
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Malays CAN SURVIVE without Umno but Umno WILL DIE without Malays

Malays CAN SURVIVE without Umno but Umno WILL DIE without Malays
The Malays will be around, with or without Umno Baru, but the converse does not hold true. Malays do not need Umno Baru, but if Umno Baru were to lose the support of ordinary Malays, the party would cease to exist. Without Umno Baru, the Malays would thrive. Umno Baru is like a poison to the Malays. Day in, day out they are inundated with the emotional baggage of race, religion and royalty.
The outburst last week by former PM Mahathir Mohamad should be considered a betrayal. Mahathir rewards the people on whose backs he rose to absolute power by insulting them.
He pushed affirmative action policies, which slowly eroded Malaysia. Behind the backs of ordinary Malays, Mahathir handsomely rewarded select Malays and non-Malays, whom he deemed worthy of his favours. He killed off the aspirations of many generations of Malaysians. Disillusioned by the lack of leadership many left, never to return.
As a doctor, he should have realised the dangers of making the wrong diagnosis. Remember the story about the man who consulted many doctors about his terrible headaches. Eventually, one surgeon said that he could cure the problem; but the remedy was an orchidectomy.
Unable to bear the pain, this man underwent the surgery. He was delighted that his pain was gone. To celebrate the freedom from pain, he decided to buy a new suit. The tailor asked him on which side he “dressed”. The man said he had never given it any thought and asked if it was important. The tailor said it was of paramount importance; if the trousers were not cut correctly, it could cause terrible headaches.
The analogy with Malaysia is similar. Malaysian problems have been misdiagnosed and the wrong treatment has been prescribed.
After decades of manipulating Malaysians, dividing the various ethnic groups and rewarding only those from his inner circle, Mahathir turned on Malaysians, in particular the Malays, and called them lazy, dishonest, cheats, liars and Mat Rempits.
Mahathir forgot the provisos. Most of the Malays he refers to are Umno Baru Malays, and the opportunists who are found in every racial grouping.
There are millions of Malays who are hard-working, honest, loyal and law-abiding. Like many of their non-Malay peers, ordinary Malays may not have access to the resources needed to succeed. Malaysians are hampered and crippled by the Umno Baru Malays, many of whom occupy positions of authority, and dictate what can, or cannot be done.
They say that timing is everything in politics. Why did Mahathir insult the Malays in the week before we celebrate Malaysia Day? Was he trying to undermine the reputation of his hand-picked successor, Najib Abdul Razak? He need not bother. Najib has little credibility left.
If anecdotal evidence is to be believed, Mahathir is “upset” that his cronies are losing out on their share of the rich pickings, which are currently being enjoyed by Najib’s cronies.
Is Mahathir angry that his legacy will be forgotten? Is he concerned that many ordinary Malays are beginning to realise that they do not need the crutches of the New Economic Policy (NEP)? Is he angry that time is running out for Mukhriz to win the most coveted prize in Malaysian politics - the prime ministership? Is he disturbed that Malays are ignoring racist and religious rhetoric, and joining the exodus to work and live abroad?
What about the large-scale plunder of Malaysia?
Mahathir said that some Malays were stealing from his company, ‘The Loaf’. What about the large-scale plunder of Malaysia by Umno Baru, BN and their cronies, including those from MCA and MIC? The true purpose of Umno Baru is to prolong the political life of its leaders. With political power comes the ability to squander the wealth of the nation.
The employees of ‘The Loaf’ should be rewarded. They are following the example of Umno Baru. Most industrialists know that when employees steal, there is something seriously wrong with the management of the company.
How were the people who allegedly stole from ‘The Loaf’ punished? Were they arrested, charged and punished by the courts? Malaysians are angry that many multi-billion ringgit government projects, built with taxpayers’ money have failed. Incredibly, no one has been punished.
In Malaysia, many murderers are not made to account for their crimes. The murderers of political aide Teoh Beng Hock, car salesman A Kugan, and teenager Aminulrasyid Amzah, to name but a few.
When Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah challenged Mahathir in 1987 for alleged vote rigging in the Umno internal elections, the High Court declared Umno an illegal party. Mahathir was humiliated and exacted his revenge on the judiciary. He could have been brought down, but the opposition were in disarray and probably caught by surprise.
Over the past 20 years, several ordinary Malaysians have accused Mahathir and Umno Baru of destroying the nation; but these people were branded ungrateful, traitors and even apostates. Some received hate mail, death threats and were accused of being in the pay of the opposition, or the communists.
After Mahathir’s outburst against the Malays, the diehard defenders of Mahathir and Umno Baru supporters, are silent. Did his remarks find their mark? Or did they feel numbed by his betrayal?
Mahathir’s latest attack against the Malays is a paradox. He calls Malays lazy, then says that the NEP should continue and that Malays should take advantage of this affirmative action policy.
Mahathir introduced a culture of fear in Malaysians. Look at how Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is emulating Mahathir, and silencing any who disagree with the government. The Sedition Act is being used to try to cripple the opposition and teach the rakyat a lesson.
Mahathir is wrong about the Malays. One man, Najib, has chosen to ignore Mahathir. That does not mean that all Malays are lazy, or liars, or cheats. The Internet, which Mahathir would love to ban, has opened up Malay minds and brought all Malaysians together. Malaysians have one common enemy. A repressive government!
Perhaps that is why Mahathir is scared and feels betrayed by modern Malaysians. In a sense, we have all failed him. We have failed to become his mindless slaves. Yes, we are the recalcitrant children of Mahathir! -M'kini

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