
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, November 26, 2014

NAJIB MAY HAVE BUNGLED BUT WHAT ABOUT 'DIN AYAM': Hadi's son-in-law, PM roasted over IS gaffes

NAJIB MAY HAVE BUNGLED BUT WHAT ABOUT 'DIN AYAM': Hadi's son-in-law, PM roasted over IS gaffes
As the White Paper on the Islamic State (IS) threat was being tabled in Parliament, MPs from the opposing floor bantered over Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's son-in-law's gaffe on the terrorist coalition.
The banter began after Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Gelang Patah) and Kamaruddin Jaafar (PAS-Tumpat), when debating the White Paper tabled by Najib, poked fun at the prime minister, who only five months ago asked Umno members to emulate the "IS spirit".
In contrast, Kamaruddin said, Hadi had made it clear that PAS members are forbidden from supporting IS.
Najib, in a speech on June 24 to Umno members, had reportedly said: "Whether we agree or not is another matter but Isil with the strength of just 1,300 people, can defeat an Iraqi army of 30,000.
"Four, five (of) three to four star generals ran for their lives, jump out the window at night. Why? Because they are afraid of those who are brave".
IS was formerly known as Isil or Isis.
However, when Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) took to the floor, he shot back that Hadi's son-in-law Zaharuddin Muhammad had allegedly hailed the advance of IS in the Middle East.
"I was surprised when Tumpat said PAS do not allow its members to be in cahoots with IS.
"The PAS president's son-in-law Zaharuddin openly praised the action by IS on social media - he was happy and excited that IS captured a few towns in Iraq. You can check on social media.
"The PAS president seems to be going in one direction, while his son-in-law is going in another direction," Bung Moktar said.
Zaharuddin in a June 16 Facebook posting had said: "I don't know why tears flowed from my eyes after reading news of Isil or Isis' advance.
“One by one, the districts and areas in Iraq fall into their hands like in Mosul and now they advance on Baghdad.
"The tears are not of sadness - nor am I sure if it is tears of joy - but I'm sure there will be news of the people in Iraq being defended," he had said.
The attack by Bung Moktar courted an awkward silence from the opposition, but soon after the limelight shifted again to Najib when Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi addressed the matter in his winding up speech.
"The accusation by Gelang Patah and Tumpat about the prime minister's speech on June 24, supposedly he asked Umno to emulate, Isis, Isil or IS, is untrue.
"He did make the statement but look at the context of the full sentence - don't just take part of it.
"He mentioned 'the spirit'...please understand the underlying meaning," Zahid said.
At this, Khalid Samad (PAS-Shah Alam) interjected: "Even asking to emulate IS' spirit is wrong".
However, Zahid ignored the taunting, urging all MPs to support the government's effort in combating IS. -M'kini

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