
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

PM, if there’s no option but BN, why sedition spree?

YOURSAY ‘Najib, that is your view and I respect you for it. But...’

Najib: For Malaysia, there is no alternative to BN
Speaking Sense: The BN way to keep the member parties of the coalition quiet is through corruption, contracts and cronyism. On these things, there is no viable alternative to BN.

But we don't want these things. We want integrity, honesty, justice, racial and religious equality - and for this, the only viable alternative is Pakatan Rakyat, with or without PAS.

Dalvik: Najib Razak, the PM who delivered the worst electoral results for BN, has the cheek to say Malaysians has "no alternative to BN".

With the drama happening in Selangor, at least we can see the Pakatan parties having different voices.

This is way better than BN which spent money and effort to promote 1Malaysia only to utter "Chinese tsunami" upon the release of GE13 results, as well as condoning Perkasa and Isma.

What I am trying to say is, at least we see consistency in Pakatan. With BN, I see endless possibilities of flip-flops.

Sleepy: "The Selangor MB crisis is proof that there is no ‘viable alternative’ to the ruling BN coalition, Najib said."

The existence of an opposition, perfect or not, is my proof of the existence of an alternative to BN.

Wg321: If Najib said that there is no “viable alternative” to the ruling Umno-BN, why then he is so trigger-happy using the Sedition Act against opposition members, academics, lawyers and even a news reporter?

Negarawan: Najib is absolutely right that there is no alternative to Umno-BN, but this is simply because he has incarcerated opposition party members with trumped-up sedition charges.

CQ Muar: You're right, Najib. Indeed there is no alternative to BN. It is unique under your leadership, resulting in this beautiful nation being transformed into a veritable "hell", with the law applied differently to different people.

Apart from the immunity given to those pro-government supporters, the perpetrated victims are those who speak, or in disfavour of the ruling Umno-led regime.

Virtually, all suspicious dissenters seem to fall victim in the wake of the Sedition Act crackdown; being hauled up and detained for no apparent justification.

Anonymous #19098644: In 2008, BN told Penang that if they elected a non-BN government, the people would suffer and the world would end.

But five years under the Pakatan government, Penang has a balanced budget and the lowest unemployment rate of 1.6 percent.

George Town is booming from both local and foreign tourism, and the streets are clean. Islamic schools, mission schools, Chinese schools and Tamil schools are all enjoying strong support from the state.

So who has suffered? The Umnoputras, the BN cronies and the lazy incompetent bureaucrats, while the bulk of the hardworking civil service is flourishing.

Oh Ya?: Pakatan deserved to be flayed but to say that there is no alternative to BN is a myth. Umno's 3Rs (race, religion, royalty) is not a diamond that can last forever.

It better takes heed of former British PM Tony Blair's recent ‘universal value’ remark: "Most people want to be able to live in societies that are tolerant and respectful and law abiding.

“They want to move ahead through their own hard work and merit and rise to the top. They want to live in a world that is opening up to each other, and for each other."

When this day arrives, BN will be finished.

Takeiteasy: There is only one party in BN, and that is Umno. The rest are only sub-contractors and sub-subcontractors of projects given by Umno.

Yes, no one can replace BN for their big appetite for the country's wealth. Now they are feeling that the end is coming and they are doing everything possible to protect their interests.

Abasir: "An imitation product can never replicate the original product," said Najib.

We agree. Wholeheartedly. Now do you know why we are so dissatisfied with you, Najib? Now do you know even your sponsor, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, has withdrawn his support for you?
J Ng: Najib is spot on regarding the “friendliness and no jealousy” within BN 's component parties. However, this is the cause of all the poor governance and corruption in the present government.

The ‘friendliness’ and cooperation within BN have resulted in zero check and balance for far too long. And, all these at the public's expense.

Jesse: It is indeed a shame that BN components other than Umno Baru cannot speak out against corruption and other ills of government. They are hidden under Umno Baru's ‘sarong’ and only crawled out when it is allowed to so.

Umno Baru helps itself to the nation’s largesse and then let the others pick on the crumbs. What a grand coalition.
Odysseus: Najib, that is your view and I respect you for it. I don't think anyone will make any police report against you for sharing your view and opinion.

However, please also respect other people’s view, will you? -Mkini

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