
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 18, 2014

SELANGOR ON STANDBY: Sultan to name new MB soon, swearing-in on Tuesday

S'GOR ON STANDBY: Sultan to name new MB soon, swearing-in on Tuesday
UPDATE 4 KUALA LUMPUR - The Selangor Palace has confirmed that the Sultan will swear in a new Mentri Besar or chief minister next Tuesday, surprising observers who had expected the political impasse that has gripped the country's richest state to last for a while more.
The Sultan's private secretary Mohamad Munir, however, declined to name the new MB, setting off a wild guessing game as to who it could be.
When contacted, Pakatan Rakyat leaders who control the Selangor state government said were unsure whom the Sultan would name..
"We think the Sultan may name the new MB in the next few hours but we don't know who it is," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
Stern letter
News of the new appointment comes hot on the heels of a stern statement from Munir, chiding Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim for reiterating that based on past convention, submitting the name of just one candidate was sufficient practise.
The Palace had demanded the submission of at least two names.
Selangor is controlled by the Pakatan Rakyat coalition of 3 parties - DAP, PKR and PAS.
An internal spat had created a tug-of-war over who should be the MB to replace scandal-tainted Khalid Ibrahim.
PKR and DAP had submitted only the name of PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, while PAS leaders have confirmed they submitted 3 names although it is still not clear exactly who they nominated.
Change-of-guard after water deal's finalization
According to the Star newspaper, the new MB will be sworn next Tuesday at 10am in Istana Alam Shah.
Invitation cards to the swearing-in ceremony have been sent out to state leaders, elected representatives and local dignitaries.
Some political observers also pointed out that the change of guard may have been timed to allow outgoing MB Khalid to finalize on Friday a controversial water deal with Prime Minister Najib Razak's federal government.
Azizah the frontrunner but likely to be SIDELINED
Despite the Sultan's obvious displeasure with PKR and DAP for non-compliance with his instruction for more names, legal experts and some political pundits believe Wan Azizah should still be the front-runner.
Azizah, a doctor by training is also Anwar's wife and the co-founder of their PKR party.
"There has been heavy debate over the issue. The Sultan is of course right in that he has royal discretion. However, he still has to choose the person who holds the most majority. He cannot say no unless that person is a non-Malay. So woman or not, the new MB post should rightfully belong to Azizah," Eddie Lee, a PKR veteran watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.
"She is the only one who commands the support of 30 of the 56 elected representatives. None of the others do, and I am talking about the ones nominated by PAS. If they get the post, it will be seen as unfair and may trigger off another bout of infighting. This will boomerang back on the Palace for snubbing Azizah when she has the majority. Prolonging the crisis for personal or any reason can only hurt Selangor and its economy. It will also make a mockery of Malaysia's constitutional monarchy system."
DAP may have buckled to first rebuke
However, PKR's Tian was less optimistic.
"I think it will be a PAS man who will get the post," Tian told Malaysia Chronicle.
Other candidates who are believed to be on the PAS list are PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and PAS Selangor chief Iskandar Samad.
It is also believed that DAP had submitted two more names apart from Azizah's after receiving a first rebuke along with Anwar from the Palace earlier this month. Pundits said it was "telling" the Sultan only rebuked Anwar today but not the DAP. - Malaysia Chronicle

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