
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SELANGOR POLLS IN THE AIR: Guan Eng apologizes to Sultan, AZIZAH OUT?

S'GOR POLLS IN THE AIR: Guan Eng apologizes to Sultan, AZIZAH OUT?
UPDATE 4 KUALA LUMPUR - Amid talk of snap polls in Malaysia's richest state, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng offered an apology to the Sultan of Selangor for submitting only one nominee for the post of 'menteri besar' or chief minister.
Guan Eng, the Penang Chief Minister, promised to discuss the issue with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim who has just returned from a scheduled trip to Istanbul over the weekend.
"On behalf of DAP, I would like to apologise to His Royal Highness the Selangor Sultan for causing him disappointment, over DAP's decision to present only Kajang assemblywoman Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail's name as the new Selangor menteri besar candidate," Guan Eng said in a statement today.
Anwar, who is also the adviser of the PKR party, is expected to issue an announcement soon.
Of excessive behavior & Umno complicity:  Azizah out
Nonetheless, the writing is on the wall. Pakatan Rakyat insiders believe Selangor is headed for snap polls.
"You can say whatever you like about whether it is appropriate or excessive behavior on the part of the Palace. But here in Malaysia where the Sedition Act is used to jail anyone that Umno (Prime Minister Najib Razak's ruling party) doesn't like or fears, you have to bow down to the royalty even though it is constitutional and not an absolute monarchy," a Paakatan watcher told Malaysia Chronicle.
"In the Selangor case, the Sultan has said he will pick any rep he thinks is suitable from the Pakatan side of the fence - so this means from either PAS, DAP or PKR. Since he is upset with DAP and PKR for naming only Azizah, I don't think he will chose her at all even though she commands the majority support, which in turn translates to the people's choice. If there is no dissolution, the royal choice will be one of the reps from PAS or it can be Azmin Ali (the PKR deputy president who is said to be on the PAS list)."
While PKR and DAP were resolute in sticking to naming only the candidate who commanded the most support in the state assembly, PAS went off tangent by reportedly sending 2 lists - one that contained the names of 3 PAS reps and a second that listed its Selangor division chief Iskandar Samad, Azizah and Azmin.
Hadi's fight for survival in Pas
Malaysians around the country, not just Selangorians, had watched in shock the nightmarish infighting that enveloped the Pakatan's bid to replace a recalcitrant Khalid Ibrahim with PKR president Dr Wan Azizah as the state's chief minister.
The scale of political unfaithfulness displayed by PAS president Hadi Awang, who is facing an ouster led by the moderates in his own party, plunged the MB tussle and Selangor deeper into crisis.
"I think Hadi has to accept responsibility for the situation. It may be what he had engineered PAS and Pakatan towards, which many in PAS say was to grab the Selangor chief minister post from PKR. If so, it is incredibly selfish and damages the credibility of PAS more than Pakatan. At the end of the day, whether dissolution or PAS MB or Azmin, Pakatan has lost and Hadi is the one who must answer the tough question of why? Did he conspire with Umno and the Palace so as to arrest his own decline in PAS? Make no mistake, it will be hard for the Erdogans (the moderates faction) to overthrow Hadi if the Sultan names a PAS rep as MB. Of course, we can guess this person will be very inclined to support Umno's deals and agenda in Selangor," the Pakatan insider said.
Not the convention but the Sultan can do it
Many in the legal fraternity also believe snap polls were a real possibility.
Lawyer Sallehuddin Saidin was reported by Malaysiakini as saying the law allowed Selangor monarch, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, to appoint a new chief minster even if that person was not on the respective lists submitted by the 3 Pakatan parties forming the state government.
“There is nowhere in the state constitution that says the Sultan is restricted to the list submitted to him to determine the person who is likely to command the majority support of the state assembly. It affords a guide, but does not restrict his discretion. The ruler can resort to any means at his disposal to determine who is likely to command the majority,” said Sallehuddin.
He added that while this may not be conventional, the law allowed the Sultan to do so. The pre-condition though was that the person chosen enjoyed the majority support of the state assembly.
Another senior lawyer and former United Nations special rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy agreed with this view.
According to Param, if the person selected by the Sultan did not have the majority support of the state assembly, the Sultan could opt to dissolve the assembly. -Malaysia Chronicle

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