
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 5, 2015

ALTANTUYA ARMAGEDDON SOON: No way Najib can escape fallout, signs are clear Sirul, Baginda on verge of 'blowing up'

ALTANTUYA ARMAGEDDON SOON: No way Najib can escape fallout, signs are clear Sirul, Baginda on verge of 'blowing up'
If Altantuya Shaariibuu was still alive today, Razak Baginda would have regretted and cursed himself for having an affair with her because several top people would have fallen from grace including himself.
For sure, she knew a lot of things detrimental to someone and if what she knew was revealed, perhaps quite a few people would lose everything. The risk was too high, and so Altantuya had to die. The duo, Prime Minister Najib Razak's former bodyguards Sirul and Azilah would not be foolish enough to kill her for nothing. Now that she's dead, despite being her ex-lover, Razak Baginda has not shown any remorse and seems to be a happy man. Where and how is he earning his keep to live so comfortably overseas is still a puzzle to his former colleagues here.
Despite being the main suspect in Altantuya’s murder, Razak Baginda was spared and safe at least for now. Razak Baginda has so much to tell, to clear his conscience and to relieve the burden in his mind. He would go crazy if the knowledge is not shared with others soon or later. Unless of course, he is the cold-blooded mastermind who 'pulled the trigger' as is speculated by some bloggers out to shield Najib from blame.
Baginda has been very confident that this worst episode in his life will come to a closure with the decision by the Federal Court to send both Sirul Azhar Umar and Azilah Hadri to death. He thought the rest of the people involved could eventually sleep peacefully every night and the people will forget about the murder. Thus he agreed to open his mouth to break the silence and it backfired!
Why doesn't Razak Baginda return to Malaysia to clear Najib's name
Najib's bodyguards sentenced to hang for killing Altantuya
Altantuya’s murder cannot be easily forgotten because it is somehow related or connected likethe Final Destination movies; to the ‘unsinkable’ Scorpene submarines, the troubled DCNS, the untraceable RM500 million commissions, the questionable Perimekar, the harassed P.I. Bala, the rightful taxi driver, the rich carpet seller Deepak Jaikishan, influential Nazim & Nazir Razak (Najib’s brothers), the tarnished Cecil Abraham, the ’suicide’ exclamation by Rowena Razak Baginda, the protective Mrs. Razak Baginda, the elusive Najib’s aide de camp Musa Safri, the scheming IGP Musa Hassan, the destructive C4 explosive, the beleaguered PM Najib Razak and a few others. Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is not spared too.
Moreover Setev Shaariibuu had filed a RM100-million suit against Abdul Razak, Azilah, Sirul and the government over his daughter’s death, thus the saga will continue!
Everything points to Razak Baginda as implicated by the statement given by the ex-IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan. Razak Baginda was the prime suspect thus he was detained by the PDRM. In the end he was freed because he was not the mastermind; there are others!
But why did Razak Baginda remain in the UK after completing his master degree there? Is he afraid of his well being just like Sirul who fled to Australia? May be it is not.
Thus, if he is as innocent as the police found out and as he seems to be, there are others who are the real culprits!
'Grand finale' soon
Musa Hasan
The whole affair, including the involvement of those mentioned above and the trail in the High Court has been to create a buffer to protect the real culprits. Thus the murder of Altantuya is not a straightforward case.
There are signs that the whole thing will blow up soon, it is only a matter of time. Sirul has shown signs of fatigue, Razak Baginda has just done it albeit a preamble, Musa Hassan has joined in the conversation and the RM100 million suit by Setev Shaariibuu will eventually open the can.
More people involved will be compelled to come forward to tell their story. The end is near for the perpetrators unless they are willing to kill more people, which they are unable to do.
But when it blows up, they could somehow put the blame on Razak Baginda again! Couldn’t they? - MAILBAG

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