
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 19, 2014

Lawyers vote Yes on march against Sedition Act in Bar EGM

Members of the Malaysian Bar at the start of an Extraordinary General Meeting today to debate and approve a peaceful march against the Sedition Act 1948. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Najjua Zulkefli, September 19, 2014.Members of the Malaysian Bar at the start of an Extraordinary General Meeting today to debate and approve a peaceful march against the Sedition Act 1948. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Najjua Zulkefli, September 19, 2014.The Malaysian Bar has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion to repeal the Sedition Act, and to hold a peaceful walk to protest the colonial-era law.
Members of the Bar voted at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) today, that was called amidst Putrajaya’s sedition blitz which has hauled up opposition politicians, student activists, a journalist, a news portal and Muslim preachers, over their critical views.
A quorum of some 1,000 Bar members was reached at the EGM this afternoon, according to tweets by lawyers at the event.
3.05pm: @ric_wee: Quorum achieved. @malaysianbar EGM can proceed #AbolishSeditionAct #MansuhAktaHasutan.
3.22pm: @edmundbon: Lawyers as you can see like to meet and greet. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
3.25pm: @edmundbon: Do we sit just as we sit in the courts. And just talk as we do in the court. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan #litigation #legislation #demonstration.
3.32pm: @edmundbon: More than 700 members present. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
3.36pm: @thatsofarah: Bar Council EGM meeting observed one minute silence for the victims of MH17.
3.37pm: @chelle_yesudas: Adam Adli 12 months of prison, Syafiq bin Abd Wahid arrested at 3am under the Sedition Act. May the Bar Egm be fruitful. #MansuhAktaHasutan.
3.38pm: @yoester83: #EGM Malaysian Bar has been called to order. #MansuhAktaHasutan http://instagram.com/p/tHnKsVRz0l/
3.42pm: @yoester83 : Chair of @N_YLC saudara @syahredzan addressing the members of the Malaysian Bar re #MansuhAktaHasutan campaign.
3.47pm: @edmundbon: Sensing the mood. Feeling the group. 1st motion looks like a foregone conclusion. Question is 2nd. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
3.49pm: ‏@edmundbon: @N_YLC Chair @syahredzan speaks about #MansuhAktaHasutan campaign. Using #198Actions it is a concerted effort to rid Msia of the Sed Act.  (198 Actions refers to methods of non-violent actions developed by activists.)
3.51pm: @firdaus_h: @syahredzan going through what #MansuhAktaHasutan is doing and plans ahead. Ending with that "First they came for..." quote of course.
3.57pm: @firdaus_h: Oh the quorum is now reaching 1000K! #MansuhAktaHasutan.
3.55pm: @firdaus_h: Sorry. Contents of #BarEGM cannot be shared outside the house. #MahsuhAktaHasutan.
4.01pm: @edmundbon: Mr President Christopher Leong moving the first motion now. Explaining rationale and demands. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
4.08pm: @edmundbon: Floor open for debate. We x reveal names & details of speakers to ensure everyone can speak without fear or favour. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
4.09pm: ‏@edmundbon: #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan It seems there has been anonymous phone call that there is a bomb here. Police scouting. We will continue.
4.11pm: @EricPaulsen101: Syabas! the lawyers in the EGM just laughed off the bomb threat announcement.
4.15pm: @Ambiga_S proposes an amendment to the motion to ask for a protest in form of a walk. #walk4justice2 #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
4.24pm: @edmundbon: Looks like House wants to quickly vote on the motion in favour. Now those objecting speaking to influence House. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
4.57pm: @edmundbon: Motion still being debated. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
5.03pm:  @edmundbon:The bomb scare is working v those who are v the motions because the House looks like it wants to vote fast. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
5.06pm: @edmundbon : Good to see members speaking up against the motion. #EGM #MansuhAktaHasutan.
5.16pm: @edmundbon: Going to a vote. Bar Council's motion amended to include #walk4justice2 "immediately".
5.21pm: @edmundbon: So proud. Overwhelming support in favour. #walk4justice2 is ON!
5.25pm: @edmundbon: Coming near you: #walk4justice2 - Bar members pounding the streets soon.
5.27pm: @edmundbon: President reading out support letters from Bars of other countries in our work v Sedition Act.

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