
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Religion Of Hate Afflicts MRSM Too

There is another video showing a small boy being bullied in MRSM. I did not watch it. Bernama TV also played a video showing another case of bullying in MRSM.   I received the following :  
"The small boy was just helpless. It is very cruel.  The poor kid could be killed by these bullies. The perpetrators of this bullying need to be hauled up and be given six of the best to teach them a lesson.
It is told that this has been going on for years especially in MRSMs. The previous video was shown on Bernama TV last night naming MRSM. This raises many questions such as why didn't the school authorities stop it, are there gangsterism to the extent that the school heads are afraid to act."

This is not just a problem at the MRSMs. This is Club of Doom behaviour on a civilisational scale. 

I dont want to waste time. The religion teaches them falsehoods like you can torture, beat, jail and kill people whom you dont agree with.

Stoning the adulterers to death, killing the apostates, threatening people who touch dogs, chopping off the heads of people you do not agree with, scolding women who dont dress like Mother Theresa and a thousand other indoctrinations from a young age has created a civilisation of hatred, holier than thou, violence, murder and chaos.  A pretty barbaric civilisation.

Centuries of indoctrination with falsehoods like these has created a civilisation that is ready to hate at the drop of a hate. It is just hate, hate and more hate all the way.  This is the religion of hate. It teaches people to be judgemental of others over unseen and non existent people, events and beliefs. Purely imaginary pet unicorns. Hence their tragic failures, the never ending silliness and stupidity, the never ending poverty and the never ending violence.

I thank Allah that none of these beliefs are mentioned in the Quran. It is simply not in the Quran.

In the Quran there is no stoning adulterers to death, no killing the apostates, no threatening people who touch dogs, no chopping the heads of people you do not agree with, no dressing like Mother Theresa.  Looks like the Author of the Quran just plain forgot to put these things in the Book. Oops. 

So they convenienly blame it on the Prophet. "The Prophet said it". But there are so many versions and so many variations about what exactly the Prophet said. 

Cannot touch dogs is surely one version. Can touch dogs is another version. (Surely these two versions have to come from the prophet. They cannot come from your mother in law.). So which version is correct? Which version did the prophet really say?

Did you hear the Prophet speak yourself? "Of course not. Dont be silly". Then how do you know? "Oh it is written down".

But you say the Prophet was illiterate. So obviously he did not write anything down.  "Oh other people wrote it down".

Aah-so. Now we come to the truth. It was other people who wrote things down and then they said, 'This is what the prophet said'. 

Is that why there are two versions of : can touch dog versus cannot touch dog?

The dog issue exposes a terrible hatred, towards dogs, towards people who may like dogs.

Stripping the motorcycle thief naked and having his picture taken (by lebai types) and shown to the whole world exposes a maniacal streak to disgrace people in public. The holier than thou attitude again.

Declaring a group of women deviant and attempting to shame them in public based on no real or tangible evidence of any kind is more evidence of the culture of hatred. 

This is not unique to Malaysia alone. Most if not all the Islamic countries suffer this disease - where hatred, hatred and more hatred is a staple diet for the mind the moment the sun rises on the horizon.

Endless hours and endless energy is wasted on how to hate your fellow human being in yet more creative ways. Be it your neighbour, your family, the stranger, people of other religions, people of other sects from the same religion - it does not matter. They are all to be hated under the guise of religion.  There is no need to show kindness or to be kind towards your fellow human being. 

At the end of it all there is born a culture of hate. This culture of hate then seeps down ino every aspect of the society.

Children below the age of reason will learn to hate without reason. They will hate others for their appearances, for their language, for their religion. They wil hate dogs for no good reason.

The hatred creeps in everywhere. The bullying you see is a culturation. It is in the culture. You find it among the women perhaps to a greater degree. They may not be as violent but brow beating, scolding, threatening, boycotting, forcing other women especially young girs to conform is all part of the culture of indoctrinating hate.

This is a terrible religion. A religion of hate. Without hatred this religion cannot survive. Whoever holds on to this religion of hatred, they also will not survive.

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