
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

WHY are women flocking to provide sex & carry AK47s for the ISIS cause

WHY are women flocking to provide sex & carry AK47s for the ISIS cause
THEY are flocking to the jihad cause from across the Middle East and the Western world.
They carry weapons and actively expouse their beliefs on social media.
These are the real housewives of IS.
Laws prohibiting mixing between genders has limited women’s presence on the front lines, but they are increasingly recruited for support roles as doctors, nurses and engineers.
Some work to communicate the militants’ message to the world using platforms including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Kik. Others have joined one of several female brigades, reports New York Magazine.
MORE: Where recruits are really coming from
Female units are tasked with catching men from the opposition sneaking through checkpoints disguised in female clothing, since men cannot touch women under Islamic law.
Khadijah Dare with husband Abu Bakr.
Londoner Khadijah Dare with Swedish husband Abu Bakr. Source: No Source
They also enforce IS’s strict standards of dress and morality on other women.
She ran away with Sabina Selimovic.
She ran away with Sabina Selimovic. Source: Supplied
Austrian Samra Kesinovic is thought to have joined the cause.
Austrian Samra Kesinovic is thought to have joined the cause. Source: Supplied
A woman named Umm Layth (thought to be 19-year-old Aqsa Mahmood from Scotland) is among the leaders of an all-female militia brigade called al-Khanssaa, which was set up in February.
Mahmood previously complained on Tumblr that there was not enough fighting even to satisfy male IS members hungry for battle, let alone the women.
Now she works for al-Khanssaa in the city of Raqqa, where ISIS has its Syrian headquarters.
The ultrareligious group singles out women for punishment based on “un-Islamic” behaviour.
Several other British and French women also appear to be part of the police force, having used Twitter to express an interest in joining.

The unlikely source of IS recruits
Aqsa Mahmood, from Scotland, is said to be leading an all-female militia brigade. Source: Supplied
Aafia Siddiqui, or “Lady al-Qaeda” may have paved the way for the IS wives.
Aafia Siddiqui, or “Lady al-Qaeda” may have paved the way for the IS wives. Source: AAP
These women represent a new wave of modern IS “wives”, wearing the veil while earning a monthly salary of 25,000 Syrian pounds ($175).
Still, the main purpose for women is still seen as prodiving sex, marriage and reproduction.
A militant named al-Khanssa provides advice on Tumblr to potential recruits — her suggestions include bringing a hairdryer and warm clothes — but adds: “The main role of the muhajirah [female migrant] here is to support her husband and his jihad and [God willing] to increase this ummah [Islamic community].”
IS have also been known to take less willing wives, including Yazidi refugees.
These partners have come more willingly, attracted by offers of marriages, as in the case of 19-year-old American Shannon Conley, 16-year-old Manchester twins Salma and Zahra Halane and Mahmood, a former private schoolgirl who married a fighter.
One named Umm Ubaydah noted at that many people were proposing marriage on the question-and-answer site Ask.fm.
Austrian teenagers Sabina Selimovic, 15, and Samra Kesinovic, 16, reportedly fled their home in Vienna for Syria last year — leaving letters saying they were prepared to die for Islam.
Others joined the cause because their fathers and husbands were fighters.
Now they have formed close bonds with each other, and Western women are proving among the most committed and adaptable to a military lifestyle.
They have become known for hard line tweets and blog posts glorifying in beheadings and praising IS’s most sickening actions.
IS originally did not women to play such prominent roles, but changed their minds because they could help enforce Sharia Law, according to Time magazine.
But these women are not the first prominent female jihadists.
The extremists are desperate to see the release of “Lady Al-Qaeda”, a US-educated doctor named Aafia Siddiqui who is serving an 86-year sentence in America for plotting to murder Westerners in 2010.
IS offered to trade James Foley for her, as well as previous hostages, including Bowe Bergdhal.
She is thought to have married a man who masterminded the 9/11 attacks and is said to be “the most wanted woman in the world”. -News.com.au

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