
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pas NOT for all: Did Hadi choose to work with the hidden hand of Umno against AZIZAH?

Pas NOT for all: Did Hadi choose to work with the hidden hand of Umno against AZIZAH?
The marriage of convenience for a formidable Opposition brought 3 parties together to give Barisan Nasional a run for its money and it almost paid off in 2008. The hopes were raised for the 13th GE in 2013. They did well as Pakatan Rakyat in 2013 and became the Rakyat's Party with 52% of the people's votes.
Technically this is an achievement envied by the ruling Regime, and as such Prime Minister Najib Razak and his Umno-BN gang  went into a frenzy of undercover moves using the Palace, Police and Judiciary, to shake the Pakatan Rakyat trio of PKR, DAP and PAS.
But it was to no avail because the tripartite was strong. Chances for Pakatan to form the next government in 2018 is still a vision within its grasp despite the latest Selangor crisis fiasco, unlike the 2020 vision of senile veteran politician Mahathir Mohamad.
Even so, it is too early for Pakatan lovers to rejoice. Alas! all this could end soon, and the cruel Umno-BN regime is clapping its hands in Glee - all because of a new 'PAS is not for all' mentality.
PAS has turned into a high risk
The tripartite union of DAP, PKR and PAS was born out of convenience although they had differences of opinion. It was like oil , water and acid they can never mix. DAP was always a very successful formidable Opposition to Barisan Nasional on their own, and with the coalition too. Pas being the oldest political party was not that successful due to some of its ultra-conservative policies on Islam that even mainstream Muslims could not accept, and this showed up in their performance in the elections.
PKR the baby of the opposition was created by that old senile man due to his actions on a very popular Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar Ibrahim was PKR's catalyst to gel the the tripartite of Pakatan Rakyat together. PKR did well as a coalition with Wan Azizah helming the party and it showed in the last 2 elections.
PAS being the 'acid' party made some changes within their organisation to gain the confidence of voters perception towards them. The' PAS FOR ALL' slogan had worked, with the party taking some very progressive moves like giving woman more voice in the party, and even nominating non-Muslim candidates on their logo. They made great in roads on mainstream Muslims as well as non-Muslims, the 'PAS for ALL' worked .
The tripartite needed each other to be successful. As far as PKR and DAP are concerned, the oil and water can mix if each stayed on their own course with one vision to bring down the Regime. Of course DAP and PKR want to see an end to Barisan rule,both have' bitter' reasons for it, for one it was the systematic persecutions of its members right from Karpal Singh , Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng and now many more, facing sedition charges whereas for PKR it is the continuous persecution of Anwar Ibrahim on Sodomy charges.
'All-acid' PAS
PAS was lucky in this, they did not face much problems with the Regime to persecute them, can PAS mix with the tripartite - they being all acid? For the past 2 elections all seemed fine until the MB saga in Selangor? Why? is it Money! Hadi! Power! Or the hidden hand of UMNO.
Methinks it is all four, but starts with Hadi first. This man has been a previous MB he knows the power he can wield if he rules a State. Hadi never did like Anwar Ibrahim the world knows it, they just 'charade' to the people when in public together. Hadi is believed to want Selangor and the Power and Money with it. He knows that Azmin has aspirations to be MB and that's the reason why he may have made the move on Azmin, knowing very well he can sell himself to UMNO with Azmin on board.
Now that's what the news reports have said. But it must also be stated that Hadi has denied making any offer to Azmin related to the Selangor Mentri Besar post. Azmin has however not spoken on the matter.
Hadi knows UMNO is waiting like a vulture to break up Pakatan and what a nice opportunity has Khalid opened for them! Umno would never want to miss an opportunity like this even if it means forming a unity government with PAS. Political tacticians say if Hadi made the move first, he would be in control and the Power will rest upon him and Money will free flow for him to use to strengthen PAS and his standing in the party.
Critics believe this is the reason why he flip flopped and held an iron fist on his assemblymen not to sign the SD to support Wan Azizah.
Umno will cheat
True or not, Hadi knows UMNO will use its influence to overturn whatever decisions taken by PKR and DAP on the MB proposals, he needs to work with the hidden hand. Some insiders say for him, time is short. The 'liberals' in PAS are not too happy with his conservative stand, he will not last at the next PAS General Assembly, for him time is now and he has sacrificed 'PAS for All' with a' not'.
Will PAS be successful on their own without Pakatan? The answer is a thundering NO.
No, Pas can never be the 'Pas for All' without Pakatan even if they join BN or UMNO, they will fall from grace and into oblivion soon after, because times are changing fast. Even Umno and BN are wary of this change. The people may look divided but the young generation is gaining savvy real fast. The old voters are going to slow down, they might or will not go to poll booths, and the young Gen's vote will be the catalyst to a New Malaysia.
PAS will not have a place New Malaysia with their conservativeness provided a 'PAS for All' mentality is preserved or else Hadi will be known as the man who hammered the last nail into its coffin. The reformists in the PAS must rise and stop Hadi and his team of hawks before it is too late. MAILBAG

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