
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 24, 2014

Fear and loathing in Malaysia, thanks to vested interests

What have more than five decades of independence under Umno and Barisan Nasional really done for the Malays? – The Malaysian Insider file pic, November 24, 2014.What have more than five decades of independence under Umno and Barisan Nasional really done for the Malays? – The Malaysian Insider file pic, November 24, 2014.Poor Umno.
After nearly 70 years of existence and more than 50 running Malaysia comes a grouping of Malay activists who believe that letting the opposition run the country will turn Malays into "Red Indians in their own land" because they are not strong enough to withstand the change.
Not only that, it would appear that more than 50 years of independence and years of rock-solid economic growth under Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) have not made the Malays any richer and they are still in need of scholarships rather than study loans.
There could be many reasons for this crisis of faith and confidence in themselves, that these Malay activists fear having any other government than Umno or BN. Easily, it is just politics and a vested interest in some sort of racial supremacy.
Or purely economics for a rentier-class who feel that any other government will throw them off the gravy train as a new class of cronies will rise up.
Nowhere in their diatribe against any other government is the concern that they are scaring Malays into thinking that only an Umno-led government can keep them on top of the situation.
In other words, a siege mentality to keep power among themselves.
But what does that say if Umno falls, the community falls too and is nothing better than Red Indians in their own land? You mean all this economic and social progress is nothing but a sham? Malaysia only has an illusion of well-being because Umno is in charge of keeping the delusion switched on? Is this the Matrix? And these chaps Agent Smith?
You mean Malays are rich and smart only because of Umno, not because there are Malays out there who have come up and succeeded of their own accord without the party or even away from the motherland?
You mean every Malay's success is due to Umno and all failures due to others, not the least the Jews who are jealous of our success?
You mean that without Umno, the Malays cannot stand on their own two feet and give back instead of continuing to take everything handed out by the government? You mean Malays need to always depend on patronage and favours from their leaders, not grow to be independent and help others?
You know what, you are mean to your community. You think them stupid, poor and useless unless Umno is still in power. And Umno must listen to you on this. And the people must listen to you on this too.
There appears to be arrogance, pure and simple, among the few who think they know what is good for the country and the Malays.
Yet beneath that lurks something called fear and loathing, that the Malays will grow up and be independent without the need of a political party and people who think life must be lived along racial lines.
Or rather, that life must be lived according to the precepts of the few old men in town. You fear being sidelined by the success that you helped make over the years. You fear that the younger Malays will outgrow you and have a wider view of life beyond racial lines and your control.
But that is the price of success – Umno and BN have helped educate and nurture a generation of Malays who are confident, independent and hungry to explore the world beyond Malaysia. And they don't need you to tell them what to do.
What you really fear is not an opposition government making you Red Indians in your land, but that the new generation of Malays will make you Red Indians in your own land – ie. irrelevant to the cause and a cultural curiosity.
* Jahabar Sadiq runs The Malaysian Insider.

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