
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 12, 2014

Warkah Untuk Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Chairman 1MDB

Well no one from 1MDB is saying anything. They are clamming up tight. Reams have been written about the controversial 1MDB and no one, not the CEO, not the Chairman has said anything.

So I decided to prod the Chairman of 1MDB awake a little.  That will be this guy 


Tan Sri Lodin holds the following posts :
  • Chairman 1Malaysia Development Berhad
  • CEO of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (“LTAT”) since Aug 1982
  • Group MD & Dep Chairman of Boustead Holdings since 1991 and 2010.
  • Gen Mgr, Perbadanan Kemajuan Bukit Fraser 1973 to 1982
  • Chairman of Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad
  • Chairman, Pharmaniaga Berhad 
  • Deputy Chairman of Affin Holdings Berhad
Also Board Member of :

Affin Bank Berhad, Affin Islamic Bank Berhad, Affin Investment Bank Berhad, AXA AFFIN Life Insurance Berhad, Boustead Petroleum Marketing Sdn Bhd, MHS Aviation Berhad, The University of Nottingham in Malaysia Sdn Bhd, FIDE Forum and the Minority Shareholder Watchdog Group. 

(26 years ago I used to work for an LTAT owned merchant bank).  More on Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin later.  

Why is he Chairman of 1MDB? Well he is an LTAT man throughout. LTAT is Mindef linked and Najib Tun Razak was Minister of Defense for some time. Also orang Pahang. The Pahang connection.

Anyway I got an sms about 1 AM last nite from very hardcore gomen people telling me to check Tun Dr Mahathir's latest Blog post. (These are the pro ISA, pro Sedition Act people - jangan main).  Dr Mahathir has written about the mysteries of 1MDB. You can read it here :SSK dengan 1MDB

The Malaysian Insider and Yahoo News have also picked up on Dr Mahathir's Blog.
 My comments in blue.

Written by chedet
1. Saya tertarik dengan tulisan sahabat saya Saleh Said Keruak (SSK) berkenaan 1MDB.

2. Beliau berpendapat 1MDB ialah untuk bantuan dalam bidang pelajaran. Saya akui saya tidak tahu akan kegunaan wang 1MDB untuk pelajaran. Tetapi ada iklan yang menyebut sudah lebih satu juta rakyat dapat bantuan pelajaran dari 1MDB. Bahagi 1 juta dengan 4 tahun ini bermakna 250,000 setahun. Jika benar, Alhamdulillah.  (Maksudnya tidak benar lah angka 1 juta itu.  Is 1MDB saying that they are an educational outfit? And that they have helped 1 million kids in the last four years. This is klentong.)

3. Yang saya tahu 1MDB diguna untuk membeli tiga buah stesen janakuasa dari YTL, Ananda Krishnan dan pemilik Jimah power plant di Negeri Sembilan. Harga pembelian lebih tinggi daripada harga pasaran. Kos tidak kurang dari 4 billion Ringgit.  (Not only that but all these power plants are coming to the end of their 'operational life'. After 15 or 20 years of operations their maintenance costs will be much higher. So why pay so much higher?  
Can Tan Sri Lodin please answer these simple, straightforward questions?)

4. Baru-baru ini 1MDB akan memiliki sebahagian besar daripada saham stesen janakuasa yang akan dibina oleh Tenaga Nasional dan pihak lain. YTL telah tarik diri. Ramai yang menegur Tenaga kerana projek ini, kerana tidak mengadakan tawaran terbuka.  (This is the plant that is not due intil 2021 or something. But 1MDB has already been awarded the contract - through direct negotiations. This must be an ETP project - kurang transparent.)

5. Pembangunan projek Tun Razak Financial Exchange di Jalan Tun Razak akan di laksanakan dengan dana 1MDB juga.  (Maaf Tun. Dengan dana kita sebenarnya. Gomen has guaranteed 1MDB's borrowings. If anything goes wrong, tax collections will be used to settle the guarantee or loan. Thats us.)

6. Selain daripada itu berbillion dollar di urus melalui bank di sebuah Pulau Caribbean.  (I think it is the  International Vacuum Bank of the Bermuda Triangle or something like that. The amount is not much - about RM18.0 billion. Until we see this money again, we will not be seeing this money. Pasal apa tak simpan dalam Affin Bank? Atau appoint Affin Bank jadi Fund Manager? Affin Bank atau LTAT tak tahu urus dana besar ke? Takkan housing loan dan car loan sahaja? 
Can Tan Sri Lodin please answer these simple, straightforward questions?

7. Sahabat saya tentu tahu bahawa dana 1MDB ini berlagak sebagai Sovereign Wealth Fund iaitu dana kekayaan Negara.

8. Banyaklah Negara pengeluar minyak mengadakan sovereign wealth fund daripada lebihan yang didapati setelah menjual beratus juta tong minyak setahun. Kuwait dan Qatar membeli banyak hotel terkemuka dengan wang yang banyak yang ada pada mereka.

9. Malaysia mengeluarkan hanya 650,000 tong sehari dan tidak ada lebihan wang daripada penjualan minyak oleh Petronas. Sebahagian besar keuntungan diserah kepada Kerajaan, selainnya untuk dilabur. Wang yang diserah ini tidak begitu besar.

10. Sebenarnya perbelanjaan Kerajaan lebih daripada pendapatan termasuk sumbangan daripada Petronas. Oleh itu bajet kita menghadapi defisit, bukan lebihan.

11. Duit untuk 1MDB bukan daripada lebihan kewangan Negara. Ia dihutang. Berbillion ringgit dihutang yang menambah hutang Negara dengan amat tinggi. Hutang oleh Negara mesti dibayar. Jika tidak kita akan muflis seperti Argentina. Sebuah Negara yang mengalami deficit tiap tahun tidak mungkin bayar hutang sebesar ini.  

(What Dr M is asking is why did 1MDB borrow so much money when the gomen is already suffering a deficit? Every year the gomen talks about 'reducing deficit'. The gomen says even the GST is to help reduce its deficit. So why did 1MDB borrow RM38 Billion? Kalau gomen dah hutang banyak, why borrow so much money using the gomen guarantee? And where is that RM18.0 billion ?? that went to the Cayman Islands? The Bermuda Triangle is right next door.  Where is the RM18 billion? In which bank? Invested in what type of assets? Please do not hide things. Can Tan Sri Lodin please answer these simple, straightforward questions?)

12. Biasanya dalam Kerajaan kita mengadakan belanjawan – iaitu catitan wang yang akan diterima oleh kerajaan bagi sesuatu tahun serta wang yang akan dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan pada tahun berkenaan. Pengurusan kewangan Negara perlu ikuti aturan peraturan. Diantaranya ialah kelulusan had siling hutang oleh Dewan Rakyat.

13. Memang saya tidak perhati betul-betul tetapi saya tidak tahu akan peruntukan dalam bajet untuk membeli stesen janakuasa atau pembangunan beberapa projek.

14. Untuk pelajaran kita tidak perlu berhutang. Sejak dahulu lagi kita peruntukkan hampir 25% dari bajet untuk pelajaran. Kita tidak pernah hutang untuk maksud ini.

(Maksudnya what does 1MDB mean when they say they have assisted 1.0 million students in the past four years? Or 250,000 students a year? What is the name of this program? How come no one has heard of this program, especially Tun Dr Mahathir? How much money has been spent? You mean 1MDB used borrowed money to assist 1 million students? Why? The gomen already allocates 25% of the Budget to the Ministry of Education. So what other spending did 1MDB do? 
Can Tan Sri Lodin please answer these simple, straightforward questions?)

15. Ada juga cerita-cerita yang merunsingkan berkenaan pembiayaan oleh 1MDB. Saya harap sahabat saya SSK dapat beri butiran lanjut dan dokumen tentang penggunaan 1MDB untuk semua tujuan, termasuk pelajaran.

(These are some of the points raised by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed. Here is a hint for Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin the Chairman of 1MDB. I think Dr Mahathir knows more, much, much more about what is going on inside 1MDB. Saja dia buat tak tahu.  So please prepare your answers carefully. 
Can Tan Sri Lodin please answer these simple, straightforward questions?)

Here is more comment from The Malaysian Insider.
  • Dr M bangkitkan soalan mengenai 1MDB
  • Dr M persoalkan hutang tinggi dan penggunaan dana di 1MDB 
  • kritikan pertamanya terhadap syarikat pelaburan, inisiatif PM Najib Razak.
  • 1MDB belanja berbilion ringgit membeli stesen janakuasa dari Genting dan Ananda Krishnan dengan harga yang lebih tinggi daripada pasaran.
  • mengeluh 1MDB banyak berhutang. 
  • berhutang RM38 bilion selepas hanya 5 tahun beroperasi
  • "Duit untuk 1MDB bukan daripada lebihan kewangan negara. Ia dihutang. Berbilion ringgit dihutang, yang menambah hutang negara dengan amat tinggi," tulisnya.
  • Dr M kata negara ini menghadapi defisit dalam bajetnya setiap tahun
  • mana mungkin ia mampu membantu 1MDB menyelesaikan hutangnya
  • menyentuh "berbilion dollar diurus melalui bank di sebuah Pulau Caribbean".
  • Kritik mengatakan tiada ketelusan dalam cara bagaimana wang itu dibawa keluar ke Pulau Cayman dan dianggarkan sekurang-kurangnya RM18 bilion wang 1MDB diletakkan di sebuah akaun di sana.
  • 1MDB ialah dana kekayaan negara kedua selepas Khazanah Nasional Bhd. – 11 September, 2014 
That is a valid point. The gomen is already in deficit. That is why the gomen is implementing the GST etc. Because the gomen says they have no money. So how can the same gomen pay back so much hutang borrowed by 1MDB? 

If something goes wrong, like a huge economic slowdown, how is the gomen going to pay back RM38 billion? And where is that RM18 billion that has disappeared in the Cayman Islands? Until we see that money again, we will not be seeing it.

Where is that RM18.0 Billion? 

Can Tan Sri Lodin please answer these simple, straightforward questions?
I worked for a while for Permata Merchant Bank Bhd. This was an LTAT subsidiary. Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin sat on the Board of the Bank. It was a well managed bank. No scandals. We were profitable. I used to really work super hard in the two years that I was there.  I certainly contributed my share of making money for the bank. There were only six credit officers in the entire bank (pinjam duit guys) and I was one of themWe really looked up to our seniors and our Board members.

p.s. Dear Tan Sri, lately a lot of people read my Blog. The 1MDB boys can spell my name backwards. The superdunggus at Khazanah (that other national wealth fund) mumble about my Blog in their sleep. The PM's boys read my Blog. The PM reads old issues of Beano & Dandy.  But enough folks read my Blog. People want some simple, straight forward answers.

p.s. p.s

Here is something interesting too. This is not too old a report :

1.   ‘Philanthropist’ Jho Low Hits Texas With $50 Millon Dollar Donation! 

           At the awards dinner, where Jho Low was nominated International Entrepreneur of the Year!

Malaysians will be interested to know that just last month the Penang born pal of Rosmah Mansor and her son Riza Aziz, Jho Low, aged 32, was honoured in Houston for his philanthropic gift of a whopping US$50million (RM163million) towards cancer research at the University of Texas.

Well folks, a 32 year old Malaysian has done the country proud. Jho Low has donated USD50 Million (RM163 Million) to a charity in the US. Congratulations are due to Jho Low. 

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