
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, September 8, 2014

Why The Ikhwan Muslimin/Ostadiyah Continuously Fail & The Quranic Method Will Succeed

p.s. Someone sent me a twisted comment the other day trying to point out a contradiction in the Quran. They highlighted 'abrogation' in two different verses. The words are different. In one verse it refers 'kalimah' which is different from 'ayaat' mentioned in the other verse. They are different words. They have diferent meanings. Hence they do not contradict.) 

Getting back to the title above, well simply because they are upholding falsehoods. When you uphold falsehood you will never succeed. I dont know how many more centuries it is going to take for their followers to realise this simple fact. 

This is a Mat Salleh video. The topic of their discussion is the collapse of the Ikhwan Muslimin in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and elsewhere. The Ikhwan Muslimin have their supporters in Malaysia as well. 

Ikhwan Muslimin ke, Khilafah ke, tok guru ke, mat spenda ke, PSP (Pak Sheikh P**kok) ke, Ketum ke - they will all fail. They will fail, fail, fail.By the way there is a new terminology in this video. 

Its called 'ustadiyyah'. Ustadiyyah means 'mentorship' or role modelling. The ostats shall be mentors and role models?? That is why they and their followers will never succeed. 

And in the process they will burn down their own countries, kill their own people, murder their neighbours and other such satanic behaviour. Because they are upholding falsehoods which were never revealed by Allah to the Rasul. What they say is not in the Quran. When it is not in the Quran, it means they made it up. They invented it. That is why they are fighting over their beliefs with no end in sight.

This video is useful and interesting because this is a very Islamic video. The people in the video are sitting down calmly and intelligently and discussing the subject in a scientific and logical manner. They are exchanging views. And at the end they are subject to questioning. Anyone can say anything they want. No one will get arrested for what they say or what type of questions they ask.

That is why their civilisation is successful. Theirs has become a modern Islamic civilisation.  The ostadiyyah is just crap. 

Why will the Ikhwan fail? Why will the Khilafah fail? Why will the ostadiyyah fail? Because they want to put their version of religion into everything. Into government, into politics, into their education system, into banking and into everything. And everyone must follow their system.  The problem is there is no guarantee that what they say will work. Correction. What they say will not work. Because it is not based on the truth. Hence they will fail.

In sharp contrast let me say why the Quranic method will work. And hence everyone should embrace the Quranic method. In the Quranic method you do not jaga tepi kain orang. That is a kemunkaran. You mind your own business. This alone will already ensure its success.  The people in the video are following this method.

There is more. In the Quranic method there is no headcount. You do not collect members and you do not collect membership fees. There is no organised structure with a 'leader' or khalifah. There is no congregation or jemaah. There are no scheduled meetings or meeting places. 

(Last nite some of us met at Starbucks, smoked cigars and cigarrettes and had a nice conversation. Have you heard of the M Theory in theoretical physics? Above the three dimensions in reality, there are seven more dimensions (layers??) which have been established mathematically. Interesting. I could not understand too much of it anyway.) 

The Quranic method has one aim - to put "Islamic" values derived from the Quran inside the individual. Inside your mind. You do not have to leave where you are or leave what you are doing to go and join something else. You do not have to become a follower of some 'Quranic' khalifah. Allah forbid. There is no such thing.  You stay where you are and you continue doing  whatever it is you are doing.  But you should imbibe good Islamic values from the Quran.  You should put the Quran inside your head and your heart. 

Here are some examples :

28:56  "You cannot guide the ones you love. Allah is the only One who guides in accordance with His will, and in accordance with His knowledge of those who deserve the guidance"

The prophet could not guide even the people whom he loved. So how could he have forced them to believe as he believed? It is therefore a kemunkaran to force people to believe as you believe. This is what those satanic ISIS guys are doing.

 6:66 Your people have rejected this, even though it is the truth. Say, "I am not a guardian over you."

This is what the prophet said and did.  So if people reject the Quran, just say "I am not a guardian (wakeelan) over you".  

But if you insist, 'I am a guardian (wakeelan) over you" that is another kemunkaran. Setan.  Jangan jaga tepi kain orang.

This is the Islam in the Quran.  Folks you are welcome to join. But dont forget,

i.   there is no membership. 
ii.  there are no membership forms or fees
iii. there is no organisation
iv. there is no khalifah or leader 
v.  there is no congregation or jemaah

There is a much longer list of 'no's. According to the Quran, Islam is easy.

20:2  "We did not reveal the Quran to you, to cause you any hardship".

(Maa anzalna alayka al qur-ana li tashqa)

Ini bukan saya cakap ok. Tuan Allah sudah cakap.  If it is not easy, it cannot be Islamic.

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