
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Malaysians and 'malaysians'

In Malaysia there are many ethnic groups. Ideally each and every citizen is and should belong to one race, namely, Malaysians or, as I had joked over at RPK's website, Machinta, a word made up from Malays-Chinese-Tamils, but not excluding Ibans, Kadazans, and the wonderful myriads of ethnicity our nation has been blessed with.

Malaysians now
Malaysians and 'malaysians' when they grow up?

But in reality, both in politics, legislation and various areas, we are Malaysians and 'malaysians', the second with lower case 'm'.

For example, the second group, 'malaysians' (with lower case 'm'), cannot be the menteri besar (MB) of a sultanate state unless and only if the state constitution is changed, which has been why DAP Selangor currently can't offer any of its ADUN as a MB candidate for HRH to consider.

In 2008, even the question of Teresa Kok being deputy MB (let alone MB) was strongly discouraged by a palace person while of course (and 'of course' became very clear with the advantage of hindsight, wakakaka) the Royal MB acted dunno on that issue, tap dancing away from the issue because it was too hard for him to deal with, as he had done when poor Eli Wong was a victim under siege from cyber peeping toms and where his support would have been helpful to the PKR ADUN but alas, then not only forthcoming but Eli was about to be abandoned. Ironically UMNO's Nazri and MCA Chew turned out to the decent ones who supported Eli.

It was alleged that Muhammad Munir Bani, HRH’s private secretary, had advised Khalid Ibrahim about the palace's ‘preference’ for a Malay (and, alas, not a Malaysian) deputy MB.

However, when further queried Muhammad Munir belakang pusing-ed like Speedy Gonzalez and denied reports that HRH wanted ‘a deputy from a particular race’ (meaning 'Malay'), and instead added (meaning he started to spin) the sultan was the religious head for Islam and Malay culture, and thus the MB has the task of assisting in these duties, which in his absence would also have to handled by his deputy.

Thus, in that most unbelievable zigzagging explanation, Muhammad Munir, after denying HRH wanted a Malay deputy MB, in the same breath averred that it was only proper a Malay (not a Malaysian) be the deputy MB.

It was obvious that what he uttered in the first instance had nothing to do with HRH but was of his own interpretation, based on his personal prejudice, or rather than of a vanguard denying access to the Mongolian hordes at the gates.

After Speedy Gonzalez zigzagged away to safety, Malaysiakini reported in Expert: No legal need for Malay deputy MB that Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, a constitutional expert who then lectured law at the International Islamic University Malaysia, was consulted on the matter.

The Prof pordah-ed Muhammad Munir's assertion, and said: “The Sultan of Selangor does not need the menteri besar or the deputy menteri besar in matters pertaining to religion and Malay custom.” 

According to the doctor, the sultan, as the head of Islamic matters and the Malay adat, was (still is) in fact THE PERSON in charge of such matters in the state, and not the MB or his deputy. 

He said: “Matters cited by the palace are entirely within the sultan's jurisdiction. As the sultan may act on his own discretion on these matters, the constitution provides that a council may be appointed to assist him. This is what is commonly known as religious councils or majlis agama, which looks after the religious department or the jabatan agama. In the other four states and federal territories, the Agong will have the same establishment.”

But Teresa Kok was then and still is a 'malaysian' and unfortunately not a Malaysian.

I have to admit that, yes, there was a brief hopeful and near orgasmic moment (or two, wakakaka) when in 2008 I thought HRH’s of Perak and Selangor, both being well-educated and modern thinkers, would come in from the left field and innovatively approve non-Malays as MB in their respective states. Alas, I was disappointed - maybe my expectation was far too futuristic, in which the 'm' hadn't yet (still hasn't) grown into a 'M'.

Of course being a MB is not the only position denied to 'malaysians'. Recently, a 'malaysian' student with straight A's in her final school results found that she couldn't secure a university place in medicine, dentistry or pharmacy, but only nursing.

Though there's nothing ignoble about the study and the profession of nursing we need to ask why she, with her grades, was denied a place in medicine? Wouldn't she have better contributed to Malaysian health as a doctor? Apparently not, and we suspect that's because she's a 'malaysian'.

Many of you may not be aware of a debate years ago when goalposts for entry into medicine were changed as rapidly as a baby's diaper being changed (equally full of sh*t) even unto a moronic proposal by a 'certain' doctor to ensure applicants could stand gore (was he subjected to the same test?), or that academic results were NOT important.

The objectives of the constant changing goalposts were sinister but blatantly clear that the authorities wanted to prevent (or at best, minimize) 'malaysians' from applying for a place in medicine. 

Then in 2012 there was the infamous 'black' scandal regarding the abrupt de-recognition of degrees from the Crimea State Medical University (CSMU) as I had posted in Only some may be doctors. Too many blacks were studying there which did not meet the above-mentioned sinister objective - 'black being a word used by a minister visiting the CSMU.

Thus, let me remind my dear readers that in Malaysia, the reality is that we are Malaysians and 'malaysians'.

If you wish to bang your head against the wall, please do so and you've my admiration, though I'm not too sure what results you'll get, especially in today's climate where there's a deliberate campaign to demonize Chinese 'malaysians', and in particular the DAP.

But unfortunately, some Chinese 'malaysians' rush in where angels dare not tread and facilitate those campaigning against Chinese 'malaysians' to call them arrogant, bidap, kurang ajar, derhaka, etc to royalty, who incidentally are sadly transformed by the sinister campaigners into 'Malay rulers' rather than Malaysian rulers.

Yes, it's your constitutional rights to cry out, complain, protest etc, and if today is still 1992, had I wanted to question our constitutional rulers on their non-constitutional remarks, I would have done so knowing I would be only one among those far far worse UMNO abusers of royalty.

But alas, today is not 1992 and UMNO has now changed its tack as it sees profit in pampering to royalty, because it wants to use royalty to demonize its foes, especially the DAP.

But some Chinese 'malaysians' heedlessly do it anyway, and as I mentioned, fools rush in where angels dare not tread. The end result of their mindless bravado has been to the DAP's disadvantage, alienating potential support from Malay voters for the party.

Take for example what we see in Malaysiakini headlines these days:

(a) Palace accuses PKR and DAP of 'defiance' which reported:

The Selangor palace has accused PKR and DAP of "insolent and defiant" acts for refusing to submit more than two names to the sultan as candidates for menteri besar as requested.

The Selangor sultan's private secretary Mohamad Munir Bani (left) said in a statement this morning that only PAS had complied with the ruler's request.

"The Selangor sultan is deeply saddened by the action of DAP and PKR, which went against his highness' decree on Aug 27.

"The action of DAP and PKR reflects insolence towards the royal institution and is a defiant act (tindakan derhaka) against the Selangor sultan," he said.

Forget about PKR, but the DAP has been described by the palace as exhibiting insolence towards the royal institution and is a defiant act (tindakan derhaka) against the Selangor sultan.

Nice, very nice .... for UMNO, wakakaka. Yes, you brave ones have helped UMNO and f**ked up DAP kau kau.

A state assemblyperson's majority support in the House is not the sole consideration for appointing the menteri besar, said the Selangor palace.

Therefore, the ruler might even choose a state rep from Pakatan Rakyat who is not on the lists of potential candidates submitted to the palace.

"As the power to appoint the menteri besar is the sultan's prerogative, therefore his highness will look at the names of other state assemblypersons in Pakatan who to the sultan's mind enjoys majority support in the state assembly," said the ruler's private secretary Mohamad Munir Bani in a statement today.

He said since majority support is not the sole criteria, the palace required more than two names from the respective parties in Pakatan as per convention.

Do you think I don't know a wee bit about the constitution, but anyway what does kaytee think of these two statements from the palace?

Leave the constitution aside for a moment because the argument will reach a fruitless dead end.

One highly sensitive issue in Malaysia, even more so than religion, has been and still is the sacrosanctity of a Malay ruler, who captures in his royal self all that Malays menjunjung tinggi (uphold highly or very dear), a God-King status not unlike the Chinese 'Mandate of Heaven' for their respective Emperors.

Chinese and Indian Malaysians are well advised to ether stand clear of or excise extreme prudence when commenting on or about a Malay ruler.

or perhaps not, many older Chinese (steeped in a 5000 year-old culture of monarchism - today's Communist Party is just another dynasty in an unbroken line of dynasties) and Indians are actually staunch monarchists at heart, perhaps possessing closer memories of their respective homeland dynastic monarchs as well as their ethnic social-cultural (and in the case of Indians, also religious) indoctrination. My own maternal granddad was a staunch monarchist.

Few would be the Indians who do not thrilled to the exploits of Rama, the son of a king and eventually a king himself, despite recent scholarly dissertations he was quite a cad in his treatment of his wife Sita. He also exhibited the most arrogant ketuanan mentality and injustice in justifying his sneak-murder of Vali, King of the Vanara.

And we know that quite a many Chinese and Indian Malaysians take pride in being honoured with awards by the rulers. I know a rich 'malaysian' businessman who paid a large sum to secure (not a datukship) but just a federal award, PPN, which are awarded annually to many police and armed forces sergeants and warrant officers.

No Chinese or Hindu Indian would have dared to do what UMNO did in 1992.

Anyway, back to the two Malaysiakini headlines - The first demonizes the DAP as being 'defiant' against HRH while the second invites the mindless easily-provoked and full-of-pompous-constitutional-rights 'malaysians' to make derhaka-ish protests, wakakaka - in other words, a bait to enable more demonization of the DAP because 'malaysians' continue to be insolent and defiant against a Malay (not Malaysian) ruler, soHeartland bangkitlah untuk mempertahankan Tuanku kita, where 'kita' addresses only the Malays (including PAS, wakakaka) and the Heartland.

Whether it's part of Najib's grand fight-back strategy in preparation for GE-14 or born out of someone's chip on his shoulder, wakakaka, it doesn't matter as the end result will see the DAP being hated by the non-committed Malays at a time when the party is just beginning to gain a tenuous foothold in the Heartland.

So, even if we know our constitution and its limits and conditions eg. the power to appoint the menteri besar as the sultan's prerogative is not without conditions (read the state constitution), I'm not going to deal with this because I'm a Chinese 'malaysian' and whatever I say will only result in the DAP getting the worse of it.

Let brave Malay Malaysians like Dr Bari, Zaid Ibrahim and others deal with it.

That's my advice for today, wakakaka.

Read also TMI's Guan Eng apologises to Selangor Sultan over sole MB nominee where he was reported to have said:

"On behalf of DAP, I would like to apologise to His Royal Highness the Selangor Sultan for causing him disappointment, over DAP's decision to present only Kajang assemblywoman Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's name as the new Selangor menteri besar candidate."

See what I mean! Lim GE may yet win a few nodding approvals from the Malays by his show of respect, belated as it might have been, to HRH.

[and f**k the constitution which is ignored by the other side, so fight fire with fire, wakakaka]

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