
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Malays/Muslims say one thing but do the opposite. They quote Islam when it suits them and by-pass Islam when it does not. Islam is something they pull out of a hat to justify their actions that goes against the spirit of democracy, civil liberties and justice.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Yesterday’s article, Malays are fake Muslims (READ HERE) attracted quite a number of comments, in particular by Malays/Muslims, who in the past never posted any comments. It shows how sensitive Malays/Muslims are regarding opinions that differ from theirs.
Malays/Muslims have a right to comment on other religions such as Christianity. They will say that the Bible has been distorted, that Christians lie about Jesus dying on the cross and of being resurrected three days later, that Christians lie about Jesus being the Son of God, and much more.
In short, Christianity is a lie and Muslims will never tire of telling us this. However, say one small thing regarding Islam and see how Malays/Muslims will foam at the mouth and will become verbally abusive.
Malays/Muslims are at liberty to ‘correct’ the ‘wrong teachings’ of Christianity. They will call this dakwah, something noble and mandatory in Islam. But heaven forbid if anyone tries to do the same regarding Islam. Why are Malays/Muslims allowed to label Christianity as a fake religion but when others say the same thing about Islam it is a crime punishable by death?
Yesterday, Dr Aziz Bari of PKR said that only Allah has absolute power while the monarchy does not. Dr Aziz Bari is the upholder of democracy. That is why he believes this.
Today, Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz of DAP said (SEE BELOW) he also believes in democracy and the concept of a constitutional monarchy, not the concept of an absolute monarchy. And a couple of PAS leaders have said the same thing.
That is well and fine with me. I can live with that. If the majority of the 30 million or so Malaysians want a constitutional monarchy form of democracy, à la the Westminster parliamentary system, I can agree to that. After all, that is what democracy is all about: the rule of the majority over the minority, a.k.a. the tyranny of the majority.
However, when we talk about democracy, we cannot in the same breath talk about Islam. It has to be one or the other because Islam is not compatible with democracy. Malays/Muslims, however, always like to talk about democracy alongside Islam, the Qur’an, Allah, Prophet Muhammad, etc., as if these are compatible with democracy.
There are many aspects to democracy. One, of course, is the rule of the people or people’s power. That is what democracy means. Democracy is a Greek invention and the word itself comes from two Greek words, demos (citizens) and kratos (power).
The next aspect to democracy is the manner in which we choose our government. There are many systems being applied all over the world and Malaysia has adopted the British Westminster system of parliament with a constitutional monarchy.
The third aspect to democracy is civil liberties. This is where the people and not the monarch decide what they want to do and how they would like to live their lives (plus which government they want).
If people like Dr Aziz Bari of PKR and Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz of DAP, plus those from PAS, really respect democracy, then they must also respect civil liberties. However, they do not. Hence they do not really respect democracy as they pretend to.
Let me give you one example to demonstrate what I mean.
The Jewish scriptures have been edited and re-edited over 1,000 years or more to suit the political system of those days. Some texts have been deleted by unknown authors and some added. Some myths and folklore from other belief systems have been included in the stories of the scriptures.
The Jewish scriptures are not a dead-book. It is a living book. They were changed and amended based on new interpretations by various people in the 1,000 years before Christ. Hence what we see today is not what was originally written, say, 3,000-3,500 years ago.
Then along came the Jesus movement (which they later called Christianity) and, again, these scriptures were changed and then called the New Testament. Some even believe that the New Testament replaced or abrogated the old Jewish scriptures, which they call the Old Testament to differentiate between the two.
Then, 600 years later, along came Prophet Muhammad to reveal the Muslim scriptures, which is called the Qur’an. And quite a bit of the Qur’an is based on the scriptures, both old and new.
Now, since various parts of the Qur’an comes from the scriptures and since the authenticity of the scriptures are suspect, would it not be reasonable to come to the conclusion that the authenticity of the Qur’an is also suspect?
In a secular society it would be reasonable to think that and it would also be kosher to say what you think. But in Malaysia, if you think that and if you say that you can get into trouble.
So, is Malaysia really a democracy or is it some form of theocracy? If Malaysia is really a democracy then I should be at liberty to question and even dispute the Qur’an. In fact, no need to even talk about the Qur’an. Let us just talk about the Hadith. Even questioning and disputing the Hadith is a crime that can get you arrested and charged in court, like what happened to Kassim Ahmad.
And it is not enough they arrest and charge Kassim Ahmad for questioning (just questioning, mind you, and not even disputing yet) the Hadith, even his lawyer who represented him in court, Rosli Dahlan, is facing punishment. They are trying to get him disbarred.
I thought in a democracy you are innocent until proven guilty. I thought in a democracy you are allowed a trial in an open court and allowed legal counsel. Apparently this is not true in all cases.
Why can’t we question the Hadith? In fact, why can’t we even question the scriptures, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim? In a democracy this is allowed. In a democracy you are allowed civil liberties, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of choice and much more.
But in Malaysia you are not and yet people like Dr Aziz Bari of PKR and Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz of DAP, plus those PAS people who are screaming about democracy, have not uttered a word regarding Kassim Ahmad or Rosli Dahlan.
Why avoid this issue? If you are really a proponent of democracy then fight for civil liberties, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, etc. Fight for Kassim Ahmad and Rosli Dahlan, victims of religious persecution. Why only talk about democracy when you talk about the constitutional monarchy but you remain silent on the other and more important issues?
And this is why I say Malays are fake Muslims. Islam is about justice. That is the foundation of Islam. Even PAS says that they wish to see the Islamic laws of Hudud implemented in Malaysia because of justice. God’s laws are more just than secular laws, argues PAS.
But when it comes to other matters justice is not important.
Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim has been accused of all sorts of crimes and that is why he must be removed, says Pakatan Rakyat. Have these crimes been proven? Did SELCAT sit and listen to the charges and look at the evidence against Khalid? If not then how can you say he is guilty when he has not been pronounced guilty in a proper hearing or tribunal?
Is that what Islam told you to do? Is that what Prophet Muhammad asked you to do? Is that what the Qur’an says you must do? Is there a Hadith that tells us someone need not be put on trial and that an allegation is good enough to prove someone’s guilty?
Malays/Muslims say one thing but do the opposite. They quote Islam when it suits them and by-pass Islam when it does not. Islam is something they pull out of a hat to justify their actions that goes against the spirit of democracy, civil liberties and justice.
As I said yesterday, the Qur’an refers to these people as the Hypocrites.
Ariff Sabri: “Saya hanya setia kepada raja berperlembagaan”
(Free Malaysia Today) – Datuk Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz hari ini menyatakan dalam blognya bahawa beliau akan mempertahankan raja perintah ikut perlembagaan namun tidak menyokong pemerintahan raja mutlak.
“Pendirian saya ialah saya hanya setia kepada raja berperlembagaan. Perlembagaan memberi kita hak dan kuasa, kita hendak buang? Raja Melayu tetap bertakhta, tapi mereka tidak perintah,” kata Ariff Sabri.
Merujuk pada krisis MB Selangor, menurutnya orang Melayu hanya suka berkelahi dan mengulas sepuas hati mengenai isu tersebut.
“Cakap macam mana pun, saya tidak akan berganjak untuk setia kepada konsep raja berperlembagaan.
“Adakah bersuara melawan suatu perkara yang memberi sakit bererti kita durhaka? Atau menghina raja Melayu? Orang Melayu yang menyangka raja-raja Melayu bodoh itulah yang menghina raja Melayu. Semua raja Melayu tahu mereka raja berperlembagaan,” katanya.
Tambahnya lagi, British membawa sistem pemerintahan demokrasi dan sistem peraturan berkerajaan.
“Rakyat Malaysia telah lama hidup dengan sistem berkerajaan demokratik yang mendaulatkan hak individu. Dengan itu, sekarang kita mesti melawan segala kecenderungan untuk memusatkan dan menumpukan perhatian kuasa dalam tangan segelintir oligarki yang ada. Itu sebetulnya apa yang UMNO idamkan,” ujar beliau.

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