
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"Orang Semenanjung sudah gila"

University Malaya's PMUM President that is facing disciplinary action from University authority, Fahmi Zainol went to Sabah to instigate UMS students to join their fight for more freedom faced a rude reality.

Instead of understanding why it happened and did he made any mistake for taking Sabah for granted, he blasted the Sabah students for tarring him out of town. The incident was described to this blogger by a Sabah friend. He was right. "Orang Semenanjung sudah gila."

The politics of hate and constant incitement does not auger well in peaceful Sabah, Fahmi Zainol does not seemed to understand that. For that matter, opposition media too do not understand the Sabah psyche.

The perception here in Semenanjung is that Sabah politics is about money. But in many aspect, Sabah has a more mature politics than Semenanjung.

The Fahmi Zainol incident as reported by FMT below:

Video ‘samseng Sabah’ ugut Fahmi Zainol

Adam Abu Bakar | November 11, 2014

Apa motif kau datang ke sini? Mahu hancurkan sesama Islam di sini? Kau datang sini menghasut bikin apa? Bikin malu sahaja.


PETALING JAYA: Selepas dibebaskan daripada ditahan di Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, tersebar pula video di laman sosial ‘disebalik tabir’ mengenai situasi yang berlaku sewaktu kedatangan Presiden Persatuan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya (PMUM) Fahmi Zainol dan rombongannya sewaktu memasuki Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

Video yang berdurasi selama 4:02 minit itu telah dimuat naik oleh seorang pengguna Youtube yang menggunakan ID Buaya Biawak.

Di dalam video tersebut, telah dipaparkan Fahmi dan rakan-rakannya diugut oleh ‘samseng-samseng’ dengan menyatakan “Universiti Malaya (UM) kau boleh buat itu macam, ini Sabah kau mahu buat ini macam? Saya bagi ‘bet’ sama kau, kau ‘try’. Tiada kepala kau di Semenanjung,” kata seorang individu yang tidak dapat dikenal pasti.

Di dalam video itu juga dipaparkan beberapa orang anggota keselamatan berada di lokasi kejadian bagi mengawal keadaan.

Individu tersebut juga mencabar Fahmi bersama 7 lagi rakannya, dengan mengatakan “Kau keluar, kalau kau berani, kau ‘try’ diluar”.

Bukan itu sahaja, terdapat juga individu lain yang mempersoalkan kedatangan Fahmi ke UMS.

“Apa motif kau datang ke sini? Mahu hancurkan sesama Islam di sini? Kau datang sini menghasut bikin apa? Bikin malu sahaja,” soal individu tersebut.

Tidak terhenti di situ, Fahmi dan rakan-rakan terus dikecam, “Kasi habis kau punya belajar dahulu, ini bukan semenanjung yang kau boleh bikin macam-macam. Ini orang Sabah”.

Lelaki tersebut turut mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat, dituruti teriakkan, “Kami orang Sabah, jangan kau ingat bukan-bukan, ini anak Sabah. Kau ‘try’ lah orang Sabah. Perpaduan kami tinggi di sini,”

Teriakkan individu tersebut disambut dengan tepukan oleh beberapa ‘penyokong’ individu tersebut yang menyokongnya.

Perkataan-perkataan seperti anjing dan syaitan turut dilemparkan kepada Fahmi dan rombongannya dalam siri ‘Jelajah Reformasi’ ke UMS itu.

Individu dan beberapa orang ‘penyokong’ itu juga dilihat cuba menyembunyikan adegan ‘disebalik tabir’ itu dengan tidak membenarkan rakaman dan gambar diambil.

Ini dapat dilihat apabila individu tersebut mempersoalkan individu-individu lain yang cuba mengambil gambar ‘bukti’ kejadian.

Di dalam video tersebut juga dapat dilihat, telefon bimbit individu yang mengambil gambar dirampas kerana tindakannya yang mengambil gambar.

Fahmi di dalam Twitter miliknya turut memberitahu bahawa akaun Facebooknya telah disekat dan sebarang maklumat hanya boleh didapati di Twitter @fahmizainol_.

Sebelum ini, Fahmi dan 7 lagi rakannya telah dibebaskan setelah ditahan 2 kali di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kota Kinabalu. Difahamkan, Fahmi bersama rakannya turut diarahkan menjalani ujian air kencing.

Fahmi mencetuskan kontroversi akibat tindakan beraninya meneruskan program “40 Tahun: Dari Universiti Malaysia ke Penjara” meskipun mendapat bantahan daripada pengurusan universiti UM.

Beliau bersama 7 lagi rakannya sedang menghadapi tindakan tatatertib daripada UM selain turut dikenakan pendakwaan mengikut Akta Hasutan 1948.

Jumaat lepas, Fahmi dan rakan-rakannya telah berkumpul di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia di Gombak bagi menyertai ‘Jelajah Mahasiswa’ di kampus itu.
As told by our Sabah friend, it is not a set-up to shame the Semenanjung students. If not held back, it would have been worse. Many more wanted to join in and belt them out into the South China Sea.

Unlike the adversarial and communal politics in Semenanjung, the issues in Semenanjung hardly bat an eye in Sabah. They are not concerned with kalimah Allah issue becuase they is no issue there. Interfaith differences is minimal. They not only tolerate but accepted the different faith and races.

They find the "Orang Semenanjung sudah gila" for their endless political and communal squabbles.

In Sabah, forum can be held with the participants and attendance of all political parties without any ruckus and exchange of insults.

As a friend who went to Sabah few months back to explain on an issue of strategic importance, he was surprised how open and receptive opposition leaders are to issues of national relevence. They could cast aside politics and say, "This is about the country!"

In one wedding by an UMNO member in which we are together in an NGO, we saw oppositions leaders, of all races sitting together in one table and cordially in conversation as friends rather political enemy.   

It is a far cry from what we in Semenanjung experiance where NGOs and political parties are in cohoot with foreign insidious hands to undermine national security and interest to put forth their agenda and power struggle.

In fact, a group of Semenanjung comprising Dato Soh Chee Wen, Waythamoorthy, Harris Ibbrahim, Ambiga and few Indian Bar Council activist/lawyers were tarred out for selling ideas to seccede. They simply walked out and left the hall on them.

Although they have grudges and seek for a better deal for them in Malaysia, Sabahan have no intention to pull out of Malaysia.

However, we in Semenanjung and the national leaders from Semenanjung failed to understand the sentiment and aspirations of Sabahans. True they are lots of misleading ideas coming from opposition thathas sunk in into the Sabahan expectation.

For UMNO Semenanjung, Sabah UMNO has closer sentiment to Sabah than the Malay or Islam agenda of UMNO. In fact, there are Christian Ketua Bahagian in Sabah. Sabahan Pribumi never acknowledge they are Malays. 

The worry now is that the habits of Semenanjung politics will eventually creep in. There goes our annual  peaceful holiday destination.

Before the last Sarawak state election, we manage to alert few Sarawak leaders of this. They could not see it and was faced with a surprise. The next time around they will be facing more surprises if they do not heed our warning.

But Tan Sri Adenan Satem said the opposition will also get their surprises. That is interesting as long as there is no violence and hatred but just friendly politics of ideas.

-Another Brick in the Wall

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