
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Goodbye, Americano. Hello, Kopi O

The rising cost of living has meant trading luxuries for necessities and cutting corners in the most creative ways to keep my head above water.
costliving2There is a place in my neighbourhood that I go to every time I need some time alone. It is a tiny stall next to a big drain, separated by old posters and buntings tied to trees. The stall is pretty shabby yet very airy, cooling and a nice enough, simple spot for relaxing.
In the beginning, only a few people came here. They were mostly cleaners and security guards from the surrounding apartments. Perhaps most residents weren’t fond of the location next to the big drain. Or perhaps visiting a little stall run by foreigners did not suit their status. I am not sure.
But I enjoy my time at this little hidden place. I enjoy the ambience. I enjoy the aroma of their chicken curry boiling in the pot (to die for). I enjoy their spring hoppers with gravy. And I enjoy their Kopi O ‘kaw-kaw’. But most of all, I enjoy their cheap food.
Just the other day when the anneh charged me RM3.00 for Kopi O and two servings of spring hoppers, I rolled my eyes and asked him the price for the individual item. He smiled and upon providing me with the bill, gave me a RM0.50 discount and a free samosa! Now that’s what I call a Happy Meal!
It’s funny, I did not feel bad flashing my RM10 for a cup of Americano yet here I am looking like a total cheapskate. What can I say, the fast increase in the cost of living has made my favourite Americanos and lattes luxury items that I can’t afford to indulge in as often as I did before.
Lately, I see more and more people visiting my new favourite place. Those who were once loyal customers of a French Bakery down the road are now becoming frequent visitors of this small Indian stall. Sometimes I even see people in big cars and those in ties and suits dining here. Funny thing is, I find most of them to be as calculative as I am. I guess everyone is feeling the pinch – even those who are well-off.
The truth is, we could be way beyond the national poverty threshold, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we aren’t affected by the financial crisis. You don’t have to be poor to struggle to make ends meet.
I believe many people are struggling out there are struggling especially those in the cities but they are quite private about it – I think that’s pride. And as our slice of pie gets smaller, we are all forced to compromise on our standards of living.
Take me, for example. I juggle three jobs and I am still struggling to save for a decent nest egg.
This month alone, I had to fork out RM1,600 to pay for my daughter’s driving school – yes, it is that expensive! And another RM1,800 to register my son for a ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens’ workshop – yep, with the screwed up education system we have, our kids need all the help they can get to set their heads straight. On top of that, my landlord just increased my house rental by 20%. Pengsan!
And don’t even get me started on the increase in prices of goods, services, utilities and what not.
With the same salary we have been earning for the past couple of years, we are now expected to deal with price hikes of every kind.
(Note to myself: Take a deep breath, Fa. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Good gal)
I am trying my best to be rather optimistic about the potential for some good to come out of this financial crisis. I have come to realise that when facing challenges in life, we need to make changes or perhaps, a better choice of word would be to make sacrifices.
My kids and I have been talking about cutting down on additional expenses so we would have more for the things that really matter. We have agreed that the only possible way to survive this difficult climate is by prioritising.
The first thing we did was change our Astro package to a much cheaper one. Since my son cannot survive without ESPN and my daughter without StarWorld, I had to bid farewell to Family Guy and Spongebob (no joke!).
Today I no longer visit my hairdresser for my RM25 per visit hair wash. It has been awhile since I coloured my hair – I have no issues displaying my grey (it goes well with my newly emerging wrinkles anyway). I have stopped getting my eyebrows threaded – the last time I checked, they look like mini forest reserves.
No more steak, salmon or even cheese – too expensive! We eat more eggs, chicken, tauhu and veggie. On special board game nights at home, we order Dominos. That’s when I pray for the delivery guy to take more than 30 minutes so I can get the late delivery coupon and enjoy one free pizza on my next order! Sometimes when he arrives at the 29th minute, I wait for a minute or so before opening the door (I know, I know).
I have downgraded my personal items from brands like Loreal and Revlon to Watson and Tesco. Even my undies selection has shifted from Triumph to “2 for RM10” unbranded ones (too much information?)No wonder I don’t get asked out anymore. Sigh.
I no longer visit private clinics and hospitals. Lately I discovered government clinics and hospitals offer good services as well. And most importantly, it’s cheap.
Like the other day, my daughter received treatment and medication for influenza for only RM1. Imagine getting a packet of Paracetamol and a week’s worth of antibiotics for a buck. And my son who came down with dengue fever earlier this month had all his blood tests done also for a mere RM1. Wonderful!
These days I only buy furniture and electrical appliances at garage sales. Entertainment is restricted to movies and DVDs. No more karaoke and bowling which my kids and I loved so much. Shopping for clothes are only during Raya season (which is so tough because kids grow so fast). A vacation means visiting my parents in Penang. And we use candles at night (seriously) – hopefully the reduction in electricity tariffs in March can help us save some candles.
So you see, we can either continue to criticise (and blame) the government for abandoning us and/or ignoring our struggle or we can actually opt do something constructive about it.
We could work more hours. Or get a higher-paying job. Or get a second (or third) job. Or cut down on expenses. Or we could become a hermit and never go out or buy anything.
But whatever we decide to do, we definitely can never afford a RM1,200 hairdo. And let’s hope you don’t end up stealing packets of Nescafe to make ends meet.
As I am keying-in this piece in the same Indian stall by the big drain, I see a young cockroach on the ground. I wonder if I will be entitled to a free makan if the cockroach somehow miraculously ended up in my chicken curry. Hmm…tempting!

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