
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, September 7, 2014

WHAT REFORM? Already backward, Umno REGRESSES further under Najib

WHAT REFORM? Already backward, Umno REGRESSES further under Najib
Some people said that the "Mahathir effect" has intensified the internal conflict of Umno, while forcing Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to choose conservative between conservative and liberal.
Such argument is not completely correct as after last year's general election, since Chinese voters generally did not vote for the BN, and to consolidate its basic support, Umno has moved towards conservative from moderation. Therefore, the move was not started because of the so-called Mahathir effect.
After the 2013 general election, racial remarks emerged, strengthened Bumiputera economic policy surfaced while the 1Maalysia concept retreated to the backstage. The conservatives have since then dominated the party's direction.
The Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 went missing on March 8 this year and another flight MH17 was shot down on July 17. The whole country had spent all resources and energy on the two plane tragedies and thus, allowed the political arena to temporarily restore calmness.
Last month, former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad severely criticised Najib in his blog, saying that he was withdrawing his support for Najib. It is believed that he was doing so to remind Najib that he should listen to the party's advice.
Mahathir's criticism is one of the factors prompting the government to restore a tough stance, while another factor is, Umno divisions have started to convene meetings and thus, party leaders have to explain to the grassroots and respond to their demands.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi urged the Attorney-General Office and his officers to act swiftly against those who insulted the Malays, Islam and any races, while the Attorney-General Office has charged a number of lawmakers from the alternative coalition and academics under the Sedition Act. These have conveyed a certain political message.
On September 2, Mahathir and Najib attended the ritual of receiving the third batch of remains of MH17 victims. Mahathir changed his attitude and praised the restructuring plan of MAS, showing that the contradiction between them is not severe.
Umno again showed its tendency towards conservative, together with the pressure from the conservatives, it is believed that Umno would not be able to return to moderation in a short period. However, Najib has started to attend events organised by Chinese groups, while assuring that the government will keep implementing the 1Malaysia concept, showing that he has not given up Chinese votes.
However, Universiti Malaya law lecturer Azmi Sharom was recently charged with sedition and it is a blow to the Government Transformation Plan (GTP). Tough actions will also make it hard for the BN to fight back votes from young people, college and university students, as well as the civil society.
The National Harmony Act to replace Sedition Act is expected to be tabled in the Parliament only in end of next year, showing that Umno leaders have succumbed to partisan pressure and are wavering.
While Umno's political reforms are stalled, Pakatan Rakyat has also deviated from its original direction.
PAS has gone against its pledge and nominated its state assembly members for the Selangor Menteri Besar post. Such an treacherous act would not only lead to internal split, but also push Pakatan Rakyat to the edge of collapse.
The Selangor Menteri Besar issue has exposed that the contradictions among Pakatan Rakyat component parties are not limited to ideology, but also the greed for power and position. This has severely hurt the supporters.
How should the PKR and DAP deal with PAS' betrayal? Should they keep tolerating, or stage a showdown?
In addition, the Penang Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) has been intensified. It might divert the people's attention from the Selangor Menteri Besar issue, but has intensified political dualism.
For instance, involving Chinese newspaper that should play the role as the fourth power, pushing them into a dilemma.
It is foreseeable that the Chinese education disputes facing the risk of political intervention might also evolve into a political issue.
Dualism might lead to the emphasis on "I am justice and whoever on the opposite side shall be called enemies", without caring about democratic ideals. Such unreasonable politics is not the right path.
Indeed, Malaysia has been unprecedentedly ranked 20th among 144 economies in its Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 by the World Economic Forum (WEF). It is congratulatory but the country's conditions have always been dominated by politics. Retrogressing politics will damage the whole environment.
Political retrogression will eventually bring evil consequences and this is the fate of Malaysians.

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