
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 12, 2014


The Christians of that period believed that the monarch is anointed by God so to question the monarch means you are questioning God. Hence this would become a crime of sedition. And the punishment was you were either executed or your ears were cut off.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
A Muslim group wants the Sedition Act 1948 to be used against those who made police reports against an anti-Christian seminar. I suppose they want to make sure that no one questions the rights of Muslims to criticise Christians or Christianity.
Did I not say (READ HERE) that Muslims have a right to question, dispute or criticise Christians, Christianity and/or the Bible but non-Muslims may not do the same regarding, Muslims, Islam and/or the Qur’an? And if you do you must be punished.
The ex-IGP even suggested that the punishment for sedition should be changed to death. Currently you only get fined and/or jailed. Ex-Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad suggested that all those who want the death sentence for the crime of sedition should first try the sentence on themselves.
Are you going to tell me that you do not support Dr Mahathir on this one?
In fact, there is another law of ‘sedition’ (waging war against the Agong) that already carries the death sentence.
Do you remember the Al Maunah ‘terrorists’ who were sent to the gallows about eight years ago after being found guilty of the crime of waging war against the Agong? So we already have other ‘sedition’ laws that can be used if you really want to hang someone.
Anyway, the British ‘kafir’ government introduced the Sedition Act 1948 in the year, obviously, 1948. That means before Merdeka of 1957. And why was the Sedition Act introduced in 1948?
Well, 1948 was when the Federation of Malaya was created to replace the Malayan Union, which the Malays opposed. But Chin Peng and the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) opposed the Federation of Malaya (maybe they wanted the Communist Republic of Malaya instead).
So, as an act of war, the CPM CTs launched an attack on British assets in Malaya and on 18th June 1948 the Malayan Emergency was declared.
Now can you see why the Sedition Act was passed into law in 1948, the year that the CPM declared war against the Federation of Malaya and launched their attacks on British assets in Malaya?
However, you need to go back to an earlier period, 1661 in England, soon after Charles II became the King in 1660. Earlier, in 1649, his father was executed and for 11 years England was a republic. But the republic did not work out so England invited Charles II back from exile to take the throne.
Since 1642, England went through a civil war, which ended with the execution of Charles I after which England was turned into a republic.
Now, one of the (couple of) reasons for the civil war was because the Puritans resented the Catholic influence in the palace (the wife and mother-in-law of Charles I were Catholics). Hence, in short, this was a battle between the Catholics and the non-Catholics.
Nevertheless, even before the introduction of the Sedition Act in England in 1661, sedition was already a crime for about 600 years. Since William the Conqueror took the throne in 1066 right up to the 1500s during the time of Henry VIII, ‘Bloody’ Mary, Elizabeth I, and so on, questioning or criticising the monarch was a crime against God.
The Christians of that period believed that the monarch is anointed by God so to question the monarch means you are questioning God. Hence this would become a crime of sedition. And the punishment was you were either executed or your ears were cut off.
In fact, in the 1500s, Catholics who question or criticise the Church of England would face a charge of sedition. And during ‘Bloody’ Mary’s reign, non-Catholics who question Catholicism would suffer the same fate.
And now some Muslims want the Sedition Act to be used against those who made police reports against Muslims or question/criticise Islam (SEE THE REPORT BELOW). Do these Muslims know the history and origin of the Sedition Act?  And are these Muslims saying that Christian laws are to be used in the defence of Islam?
I find it funny that Muslims want a law that was applied to defend the church and the Christian belief that the monarch is anointed by God to be applied in the defence of Islam. Would these Muslims like me to suggest other Christian laws that Muslims can use in the defence of Islam?
Charge them with sedition for making police reports, Muslim group says
(Malay Mail Online) – An Islamic youth group said today it wants the tables turned the individuals who made police reports about a controversial seminar organised by a local varsity, demanding that they be charged with sedition for their efforts.
Qamarul Nazrin Harun, president of Persatuan Belia Islam Nasional’s (Pembina) Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Puncak Alam campus branch, said the university as a “centre of intelligentsia” has the responsibility of educating its students on how to defend Islam from the growing threat of Christianisation.
“So what is the problem if UiTM wants to organise a seminar on the threat of Christianisation? It’s not as if the threat of Christianisation is empty talk, it is truly happening!” he was quoted as saying in a report run by Ismaweb, an online news portal run by Islamist group Isma.
In May, authors Perzeus James and Uthaya Sankar SB lodged a police report against the organisers of a “Christology” seminar hosted at UiTM’s Shah Alam campus a month earlier, claiming that the speakers at the event had insulted minority religions.
The varsity invited Indonesian Muslims, academics and converts to speak at the day-long seminar. They told a thousand-strong audience that the New Testament gospels on the life of Jesus were hearsay and contained falsehoods. They argued that Christians should convert to Islam or risk “betraying Jesus” and his principles.
A police official confirmed that an investigation had been opened following the police report, but declined to reveal which law is being used for the probe.
Qamarul today said that the behaviour of the two authors was childish as they have no right to question UiTM which falls under the scope of special privileges for Malays as enshrined under Article 153 of the Federal Constitution.
As the country’s highest court ruled that the word “Allah” is exclusive to Muslims, the university  is justified in strengthening  the faith of its students against the use of the word by non-Muslims.
“Perzeus James and Uthaya Sankar should be the ones charged under the Sedition Act for undermining UiTM,” Qamarul said.
The UiTM seminar came amid the legal wrangle between Putrajaya and the Catholic Church over the use of the word “Allah”.
The Federal Court in late June upheld a lower court’s decision to limit the usage of the word.
The authorities, meanwhile, are in the middle of a sedition blitz, having launched investigations or charged at least 15 people in recent weeks, including opposition politicians, activists, religious preachers, a news organisation and a journalist.

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