
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 14, 2014


Chow Mun Fai, 36, a construction site supervisor, was sentenced to a year’s jail by the session’s court in Kuala Lumpur for posting an offensive comment on the Hari Raya AidilFitri celebrations in his Facebook account sometime in June this year.
In passing sentence, the judge said Chow’s guilty plea was a mitigating factor in asking for a lenient sentence, but “public interest overrode the personal interest of the accused.”
“A heavy sentence on the accused is given not just as a lesson for him but also as a reminder to the public not to use the internet facility to put up offensive statements which can anger others to the extent of disrupting harmony in society.”
By right, instead of the matter being taken to court, what rightfully should have been done is for a complaint to be lodged with Facebook by those offended and for Chow’s account to be barred instead of him being sentenced to a year’s jail.
This is what happened when disgraced former Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad, posted offensive remarks against the Chinese community which was deemed as “hate speech” by Facebook and he was subsequently barred from using the internet facility following complaints lodged.
Mahathir was not cited for sedition and neither did he end up in jail although his posting was a very serious racial aggravation coming from a retired public official.
Why the double standards? Why pick on a “small fry” and give him a terribly harsh sentence and let Mahathir off scot free? Is it because Mahathir is a “big fish”? Why the double standards? Is Mahathir above the law?
In reviewing cases of sedition, the Attorney-General needs to take another look at Chow’s position and act accordingly in the cause of justice, otherwise anything Malaysians say can be easily deemed seditious and this will make it impossible for people to live in this country except for Mahathir and others above the law.
More ugliness about Mahathir
Spewing hate and inciting Malay hatred for non-Malays is not the only thing Mahathir does for a living now. The erstwhile prime minister has not done a single day’s honest work ever since he left the medical practice to go into politics nearly forty years ago.
In that period of time Malaysians were witness to gross atrocities and injustices committed by Mahathir and his cronies and sycophants. It has become so bad now that corruption within government is being openly practised as standard operating procedure for the Malaysian government.
Who is to be blamed for all this? It is really Mahathir who is the ‘dalang’ (mastermind) of having created and establishing a governing elite to control and hold sway over the people, to oppress and to force Malaysians to submit in a meek and docile way to his unjust governance.
By making Malaysians compliant, he was able to get away with much wrongdoing and miscarriage of justice against the rakyat. By practicing partisan politics and by manipulating the Malays, he forced them, under the specious grounds of affirmative action, that they will be well looked after.
But what has evolved now is that while the elite are well off and prosperous, Malays are like slaves to them by having a dependent or “crutch” mentality, forced to rely on the governing elite for handouts. This is a really crying shame that Mahathir is guilty of making, making the Malays weak and dependent.
The latest Mahathir saga
After having manipulated and made use of the Malays, Mahathir lately has done a U-turn and blames the Malays for being lazy and ungrateful and having no sense of shame. This desperate ploy by Mahathir is because most Malays are now better educated and better informed and can think for themselves.
Malays now realize that all this while they have been conned by Mahathir’s ploys and now want nothing to do with him. This is because by venturing through social media they are able to filter fact from the propaganda churned by the mainstream media.
Mahathir and BN are desperately trying all sorts of ploys to win over the Malays and their favored tool is to use the race and religion cards to try and frighten and scare the Malays and other Bumiputera that the Chinese and Indians are out to control them.
Mahathir and BN have brought on absolutely baseless theories and allegations like the intention of the opposition coalition of abolishing the constitutional monarchy and establishing Malaysia as a republic, with a president as head of state, or even of turning the nation into a Christian state.
While these theories are spat out by Malays in the urban settings, it is the Malay folks in the rural areas that are lapping it up wholesale and this is why the bulk of BN supporters are in the outlying areas of the nation.
Wake-up call for Malaysians
This country is going the wrong way obviously. Malaysians need to wake up, Malaysians of all walks of life, irrespective of race and religion, need to heed the wake-up call to realize that the political arena has become mish-mashed and convoluted.
Malaysians only need to read between the lines of all that Mahathir and the governing elite have been saying all this while to realize that there is no equitable distribution of wealth in this country.
While the majority of Malaysians eke a living daily, the minority governing elite in this country plunder and loot at will the financial coffers of the country.
This is why Malaysians feel oppressed and weighed down by the burden of having to carry the lifestyle and pander to the whims and fancies of the elite by having their backs flogged to work the economy to suit their new masters – the elite of this country led by Mahathir and his gang of thieves.
In the process democracy has been severely compromised and fair play, justice and meritocracy are only spoken of but not practised in this country. This is the real reasons why the country is lagging behind and falling behind and is in grave danger of becoming a failed state or rogue nation.
But who are the ones who will end up suffering? The people of Malaysia as Mahathir, his family, relatives, cronies and sycophants have siphoned billions of ringgit of the people’s wealth for their own private and personal consumption.
This is why all Malaysians should heed the wake-up call, whether Malays, Chinese or Indians or Bumiputera to realize that they have been gravely deceived and exploited and taken advantage of over the years by the evil BN regimes. -Malaysia-Chronicle

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