
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 9, 2015

In Solidarity with Anwar Ibrahim

Yesterday, I participated in Anwar’s tour de Malaysia in Melaka. The event took place at Bukit Piatu. Don’t ask me exactly where, I am not from Melaka.

The crowd was reasonably ok. I would put it minimum at 2000. Maximum 3000. It was a good crowd. Majority were Malays but a sizeable number of non-Malays. The mainstream papers will put it down as 500 at the most. That will bring cheer to the UMNO people because then, it is no cause for worry for them. Anwar is becoming irrelevant. 
If only they were right. 

In any case, BN was represented by their 14th coalition partner- party PDRM who were present complete with recorders and video cameras. .

People came to listen about and of Anwar. When I took to the stage, I focused merely on the reasons why we are here showing our solidarity for Anwar. We are here in solidarity with what he represents- resistance to all the political evil. Also to remind ourselves, the fight against tumult and oppression and political evil must be continued to the end of our days.

I wasn’t interested to use the occasion to spread some delicious stories about the incompetence of the government, rising costs of living, deteriorating economic performance, trending towards current accounts deficit and all that. People already knew that.

I can do that every day through my writings on my blog. I was pleased to have strangers coming before me last night saying they read my blog. I want to thank them and please continue reading. I will do my part to raise the bar of awareness and political sensibility.

As to Anwar- I am taking a hard-nosed approach here. We don’t have to agree to all of what he says or even to some of what he says- but we have come to reassure him, that what he represents will continue to be cultivated and kept alive. That the struggle against all form of political repression and political evil and the evil that BN does, will be fought to the last.

We want to reassure him that what he articulates and represents is a national imperative and our manifest destiny even. That we have the responsibility to resist and fight political evil by BN and replace it with new inclusive politics.

It’s already written in the stars what will happen to Anwar. This matter concerning Anwar- I hope will be decided on the points of law. If Anwar says his lawyers say that on the principles of law, he will be free man, then he will be.  If the decision is muddied with non-judicial considerations, then Anwar will be goaled.

So, why do we come to celebrate Anwar each time he and Pakatan Rakyat organised rallies? It must be beyond humouring ourselves listening to something that we more or less already know and to laugh it out at references to Najib now being Bapa Golf Malaysia.
That’s quite hilarious- from Bapa Pembangunan to Bapa Golf. That shows how much Najib respect the people. When criticised about his golf diplomacy, he ups the ante by providing money for everyone to play golf. Good for the country.

We come to participate in Anwar’s gatherings either as listeners or part of the team of speakers- because ALL of us want to remind Anwar and ourselves, that the fight against political evil and against threats to our person, to what we hold dear, to the community, to the country must be fought over and over again. No let ups.

So we come to Anwar’s gatherings to remind him, that what he represents better than anyone else at the moment- relentless fight against repression, against injustice, against all forms of political evil, will be continued.

We are not asking to use extrajudicial means to punish or exonerate Anwar. That’s written in the stars.

In the end, it’s a personal judgment call. We may cleverly justify it on all the legal arguments in the world and all the other reasons in the world. Saiful says he wants justice and Anwar says he wants justice. Justice to Saiful is for an individual, injustice for Anwar is injustice to many.

I hope it will not come to never in history has justice done to an individual is felt by so few while injustice done to one person, is felt by so many.

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