
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Work for amicable solution, please

Can’t Lim Guan Eng work together with the police for the benefit of the people?
By Chua Tong Ka
PPS LGE300I am writing this letter to Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng because I am fed up.
I am fed up not because the issues being fought for by DAP and its leadership are irrelevant or incorrect. I am fed up because the strategies and methods adopted by Lim and the party are at times confrontational.
I am not saying Umno/BN and most federal agencies are angels. When opportunities arise, they often capitalise on it and subdue their political opponents. To me the contest for power and influence will always be there, only the players change from time to time.
As the party controlling the state government of Penang, I am sure LGE and DAP have alternatives other than just behaving as if the party and the state government are constantly under seize.
Within the context of the recent Penang Voluntary Unit (PPS) fiasco, there are a few things I wish to say and I hope all those who feel slighted will take it positively.
Rule one: don’t punch above your weight. Do not issue a threat if you cannot carry it out. Be acutely aware of the limitation of authority, power, jurisdiction and influence given to each institution of government. Sometimes, it is two steps forward and one step backwards. This is not cowardice; this is wisdom and patience to get things done and to fight another day.
Rule two: always engage in consultation and diplomatic dialogue first instead of competing for who is right and who is wrong. In most situations, there are just shades of grey, nothing black or white. Pride is one of the major sins (at least according to the Bible). If one can manage one’s pride and that of his/her opponents, half of the battle is won.
Rule three: We do not want a populist hero. Sometimes we like to say things that our supporters love to hear. Sometimes we like to beat our supporters up in a frenzy. This works for a while. Ultimately, it is whether or not we are able to deliver what the people need.
Both sides (the Penang state government and the police) have acted tough and as a result the needs and the interests of the people are being overlooked. I think it is not too late for the state government and the police to salvage the PPS programme.
The state government should give the police force a role to play in the PPS. For example, why not engage the police to scrutinise the backgrounds of volunteers to know for sure if some do indeed have criminal records? Why not tap into the expertise of the police on policing and enforcement? Why not propose joint patrolling of crime-infested areas between the PPS and the police?
I know many of you are ready to accuse me for being naïve. But is this not what new politics is all about?
It is just so funny; we don’t like to be humiliated or belittled, but we just love doing it to others.
Come on politicians, please show that you can at least do one thing together for the benefit of the people.
Chua Tong Ka is an FMT reader

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