection with him as MB.

As correctly said, Anwar will find it hard to reject Azmin once chosen by the sultan. We just hope that Azmin Ali as MB will work to close ranks with his party leaders, as well as his party adversaries, and bring Pakatan to greater heights.
God works in a mysterious way; BN may think they can break up PKR by choosing another candidate as MB. Azmin may be the answer for Pakatan to win Putrajaya with his political shrewdness.

Here’s a warning for BN: “Be careful what you wish for; you might get it.”

ConstutionIsSupreme: We are talking about the preservation of parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.

What else can be more important? If we are to revere parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, Kak Wan should be appointed as MB.

Otherwise what is parliamentary democracy when the one who got majority support cannot become the MB?

Anwar is not confronting HRH, but in my opinion merely doing what is right for the country.

SultanMydin: Why on earth must the name of the next MB be kept a secret only until when he/she is sworn into office?

If it is Azmin, so be it. Only Anwar (the master schemer of the Kajang Move) and Wan Azizah lose out but not PKR or Pakatan.

Drrngsc: I hope that HRH will exercise wisdom. Appointing anyone else besides Kak Wan will be going against the state constitution.

If DSAI (Anwar) accepts that decision, it would also mean that he too is not prepared to uphold the constitution. Not upholding the state constitution would lead to a bad precedence.

I hope that all parties involved will repect the state constitution and parliamentary democracy. That is very important to us.

Victor Johan: We want to see if this happens should Azmin be appointed as MB by Selangor sultan next Tuesday.

He calls for the state assembly to convene immediately. At the assembly, he announces for a show of majority support for Wan Azizah to be MB.

He shows his support too, and steps down from his post. The majority elects Wan Azizah for MB, and sultan has no choice but to appoint and instal her.

How's that for a strategy? Can we Selangorians count on you, Azmin? -Mkini

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